Vss 2
Variable Steptime Sequencer
V2.8.2 (R6.2.2)
Retrigring random on start CV seq’s now behaves
CVb2 now has v1-48 mod out
CV seq’s clock mod resets fixed
Fixed cv’seq not catching first beat.
fixed repeated note offs from seq dub
structural pruning
Fixed P1+2’s note display
fixed P1+P2’s gate setting, now works as expected
Added a Transpose switch to the seq’s to isolate from master transpose
added a follow on to next button on snap seq(for jamming)
Added counters for reRandomize, now counts how many times seq plays before randomise or if in clock reset mode how many clock resets till rnd
Added a Follow setting on the main seq Dub section,this allows per step probability,when off it just cycles 16 beats.
Redone the midi thru
Adds/changes - R6.1.1(R35)
Fixed broken dub mod on main seq
fixed broken odd pitch settings
replaced more old lables and the odd control for better ledgability + graphic tweaks
Some internal cpu saves
redone random clocks- more useful settings
Step variation is now contained with in start+length settings.
Switch seq triggering of master random now behaves properly
modulating dub%, fixed odd glitches + mod lfo has sync/free setting + inverse switch
Added a freeze flasher
fixed cv control of clock-all values now available.
added an master on/off for the 16 controllers
Some more panel sets
Additions/changes in V2.8
added a master reset that counts clock pulses(ala metropolis) also can be sent to other sections(lfo/cvSeq)
Added performance controls(master midi view B) the control both step length and step ratchets with a mode control to set the relationship between step length and no of ratchets- recommend setting up a midi controller for these.(there is now a midi in channel selector for this section)
Expanded control of random ranges,and a quantize setting that makes all randoms odd or even(step length and ratchets only)
Added a master randomise button that randomizes all the random settings for main seq,
Added a freeze button that isolates all random controls,leaving them at there last setting.
Midi chan out now has a no send over midi setting(Red cross)
a few graphics tweaks.
sub lfo for lfos now resets properly
V1—6 step variation expanded to V1-48
Set up a few panel sets.
Added a View A/B strip at the side for accessing A/B menu
A few bug fixes here and there.
Included a clean version- just vss2 no synths etc, no snapshots and no controller assignments.
Please report any problems
donations to paypal.me/mplancaster
Experiment and enjoy
mike 2017