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General Information

Instrument Structure

An instrument in Kontakt contains of groups and zones as its basic building blocks. Contrary to Creator Tools, in Kontakt Lua API zones are not hierarchically tied to groups. Instead, they are accessed individually and directly by their own separate index. A zone contains a property which links it to one and only one group. See get_zone_group.

Additionally, an instrument in Kontakt also contains group triggering criteria, voice groups for managing polyphony, playback mode, MIDI input and audio output overrides, polyphonic effects and modulation.



cc64_modes: table
  • midi_exclusive

  • pedal_and_cc

  • pedal_exclusive


instrument_purge_modes: table
  • all_samples

  • reload_all_samples

  • reset_markers

  • update_sample_pool


max_num_instrument_aux: integer

As of Kontakt 7.5, this constant returns 4.


max_num_instruments: integer

As of Kontakt 7.5, this constant returns 64.


max_num_scripts: integer

As of Kontakt 7.5, this constant returns 5.


max_num_voice_groups: integer

As of Kontakt 7.5, this constant returns 128.


save_modes: table
  • monolith

  • patch

  • samples


voice_stealing_modes: table
  • any

  • highest

  • lowest

  • newest

  • oldest

Get Property


get_free_instrument_index() -> integer?

Returns the next available instrument index (not occupied with an already loaded instrument).


get_instrument_aux_level(instrument_idx: integer, aux_index: integer) -> float

Returns the specified aux send level of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_indices() -> table

The returned table contains the indices of all instruments. Pass these indices to functions taking instrument_idx as an argument.


get_instrument_midi_channel(instrument_idx: integer) -> integer

Returns the MIDI channel of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_mute(instrument_idx: integer) -> bool

Returns the mute state of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_name(instrument_idx: integer) -> string

Returns the name of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_options(instrument_idx: integer) -> table

Returns specified instrument’s options as a table with the following entries:


  • key_switch: integer (default: nil)

  • key_range_from: integer (default: 0)

  • key_range_to: integer (default: 127)

  • velocity_range_from: integer (default: 0)

  • velocity_range_to: integer (default: 127)

  • midi_transpose: integer (default: 0)

  • wallpaper: string (default: nil)

Voice Handling

  • voice_stealing_mode: voice_stealing_modes (default: oldest)

  • voice_stealing_fadeout: integer (default: 10)

  • time_machine_voice_limit: integer (default: 8)

  • time_machine_voice_limit_hq: integer (default: 4)

  • time_machine_use_legacy: boolean (default: false)


  • dfd_buffersize: integer (default: 60)

  • background_loading: boolean (default: true)


  • cc_64_mode: cc64_modes (default: pedal_and_cc)

  • use_cc_120_123: boolean (default: true)

  • use_cc_7_10: boolean (default: true)

  • cc_7_range: integer (default: 0)


  • show_factory_snapshots: boolean (default: true)

  • factory_snapshot_path: string (default: depends on instrument, or nil)

  • user_snapshot_path: string (default: depends on instrument, or nil)


  • info_icon: integer (default: 28)

  • info: string (default: "(null)")

  • info_author: string (default: Kontakt)

  • info_url: string (default: (null))

Individual entries of this table can be omitted. In that case the default value is used.


get_instrument_output_channel(instrument_idx: integer) -> integer

Returns the audio output channel of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_pan(instrument_idx: integer) -> float

Returns the output panorama of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_polyphony(instrument_idx: integer) -> integer

Returns the maximum polyphony of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_script_linked_filename(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> string

Returns the filename of the script linked to the specified script slot in the specified instrument.


get_instrument_script_name(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> string

Returns the title of the script in the specified script slot in the specified instrument.


get_instrument_script_source(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> string

Returns the complete script contained in the specified script slot in the specified instrument.


get_instrument_solo(instrument_idx: integer) -> bool

Returns the solo state of the specified instrument.


get_instrument_tune(instrument_idx: integer) -> float

Returns the tuning of the specified instrument in semitones.


get_instrument_volume(instrument_idx: integer) -> float

Returns the output volume of the specified instrument in dB.


get_voice_groups(instrument_idx: integer) -> table

Returns all voice groups of the specified instrument as a table with a maximum of 128 entries.


is_instrument_script_bypassed(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> bool

Returns true if the specified script slot in the specified instrument is bypassed.


is_instrument_script_linked(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> bool

Returns true if the script at the specified script slot of the specified instrument index is linked to a file in the resource container.


is_instrument_script_protected(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer) -> bool

Returns true if the specified script slot in the specified instrument is protected with a password.

Set Property


reset_instrument(instrument_idx: integer)

Resets the whole instrument at the specified instrument index to the default state.


set_instrument_aux_level(instrument_idx: integer, aux_index: integer, level: float)

Sets the level of the specified aux index for the specified instrument in dB. Range is -math.huge … 12.0.


set_instrument_midi_channel(instrument_idx: integer, channel: integer)

Sets the MIDI channel for the specified instrument. 0 is Omni, 1 … 64 is channels 1-16 across ports A-D.


set_instrument_mute(instrument_idx: integer, value: bool)

Mutes the specified instrument.


set_instrument_name(instrument_idx: integer, name: string)

Sets the name of the specified instrument.


set_instrument_options(instrument_idx: integer, options: table)

Specified instrument’s options can be set by passing a table with one or more of the following entries:


  • key_switch: integer (default: nil)

  • key_range_from: integer (default: 0)

  • key_range_to: integer (default: 127)

  • velocity_range_from: integer (default: 0)

  • velocity_range_to: integer (default: 127)

  • midi_transpose: integer (default: 0)

  • wallpaper: string (default: nil)

Voice Handling

  • voice_stealing_mode: voice_stealing_modes (default: oldest)

  • voice_stealing_fadeout: integer (default: 10)

  • time_machine_voice_limit: integer (default: 8)

  • time_machine_voice_limit_hq: integer (default: 4)

  • time_machine_use_legacy: boolean (default: false)


  • dfd_buffersize: integer (default: 60)

  • background_loading: boolean (default: true)


  • cc_64_mode: cc64_modes (default: pedal_and_cc)

  • use_cc_120_123: boolean (default: true)

  • use_cc_7_10: boolean (default: true)

  • cc_7_range: integer (default: 0)


  • show_factory_snapshots: boolean (default: true)

  • factory_snapshot_path: string (default: depends on instrument, or nil)

  • user_snapshot_path: string (default: depends on instrument, or nil)


  • info_icon: integer (default: 28)

  • info: string (default: (null))

  • info_author: string (default: Kontakt)

  • info_url: string (default: (null))

Individual entries of this table can be omitted. In that case the default value is used.


set_instrument_output_channel(instrument_idx: integer, channel: integer)

Sets the audio output for the specified instrument. Make sure to check how many outputs are available before setting!


set_instrument_pan(instrument_idx: integer, percent: float)

Sets the output panorama of the specified instrument. Range is -100.0 … 100.0.


set_instrument_polyphony(instrument_idx: integer, voices: integer)

Sets the maximum polyphony for the specified instrument. Minimum value is 1.


set_instrument_script_bypassed(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer, bypass: bool)

Bypasses the specified script of the specified instrument.


set_instrument_script_linked_filename(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer, filename: string)

Sets the filename of the script packed inside the resource container and linked to a script slot.


set_instrument_script_name(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer, name: string)

Sets the name of the script (without extension). This will be displayed in the script slot header or the script tab if visible in performance view.


set_instrument_script_source(instrument_idx: integer, script_idx: integer, source: string)

Sets the script source by passing an absolute filepath as argument.


set_instrument_solo(instrument_idx: integer, value: bool)

Soloes the specified instrument.


set_instrument_tune(instrument_idx: integer, semitones: float)

Sets the output tuning of the specified instrument in semitones. Range is -36.0 … 36.0.


set_instrument_volume(instrument_idx: integer, level: float)

Sets the output volume of the specified instrument in dB. Range is -math.huge … 12.0.


set_voice_groups(instrument_idx: integer, voice_groups: table)

Sets voice groups of the specified instrument as a table with a maximum of 128 entries, matching the total number of possible voice groups. Nil table entries will set voice group to default values. Voice group parameters are defined in a sub-table:

  • mode: voice_group_modes (default: oldest)

  • name: string (default: ’’)

  • voices: integer (default: 1)

  • fade_time: integer (default: 10)

  • prefer_released: boolean (default: true)

  • exclusive_group: integer (default: nil)

Individual entries of this table can be omitted. In that case the default value is used.



add_instrument(instrument_idx: integer?) -> integer

Inserts a new instrument at given or next available instrument index. Returns the index of the new instrument. Pass this index to functions taking instrument_idx as an argument.


add_instrument_bank(instrument_slot: integer?) -> integer

Inserts a new instrument bank at given or next available instrument slot. Returns the instrument slot of the new instrument bank.


remove_instrument(instrument_idx: integer)

Removes the instrument at the specified instrument index from the multi.


remove_instrument_bank(instrument_slot: integer)

Removes the instrument bank at the specified instrument slot from the multi.

File I/O


load_instrument(filename: string, instrument_idx: integer?) -> integer

Loads an instrument to the specified slot index. If that slot is already occupied, next available slot is used. Returns the slot index of the new instrument. Note: contrary to most other functions, the slot index here can also refer to a slot within an instrument bank!


load_snapshot(instrument_idx: integer, filename: string)

Loads the specified snapshot in the specified instrument index.


save_instrument(instrument_idx: integer, filename: string, options: table)

Save options can be defined by passing a table with one or more of the following entries:

  • mode: save_modes (default: patch)

  • absolute_paths: boolean (default: false)

  • compress_samples: boolean (default: false)

  • samples_sub_dir: string

Individual entries of this table can be omitted. In that case the default value is used.


save_snapshot(instrument_idx: integer, filename: string)

Saves the state of the instrument at the specified insturment index as a snapshot at the specified absolute path.