Keyboard Shortcuts
The table on this page lists all keyboard shortcuts that are available in Guitar Rig.
The following keyboard shortcuts are available in Guitar Rig:
Command | macOS | Windows |
Create new preset | [command] + [N] | [Ctrl] + [N] |
Save User preset | [command] + [S] | [Ctrl] + [S] |
Save User preset as | [command] + [shift] + [S] | [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S] |
Quit Guitar Rig | [command] + [Q] | [Alt] + [F4] |
Open Preferences | [command] + [,] | [Ctrl] + [,] |
Increase View Size | [command] + [+] | [Ctrl] + [+] |
Decrease View Size | [command] + [-] | [Ctrl] + [-] |
Undo Rack edit | [command] + [Z] | [Ctrl] + [Z] |
Redo Rack edit | [command] + [Y] | [Ctrl] + [Y] |
Cut selected Components in Rack to clipboard | [command] + [X] | [Ctrl] + [X] |
Copy selected Components in Rack to clipboard | [command] + [C] | [Ctrl] + [C] |
Paste Components from clipboard into Rack | [command] + [V] | [Ctrl] + [V] |
Delete selected Components in Rack | [delete] | [Del] |
Select all Components in Rack | [command] + [A] | [Ctrl] + [A] |
Show or hide Browser | [command] + [B] | [Ctrl] +[B] |
Show or hide Info pane | [I] | [I] |
Focus next element in Browser | [tab] | [Tab] |
Focus previous element in Browser | [shift] + [tab] | [Shift] + [Tab] |
Select focused element in Browser | [space] | [Space] |
Select next preset in Results list | [arrow up] | [Arrow up] |
Select previous preset in Results list | [arrow down] | [Arrow down] |
Load selected preset from Results list | [enter] | [Enter] |
Confirm Save New Preset dialog | [enter] | [Enter] |
Cancel Save New Preset dialog | [escape] | [Esc] |