PLAYBOX Overview
The Main page of PLAYBOX provides key parameters and performance controls that enable you to play and tweak presets.
PLAYBOX can be accessed in multiple ways to facilitate different use cases and workflows. The Main page offers fast and immediate access to key parameters and performance controls. The Chords, Samples, and FX pages offer deep functionality for customization and creation of presets.
PLAYBOX contains the following key elements and controls:

Header: The Header provides access to the Global Presets browser, the Global Chord settings, and the Options menu. For more information, refer to Header.
Main Page: The Main page provides performance controls that enable you to play and tweak presets in an intuitive way. For more information, refer to Main Page.
FX Page: The FX page provides in-depth editing of the Effects Chain with its Motion and Audio effects, enabling you to completely transform your sounds. For more information, refer to FX Page.
Samples Page: The Samples page provides in-depth editing of the samples used in the sound, enabling you to create complex layers and textures. For more information, refer to Samples Page.
Chords Page: The Chords page provides in-depth editing of the chords used in the sound, enabling you to explore the harmonic dimension of your sound. For more information, refer to Chords Page.