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About Action Strings 2


Learn about Action Strings 2 and the breadth of sounds it delivers.

Action Strings 2 is the successor of the famous Action Strings, a cinematic string library designed for ease of use in musical productions. Action Strings 2 comes with 125 live recorded expressive modules and 11 single articulations, such as staccato, staccatissimo, sustain, tremolo, marcato, and trills. With these elements, you can create your own musical phrases or play independently, providing you both the breathtaking realism of a real performance as well as unlimited musical freedom.

Action Strings 2 already contains 900+ diverse phrases for you to get inspired, as well as 200+ Themes for both high and low string ensembles. Overall we recorded over 73,000 samples with a 41 piece string ensemble, brought together in four microphone positions to provide you the ultimate scoring tool. For a good starting point, we have already set up a premix of the microphone positions. The world of Action Strings 2 is now at your fingertips.