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bus_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the first instrument bus FX chain. To reach other instrument buses, add a constant from 1 to 15.


group_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the group FX chain.


insert_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the insert FX chain.


main_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the main FX chain.


output_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the output FX chain. Does not apply to load_fx_chain_preset().


send_fx: integer

Points a preset loading function to the send FX chain.

File I/O


load_source_preset(filename: string, instrument_idx: integer, group_idx: integer) -> integer

Loads a source preset file (.NKP) to the specified group of an instrument.


load_fx_preset(filename: string, instrument_or_output_idx: integer, group_idx: integer, generic: integer) -> integer

Loads an effect preset file (.NKP) to the specified location based on the following arguments:

  • instrument_or_output: if generic argument is output_fx, this is one of output channels in the Output panel (0 … 127), else it’s an instrument index

  • group: only valid when generic argument is group_fx, else set to -1

  • slot: index of the slot to which the effect preset should be loaded

  • generic: use one of FX chain location constants (group_fx, send_fx, etc.)


load_multi_script_preset(filename: string, instrument_idx: integer, multi_script_idx: integer) -> integer

Loads a multi script preset file (.NKP) to the specified multi script slot.


load_script_preset(filename: string, instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> integer

Loads a script preset file (.NKP) to the specified script slot of an instrument.


load_fx_chain_preset(filename: string, instrument_idx: integer, group_idx: integer, generic: integer) -> integer

Loads a complete effect chain preset file (.NKP) to the specified location based on the following arguments:

  • instrument: instrument index

  • group: only valid when generic argument is group_fx, else set to -1

  • generic: use one of FX chain location constants, except output_fx