Reverb Algorithms


RAUM offers three different reverb algorithms that cover an extremely wide range of reverb sounds, called Grounded, Airy, and Cosmic.

RAUM offers three different reverb algorithms that cover an extremely wide range of reverb sounds. Each of them is based on a different paradigm: Grounded focuses on rooms, Airy on halls, and Cosmic on abstract spaces. However, the individual parameters like Size and Decay are designed in such way that each of the algorithms can be used to create anything from tight ambiences to otherworldly soundscapes, while maintaining the basic character of its paradigm.


Grounded is based on the paradigm of a room with strong early reflections and a dense reverb tail. The reverb size ranges from tiny ambiences to large chambers. At the higher end of its range it overlaps with the Airy algorithm, so it is possible to smoothly transition to the sound of larger reverberant spaces.

Grounded can be adjusted using the following parameters:

  1. Diffusion: Adjusts the texture of the reverb reflections. Turning the control to the right softens the early reflections and produces a smooth onset of the reverb.

  2. Size: Adjusts the swell and reflection pattern of the reverb effect, creating the impression of differently sized spaces. Turning the control to the right changes the size from small to large.

  3. Density: Switches between two basic density modes for the reflection pattern of the reverb effect, Sparse and Dense. Sparse produces dispersed and clearly discernible reflections. Dense produces a more uniform reverb tail.

  4. Decay: Adjusts the length of the reverb, or reverb time. Turning the control to the right changes the reverb time from short to long.

  5. Damp: Adjusts the tonal quality from bright to dark. Turning the control to the right attenuates the reverb's high-frequency content.

  6. Modulation: Adjusts the amount of movement added to the reverb sound by changing internal parameters of the reverb over time. Turning the control to the right changes the movement of the reverb from lush to strongly detuned sounds.


Metallic textures: By setting Density to Sparse mode and adjusting Size and Modulation to low values, you can use the reverb to add a metallic quality to the signal.


Riser Effect: By adjusting Size to 100%, activating the Freeze function, and turning Size to the left, you can create riser effects. Set Density to Dense for a consistent wash of noise, or to Sparse for a more dispersed, granular sound. You can further shape the effect by adjusting the High Cut filter at the same time. For example, starting with High Cut at 1 Khz and turning the control to the right creates an increasingly bright sound.


Granular textures: By setting the Density to Sparse mode and adjusting Size to high values, you can use the reverb to add a granular quality to the signal.


Airy is based on the paradigm of a hall with naturally dispersed early reflections and a smooth reverb tail. The reverb size ranges from medium-sized chambers to large cathedrals and beyond. At the lower end of its range it overlaps with the Grounded algorithm, so it is possible to smoothly transition to the sound of smaller reverberant spaces.

Airy can be adjusted using the following parameters:

  1. Diffusion: Adjusts the texture of the reverb reflections. Turning the control to the right softens the early reflections and produces a smooth onset of the reverb.

  2. Size: Adjusts the swell and reflection pattern of the reverb effect, creating the impression of differently sized spaces. Turning the control to the right changes the size from small to large.

  3. Density: Switches between two basic density modes for the reflection pattern of the reverb effect, Sparse and Dense. Sparse produces dispersed and clearly discernible reflections. Dense produces a more uniform reverb tail.

  4. Decay: Adjusts the length of the reverb, or reverb time. Turning the control to the right changes the reverb time from short to long.

  5. Damp: Adjusts the tonal quality from bright to dark. Turning the control to the right attenuates the reverb's high-frequency content.

  6. Modulation: Adjusts the amount of movement added to the reverb sound by changing internal parameters of the reverb over time. Turning the control to the right changes the movement of the reverb from lush to strongly detuned sounds.


Soft attack: By adjusting Diffusion to 100%, the early reflections disappear and the attack of the reverb is long and soft. You can use this to emphasize the body of melodic sounds.


Riser Effect: By adjusting Size to 100%, activating the Freeze function, and turning Size to the left, you can create riser effects. Set Density to Dense for a consistent wash of noise, or to Sparse for a more dispersed, granular sound. You can further shape the effect by adjusting the High Cut filter at the same time. For example, starting with High Cut at 1 Khz and turning the control to the right creates an increasingly bright sound.


Granular textures: By setting the Density to Sparse mode and adjusting Size to high values, you can use the reverb to add a granular quality to the signal.


Cosmic not based on a classic reverb paradigm but extends RAUM's range of sounds to abstract spaces and ambient soundscapes. Since the algorithm is placed inside the predelay's feedback path, it interacts more closely with all of the parameters related to predelay (for more information about predelay, refer to Predelay and Filters).


Complex resonances: By combining Cosmic with low Predelay and high Feedback values, you can create sounds that range from metallic textures to deep, morphing resonances. For best results, set the Density to Sparse mode and adjust Size to high values.

Cosmic can be adjusted using the following parameters:

  1. Density: Switches between two basic density modes for the reflection pattern of the reverb effect, Sparse and Dense. Sparse produces dispersed and clearly discernible reflections. Dense produces a more uniform reverb tail.

  2. Size: Adjusts the swell and reflection pattern of the reverb effect, creating the impression of differently sized spaces. Turning the control to the right changes the size from small to large.

  3. Rate: Adjusts the speed of movement added to the reverb sound using Modulation. Turning the control to the right changes the movement from slow to fast.

  4. Modulation: Adjusts the amount of movement added to the reverb sound by changing internal parameters of the reverb over time. Turning the control to the right changes the movement of the reverb from lush to strongly detuned sounds.


Granular textures: By setting the Density to Sparse mode and adjusting Size to high values, you can use the reverb to add a granular quality to the signal.