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Performance controls


The Performance controls make key sound parameters accessible in every view of Conflux.

The Performance controls in the lower area of the interface make key sound parameters accessible in every view of Conflux. They consist of controls and displays for MIDI events, the six Macro controls, and an overall Volume control that is saved per snapshot.

  • Bend: Controls and displays incoming MIDI Pitchbend data. The bend range can be adjusted on the Settings view.

  • Mod: Controls and displays MIDI Mod Wheel data.

  • Velocity: Displays incoming per Note velocity values.

  • AT: Displays incoming Aftertouch data.

  • Random: This is a random modulation source that generates a random value on every Note event.

  • Macro 1-6: These are six assignable macro controls.

  • Volume: Adjusts the overall sound volume per snapshot.


The modulation assignment of Macros and MIDI controllers is only possible in the Edit view.