Missing Samples


The Missing Samples dialog helps you resolve issues with samples that are missing upon loading Kits, most commonly caused by moving files outside of BATTERY.

The Missing Samples dialog allows you to resolve issues regarding samples that are missing upon loading Kits. This can happen when you have moved files or folders outside of BATTERY. In case of missing samples, you will be presented with the Missing Samples dialog.

The Missing Samples dialog contains the following settings and options:


The Missing Samples dialog, informing you about the samples missing, and where BATTERY expected to find them.

  • Resolve Automatically:

    • Search Library button: Scans BATTERY's Library for the missing samples.

    • Search File System button: Scans your entire file system for the missing samples.

  • Resolve Manually:

    • Point to Folder button: Sets a specific folder on your computer to scan for the missing samples.

    • Point to Files button: Lets you point directly to the new location of a sample.

  • Options:

    • Check for Duplicates checkbox: Loads the first file that matches the file name of a missing sample. When you enable this option, duplicates will be collected, and another dialog will guide you through selecting the right missing sample for your Kit.

    • Allow Alternative File Types checkbox: Allows use of alternative file types with the same name (for example, if you converted a sample to another file type).

    • Apply to other Battery Instances checkbox: Forwards resolved conflicts to other instances of BATTERY, so you don't have to resolve missing samples issues more than once.