Macros Editor
The six macro controls are a key element to the signature Play Series performance style and workflows. The macro controls, alongside the Tune and Volume knobs, are the only parameters that always remain visible and accessible, from any view within EMPIRE BREAKS. This indicates the importance placed on these controls. You can assign up to 24 parameters to each macro, with separately adjustable min/max range for each assignment, and a Shaper Curve that governs how the macro behaves within the defined min/max range. The Shaper Curve is also available for each assigned parameter.
The Snapshots that are provided with EMPIRE BREAKS all come with their own special macros. In the Macros Editor, you can edit the assigned macro controls of existing Snapshots and their parameter ranges or create your own macro assignments for your Snapshots.
Toggle between the six macros by clicking the colored buttons displayed horizontally across the top of the view. Clicking any of the buttons allows you to see the list of parameters assigned to them. Situated to the top-right of the Shaper Curve is the Macro Options menu. This provides various processing and editing options, as well as ways to manage your preset shapes.
Macros Overview
The Macros Editor contains the following elements and controls:
Macro Group: Each colored block represents a macro control. Click on a macro to display the group of parameters assigned to it (4), and access the parameters' editing tools. Click + drag a colored block left or right to rearrange the order of the six macro controls. For more information, refer to Macro Assignments.
Macro Range: Sets the minimum and maximum range for the parameter selected in the Macro Slot list.
Macro Shaper Curve: Sets the shape of the curve for the selected parameter in the Macro Slot list.
Macro Slot List: Displays all parameters assigned to the selected macro control. Each macro has 12 Macro Slots, facilitating up to 12 different parameter assignments per macro. Click on a macro slot to access the editing options for that assignment, including the Macro Shaper Curve and Range controls.
Macro Slot (icons): The arrow dot icon jumps directly to the view containing the assigned parameter. After the view jump, The dot next to the parameter will blink to draw attention and indicate the assignment. The X icon deletes the assignment from the selected slot. Press the X icon to clear the macro slot of the assigned parameter.
Macro Options Menu: Provides options to manage your Macro Shaper presets, and contains predefined curve shapes which you can quickly recall for convenience or inspiration. For more information, refer to Macro Shaper Options Menu.
Macro Pages: Selects from the two available pages of the Macro Slot list.
Macro Shaper Shift (arrow icons): Click the arrow icons to shift the values in the Macro Shaper Curve left, right, up or down. Press [Shift] + click the left or right arrows to move the values in the specified direction, but to retain the first or last value in the table. This creates a limiter-style effect, whereby the first value is repeated as you press [Shift] + click the right arrow. Holding [Shift] + clicking the up or down arrows will create expansion or compression. Pressing [Ctrl] / [Cmd] + clicking will repeat the process ten times.
Macro Shaper Smoothing: Switches the interpolation for the Macro Shaper Curve on or off. As the Macro Shaper contains only 100 values and macro knobs have a much higher resolution of 1,000,000 values, the shaper curve needs to be mapped to the larger range. When Macro Shaper Smoothing is turned off, transitions between curve steps are strictly quantized. This is useful in certain use cases, for example, a macro assigned to the Tune parameter, and a quantized Curve Shaper to hit various pitches of a scale. When Macro Shaper Smoothing is turned on, transitions between curve steps are linearly interpolated, which provides more fluid behavior. This is especially useful when assigning macros to a filter Cutoff or various effects parameters.
Macro Assignments
Assigning macros in EMPIRE BREAKS is intuitive and easy. Valid parameters for macro assignments are found in the Kit and FX Editors only. Some parameters, including buttons, menus, and Velocity Sensitivity/Curve are not available for assignment.
Macros are also a quick and useful way to navigate around the synth engine, allowing you to move between the Macros view and the assigned parameters with a mouse click. The following workflows demonstrate how to assign, remove, rename and rearrange your macro assignments.
Assigning a Macro
To assign a parameter to a macro:
In Kit or FX Editor, select the macro you want to assign.
Click the colored dot in the top-left corner of a macro knob. It will start blinking to show you that it's in Learn mode.
While the dot is blinking, click on the parameter you want to assign to the macro. Valid parameters are found only on Sound and FX views.
The parameter is assigned to the macro, represented by it matching colored dot,
If you no longer want to make an assignment, or you selected the wrong macro, you can exit Learn mode by clicking the same colored macro dot again.
Setting the Macro Range
When a macro is assigned to a parameter, a popup will appear. Here you can set the parameter range within which the macro will operate.
To set the Macro Range:
Drag the arrows left or right to adjust the parameter range.
Drag the bar in the middle to shift the whole range left or right
[Ctrl] / [Cmd] + click this bar to restore the range to the default value (full parameter range).
The range is set. When you have finished, click the X to exit the Macro Range popup.
Removing a Single Macro Assignment
In the Macros view, you can delete a parameter assignment from the Macro Slot list, using the X icon. Alternatively you can delete an assignment from the parameters.
To remove a macro assignment from a parameter:
Locate the parameter in the Kit or FX Editor.
Press [Ctrl] / [Cmd] + click the dot next to the assigned parameter.
The assignment is removed from the macro.
Press [Shift] + click the colored dot next to a parameter to instantly jumps to the Macros view where the assignment is listed. This provides a nice workflow if you often have to jump between pages.
Removing All Macros Assignments
To remove all macro assignments from a macro control at once:
In the Kit or FX Editor, select the macro you want remove all assignments.
Press [Ctrl] / [Cmd] + click the colored dot next to a macro control.
All assignments are removed from the selected macro.
Renaming a Macro
Renaming a macro can be used to help you remember what the assigned parameters do.
To rename a macro:
Click on the text below the macro knob to edit the current name. Double-click the text to enter a new name.
Type in your new macro name.
The macro now displays the new name.
Note that text input is not possible when a pattern is playing.
Rearranging the Macros
Once you have set up all your macro controls, you might want to rearrange the order in which they appear. This is useful for keeping related controls close to each other, and can be tailored to suit you performance needs or playing style.
To change the order of the macros:
Click MACROS to enter the Macros view.
Click a colored macro button.
Drag the macro button left or right and drop at a new position.
The order of the macros controls is changed.
Managing Macro Shaper Presets
While macros are automatically saved with each Snapshot, the Macro Shaper Options menu allows you to save Macro Shaper presets separately and load them onto other sounds.
The following workflows demonstrate how to save and load your Macro Shaper presets from the Macro Editor:
Saving a Macro Shaper Preset
To save a Macro Shaper preset:
Click the MACROS tab to enter the Macro Editor.
Click the Macro Shaper Options menu icon.
Select Save macro shaper preset....
Enter a name for your preset.
Click Save.
The macro shaper preset is saved as an .nka file.
Loading a Macro Shaper Preset
To load a Macro Shaper preset:
Click the MACROS tab to enter the Macro Editor.
Click the Macro Options menu icon.
Select Load macro shaper preset....
Select a preset file.
Click Load.
The selected macro shaper preset is loaded into the Macro Shaper.