- KSP Reference Manual
- Time-Related Commands
Time-Related Commands
| |
Changes the parameters of the | |
| The signal to be changed, can be:
| Dependent on the specified signal type:
It is also possible to completely disable a particular listener signal by setting
to 0.
on init declare ui_value_edit $Tempo (20, 300, 1) declare ui_switch $Play make_persistent($Tempo) read_persistent_var($Tempo) $Tempo := 120 set_listener($NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_MS, 60000000 / $Tempo) end on on listener if ($NI_SIGNAL_TYPE = $NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_MS and $Play = 1) play_note(60, 127, 0, $DURATION_EIGHTH) end if end on on ui_control($Tempo) change_listener_par($NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_MS, 60000000 / $Tempo) end on
A very basic metronome.
See Also
Callbacks and UI: $NI_SIGNAL_TYPE
Converts a microseconds value into a value in tempo-dependent MIDI ticks. |
on init declare ui_label $bpm (1, 1) set_text($bpm, ms_to_ticks(60000000) / 960) end on
Displaying the current host tempo.
See Also
Time and Transport: $NI_SONG_POSITION
| |
Sets the signals on which the listener callback should react to. Can only be used in the | |
| The event on which the listener callback should react. The following types are available:
| User defined parameter, dependant on the specified signal type:
When using
, the maximum resolution is 24 ticks per beat/quarter note.
on init set_listener($NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_BEAT, 1) end on on listener if ($NI_SIGNAL_TYPE = $NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_BEAT) message($ENGINE_UPTIME) end if end on
Triggering the listener callback every beat. Triggering will occur even when transport is stopped.
See Also
Callbacks and UI: $NI_SIGNAL_TYPE
| |
Stops wait commands in the specified callback. | |
| The callback’s ID number in which the wait commands will be stopped. |
| 0: stops only the current wait. 1: stops the current wait and ignores all following wait commands in this callback. |
Be careful with while loops when stopping all
commands in a callback!
on init declare $id declare ui_button $Play end on on ui_control ($Play) if ($Play = 1) $id := $NI_CALLBACK_ID play_note(60, 127, 0, $DURATION_QUARTER) wait($DURATION_QUARTER) if ($Play = 1) play_note(64, 127, 0, $DURATION_QUARTER) end if wait($DURATION_QUARTER) if ($Play = 1) play_note(67, 127, 0, $DURATION_QUARTER) end if else stop_wait($id, 1) fade_out($ALL_EVENTS, 10000, 1) end if end on
The Play button triggers a simple triad arpeggio. Without the stop_wait() command, parallel callbacks could occur when pressing the Play button quickly in succession resulting in multiple arpeggios.
See Also
Callbacks and UI: Callback Type Variables and Constants
Resets the KSP timer built-in variable ( |
Note that the
variable, due to its 32-bit signed nature, will reach its limit after 2147483648 microseconds, or roughly 35 minutes and 47 seconds.Since the KSP timer is based on the CPU clock, the main reason to use it is for debugging and optimization. It is a great tool to measure the efficiency of certain script passages. However, it should not be used for musical timing, as it remains at a real-time constant rate, even if Kontakt is being used in an offline bounce.
on init declare $a declare $b declare $c end on on note reset_ksp_timer $c := 0 while ($c < 128) $a := 0 while($a < 128) set_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_TUNE, random(-1000, 1000)) inc($a) end while inc($c) end while message($KSP_TIMER) end on
A nested while loop – takes about 5400 to 5800 microseconds.
See Also
Time and Transport: $ENGINE_UPTIME
Converts a tempo-dependent MIDI ticks value into a value in microseconds. |
Since the returned value is in microseconds, note that due to its 32-bit signed nature it will not return correct values if specified number of ticks at the current tempo exceeds 2147483648 microseconds, or roughly 35 minutes and 47 seconds.
on init declare $msec declare $sec declare $min declare ui_label $label (2, 1) set_listener($NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_MS, 1000) end on on listener if ($NI_SIGNAL_TYPE = $NI_SIGNAL_TIMER_MS) $msec := ticks_to_ms($NI_SONG_POSITION) / 1000 $sec := $msec / 1000 $min := $sec / 60 set_text($label, $min & ":" & $sec mod 60 & "." & $msec mod 1000) end if end on
Displaying the song position in realtime.
See Also
Time and Transport: $NI_SONG_POSITION
Pauses the callback for the specified time in microseconds. |
stops the callback at the position in the script for the specified time. In other words, it freezes the callback, although other callbacks can still be processed during this time. After the specified time, period the callback continues.
on note ignore_event($EVENT_ID) if ($DURATION_BAR = 0) wait(($DURATION_QUARTER * 4) - $DISTANCE_BAR_START) else wait($DURATION_BAR - $DISTANCE_BAR_START) end if play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1) end on
Quantize all notes to the downbeat of the next measure. This script also takes care of the fact that in Kontakt standalone, $DURATION_BAR returns 0, so instead of that we use the quarter note duration to make up a 4/4 bar.
See Also
Time and Transport: $DURATION_QUARTER
Waits until the async command identified by the |
When performing multiple operations it is also possible to collect them together and then calling the
function on the collection. When the operations are collected in this manner they will be calculated in one block, resulting in a performance gain. If the async operation is not in the pipeline anymore or is invalid, there is no waiting and the script continues.
wait_async(set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_EFFECT_TYPE, ... $EFFECT_TYPE_CHORUS, -1, 2, 1))
Performing a single async operation.
%asyncid[0] := async_operation %asyncid[1] := another_async_operation ... %asyncid[x] := last_async_operation $i := 0 while($i < num_elements(%asyncid)) wait_async(%asyncid[$i]) inc($i) end while
Performing multiple async operations.
See also
Pauses the callback for the specified time in MIDI ticks. |
Same as
but with MIDI ticks as the wait time parameter.960 MIDI ticks equals one quarter note.