User Interface Controls
Creates a button in the performance view. |
UI callback for button is triggered when releasing the mouse (on mouse up).
A button cannot be MIDI learned or host automated.
on init declare ui_button $free_sync_button $free_sync_button := 1 set_text($free_sync_button, "Sync") make_persistent($free_sync_button) read_persistent_var($free_sync_button) if ($free_sync_button = 0) set_text($free_sync_button, "Free") else set_text($free_sync_button, "Sync") end if end on on ui_control ($free_sync_button) if ($free_sync_button = 0) set_text($free_sync_button, "Free") else set_text($free_sync_button, "Sync") end if end on
A simple freerun/tempo sync button implementation.
See Also
Creates a file selector in the performance view. |
on init message("") set_ui_height(5) declare $load_mf_id := -1 declare @file_name declare @file_path declare @basepath { set browser path here, for example: @basepath := "/Users/username/Desktop/MIDI Files/" } declare ui_file_selector $file_browser declare $browser_id $browser_id := get_ui_id($file_browser) set_control_par_str($browser_id, $CONTROL_PAR_BASEPATH, @basepath) set_control_par($browser_id, $CONTROL_PAR_FILE_TYPE, $NI_FILE_TYPE_MIDI) set_control_par($browser_id, $CONTROL_PAR_COLUMN_WIDTH, 180) set_control_par($browser_id, $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 170) set_control_par($browser_id, $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 550) move_control_px($file_browser, 66, 2) declare ui_button $prev declare ui_button $next move_control($prev, 5, 1) move_control($next, 6, 1) end on on async_complete if ($NI_ASYNC_ID = $load_mf_id) $load_mf_id := -1 if ($NI_ASYNC_EXIT_STATUS = 0) message("MIDI file not found!") else message("Loaded MIDI File: " & @file_name) end if end if end on on ui_control ($file_browser) @file_name := fs_get_filename($browser_id, 0) @file_path := fs_get_filename($browser_id, 2) $load_mf_id := load_midi_file(@file_path) end on on ui_control ($prev) { calls 'on ui_control ($file_browser)' } fs_navigate($browser_id, 0) $prev := 0 end on on ui_control ($next) { calls 'on ui_control ($file_browser)' } fs_navigate($browser_id, 1) $next := 0 end on
Loading MIDI files via the file selector.
See Also
Creates a text or image label in the performance view |
The width of the label in grid units (0 to 6) |
The height of the label in grid units (0 to 16) |
on init declare ui_label $label_1 (1, 1) set_text($label_1, "Small Label") declare ui_label $label_2 (3, 6) set_text($label_2, "Big Label") add_text_line($label_2, "…with a second text line") end on
Two labels with different sizes
on init declare ui_label $label_1 (1, 1) set_text($label_1, "Small Label") hide_part($label_1, $HIDE_PART_BG) end on
Hide the background of a label (also possible with other UI widgets)
See Also
| |
Creates a knob in the performance view. | |
| The minimum value of the knob. |
| The maximum value of the knob. |
| The knob value is divided by |
on init declare ui_knob $Knob_1 (0, 1000, 1) declare ui_knob $Knob_2 (0, 1000, 10) declare ui_knob $Knob_3 (0, 1000, 100) declare ui_knob $Knob_4 (0, 1000, 20) declare ui_knob $Knob_5 (0, 1000, -10) end on
Various display ratios.
on init declare $count declare !note_class[12] !note_class[0] := "C" !note_class[1] := "C#" !note_class[2] := "D" !note_class[3] := "D#" !note_class[4] := "E" !note_class[5] := "F" !note_class[6] := "F#" !note_class[7] := "G" !note_class[8] := "G#" !note_class[9] := "A" !note_class[10] := "Bb" !note_class[11] := "B" declare !note_names [128] while ($count < 128) !note_names[$count] := !note_class[$count mod 12] & (($count / 12) - 2) inc($count) end while declare ui_knob $Note (0, 127, 1) make_persistent($Note) read_persistent_var($Note) set_knob_label($Note, !note_names[$Note]) end on on ui_control ($Note) set_knob_label($Note, !note_names[$Note]) end on
Knob displaying MIDI note names.
Creates a level meter in the performance view. |
The level meter can display the output levels of buses, main instrument output, and gain reduction from compressor and limiter effects.
on init declare ui_level_meter $Level1 declare ui_level_meter $Level2 attach_level_meter(get_ui_id($Level1), -1, -1, 0, -1) attach_level_meter(get_ui_id($Level2), -1, -1, 1, -1) end on
Creating two volume meters, each displaying one channel of KONTAKT’s instrument output.
See Also
Creates a mouse area in the performance view. |
A mouse area supports drag and drop of the following file types: audio (WAV, AIF, AIFF, NCW), MIDI and KSP array (NKA).
It is possible to define which types of files are accepted as drop targets and whether to accept just one or multiple files.
The mouse area widget is invisible, but the drop target can be shown or hidden, like any other UI widget.
on init declare ui_mouse_area $waveDnD set_control_par(get_ui_id($waveDnD), $CONTROL_PAR_DND_ACCEPT_AUDIO, $NI_DND_ACCEPT_ONE) set_control_par(get_ui_id($waveDnD), $CONTROL_PAR_DND_ACCEPT_ARRAY, $NI_DND_ACCEPT_ONE) set_control_par(get_ui_id($waveDnD), $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 90) set_control_par(get_ui_id($waveDnD), $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 32) set_control_par(get_ui_id($waveDnD), $CONTROL_PAR_RECEIVE_DRAG_EVENTS, 1) move_control_px($waveDnD, 66, 2) end on
A mouse area widget which can accept a single audio or NKA file.
The on ui_control callback is triggered by a drop action. It has 3 built-in arrays:
Example UI callback
on ui_control ($waveDnD) if ($NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE = $NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_DRAG) message("DRAG") message("MOUSE OVER CONTROL: " & $NI_MOUSE_OVER_CONTROL) end if if ($NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE = $NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_DROP) if (num_elements(!NI_DND_ITEMS_AUDIO) = 1) wait_async(set_sample(%NI_USER_ZONE_IDS[0], !NI_DND_ITEMS_AUDIO[0])) end if end if end on
See Also
Creates a panel for grouping widgets in the performance view. |
A panel is a control which can contain one or multiple widgets. Unlike the rest of the UI widgets, panels don’t have size. They are very useful for grouping controls that are meant to be handled together, then one can simultaneously modify the $CONTROL_PAR_HIDE
properties of all the controls contained in that panel. The position of a contained control is relative to the panel’s position. This means that the control’s (0, 0) position is the current (x, y) position of the panel.
Panels can be nested, so they can contain other panels. If $panelA
is contained in $panelB
, then $panelA
will appear in front of $panelB
. This is because children panels have a higher Z-layer value than their parent panels. One could use this logic to easily create hierarchies in a performance view.
on init declare ui_panel $mixer declare ui_knob $volume (0, 300, 1) set_control_par(get_ui_id($volume), $CONTROL_PAR_PARENT_PANEL, get_ui_id($mixer)) end on
Adds the volume knob in the mixer panel.
See Also
| |
Creates a slider in the performance view. | |
| The minimum value of the slider. |
| The maximum value of the slider. |
on init declare ui_slider $test (0, 100) set_control_par(get_ui_id($test), $CONTROL_PAR_DEFAULT_VALUE, 50) end on
Slider with default value.
on init declare ui_slider $test (-100, 100) declare $id $id := get_ui_id($test) $test := 0 set_control_par($id, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR, 2000) set_control_par($id, $CONTROL_PAR_DEFAULT_VALUE, 0) set_control_par_str($id, $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE, "slider") end on
Creating a bipolar slider by loading a different picture background. See the chapter on the Resource Container in order to learn more about how to use graphical assets with KSP.
See Also
Creates a switch in the performance view. |
UI callback for switch is triggered when pressing the mouse (on mouse down).
A switch can be MIDI learned and host automated, as opposed to a button.
on init declare ui_switch $rec_button declare $rec_button_id $rec_button_id := get_ui_id($rec_button) set_control_par($rec_button_id, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_X, 250) set_control_par($rec_button_id, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_Y, 5) set_control_par($rec_button_id, $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 60) set_control_par($rec_button_id, $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 20) set_control_par($rec_button_id, $CONTROL_PAR_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, 1) set_control_par_str($rec_button, $CONTROL_PAR_TEXT, "Record") end on
Switch with various settings utilizing set_control_par() and set_control_par_str().
See Also
| |
Creates a table in the performance view. | |
| The width of the table in grid units (1 ... 6). |
| The height of the table in grid units (1 ... 16). |
| The range of the table. If negative values are used, a bipolar table is created. |
The maximum number of columns in a ui_table is 128.
on init declare ui_table %table_uni[10] (2, 2, 100) declare ui_table %table_bi[10] (2, 2, -100) end on
Unipolar and bipolar tables.
on init declare ui_table %table[128] (5, 2, 100) declare ui_value_edit $Steps (1, 127, 1) $Steps := 16 set_table_steps_shown(%table, $Steps) end on on ui_control ($Steps) set_table_steps_shown(%table, $Steps) end on
Changes the amount of shown steps (columns) in a table.
on init declare ui_table %table[20] (4, 4, 100) declare ui_button $button declare ui_label $value (1, 1) end on on ui_control($button) if ($button = 1) hide_part(%table, $HIDE_PART_VALUE) else hide_part(%table, $HIDE_PART_NOTHING) end if set_text($value, "Step " & $NI_CONTROL_PAR_IDX + 1 & ": " & %table[$NI_CONTROL_PAR_IDX]) end on
Hiding the value indicator in top left corner of the table and replacing it with a value readout in a ui_label.
See Also
Creates a text edit field in the performance view. |
on init declare ui_text_edit @label_name declare ui_label $pattern_lbl (1, 1) set_control_par_str(get_ui_id(@label_name), $CONTROL_PAR_TEXT, "empty") set_control_par(get_ui_id(@label_name), $CONTROL_PAR_FONT_TYPE, 25) set_control_par(get_ui_id(@label_name), $CONTROL_PAR_POS_X, 73) set_control_par(get_ui_id(@label_name), $CONTROL_PAR_POS_Y, 2) set_text($pattern_lbl, "") move_control_px($pattern_lbl, 66, 2) make_persistent(@label_name) end on on ui_control (@label_name) message(@label_name & " it is!") end on
A text edit field on top of a label.
See Also
| |
Creates a value edit field (number box) in the performance view. | |
| The minimum value of the value edit. |
| The maximum value of the value edit. |
| The value is divided by You can also use |
on init declare ui_value_edit $test (0, 127, $VALUE_EDIT_MODE_NOTE_NAMES) set_text($test, "") set_control_par(get_ui_id($test), $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 45) move_control_px($test, 66, 2) end on on note $test := $EVENT_NOTE end on
Value edit displaying note names.
on init declare ui_value_edit $test (0, 10000, 1000) set_text($test, "Value") end on
Value edit with three decimal spaces.
See Also
| |
Creates a waveform display for displaying samples and optionally their slices. This widget can also be used to control specific parameters per slice and for MIDI drag and drop functionality. | |
| The width of the waveform in grid units (1 ... 6). |
| The height of the waveform in grid units (1 ... 16). |
on init declare ui_waveform $Waveform (6, 6) attach_zone($Waveform, find_zone(”Test”), 0) end on
Displays the zone which has the name “Test” in the waveform widget. Use a sample named Test.wav (or .aiff, etc.) to test the above code.
See Also
Zone and Slice Functions: find_zone()
Specific: Waveform Flag Constants, Waveform Property Constants, $CONTROL_PAR_WAVE_COLOR
Creates a wavetable display in the performance view, visualizing the state of a zone which is used as a wavetable. |
on init declare ui_wavetable $wavetable set_control_par(get_ui_id($wavetable), $CONTROL_PAR_WT_ZONE, find_zone("Wavetable01")) end on
Displays the zone “Wavetable01” in the wavetable widget. Use a wavetable named Wavetable01.wav (or .aiff, etc.) to test the above code.
See Also
Zone and Slice Functions: find_zone()
Creates an XY pad in the performance view. |
The range of each axis on the XY pad is always between 0.0 and 1.0.
The number of cursors in the XY pad, i.e. the interactive elements, is defined by the size of the array. Each index in the array represents one axis of one cursor, so two indices are needed for each cursor. Applying this, if you wanted to create an XY pad with 3 cursors, the size of the XY array would have to be 6 elements.
The maximum size of the XY array is 32 elements, so the maximum number of cursors in a single XY pad is 16.
The even indices of the array hold the X axis value of the cursors, and the odd indices hold the Y axis values. So index 0 is the X value of the first cursor, and index 1 is the Y value of the first cursor.
It is possible to define how the XY pad reacts to mouse interaction using the
within the onui_control ()
callback allows identification of the mouse event type that triggered it.
on init message("") make_perfview set_ui_height(7) declare ui_xy ?myXY[4] declare $xyID $xyID := get_ui_id(?myXY) { define the mouse behaviour } set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_MODE, 0) set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_X, 1000) set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_Y, 1000) { set automation IDs and parameter names } set_control_par_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_ID, 0, 0) set_control_par_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_ID, 1, 1) set_control_par_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_ID, 2, 2) set_control_par_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_ID, 3, 3) set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, "Cutoff", 0) set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, "Resonance", 1) set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, "Delay Pan", 2) set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, "Delay Feedback", 3) { position and size } move_control_px(?myXY, 216, 50) set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 200) set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 200) { move the cursors around the XY pad } ?myXY[0] := 0.25 { cursor 1, X axis } ?myXY[1] := 0.75 { cursor 1, Y axis } ?myXY[2] := 0.75 { cursor 2, X axis } ?myXY[3] := 0.25 { cursor 2, Y axis } end on
Creating an XY pad control with two cursors and automation information.
See Also
General: set_control_par_str_arr()