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Vss 2

Variable Steptime Sequencer

(161 Votes)
Audio Player
2.8.2r (Updated 6 years ago)
March 04, 2014
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


V2.8.2 (R6.2.2)
Retrigring random on start CV seq’s now behaves
CVb2 now has v1-48 mod out
CV seq’s clock mod resets fixed
Fixed cv’seq not catching first beat.
fixed repeated note offs from seq dub
structural pruning
Fixed P1+2’s note display
fixed P1+P2’s gate setting, now works as expected
Added a Transpose switch to the seq’s to isolate from master transpose
added a follow on to next button on snap seq(for jamming)
Added counters for reRandomize, now counts how many times seq plays before randomise or if in clock reset mode how many clock resets till rnd
Added a Follow setting on the main seq Dub section,this allows per step probability,when off it just cycles 16 beats.
Redone the midi thru

Adds/changes - R6.1.1(R35)
Fixed broken dub mod on main seq
fixed broken odd pitch settings
replaced more old lables and the odd control for better ledgability + graphic tweaks
Some internal cpu saves
redone random clocks- more useful settings
Step variation is now contained with in start+length settings.
Switch seq triggering of master random now behaves properly
modulating dub%, fixed odd glitches + mod lfo has sync/free setting + inverse switch
Added a freeze flasher
fixed cv control of clock-all values now available.
added an master on/off for the 16 controllers
Some more panel sets

Additions/changes in V2.8
added a master reset that counts clock pulses(ala metropolis) also can be sent to other sections(lfo/cvSeq)
Added performance controls(master midi view B) the control both step length and step ratchets with a mode control to set the relationship between step length and no of ratchets- recommend setting up a midi controller for these.(there is now a midi in channel selector for this section)
Expanded control of random ranges,and a quantize setting that makes all randoms odd or even(step length and ratchets only)
Added a master randomise button that randomizes all the random settings for main seq,
Added a freeze button that isolates all random controls,leaving them at there last setting.
Midi chan out now has a no send over midi setting(Red cross)
a few graphics tweaks.
sub lfo for lfos now resets properly
V1—6 step variation expanded to V1-48
Set up a few panel sets.
Added a View A/B strip at the side for accessing A/B menu
A few bug fixes here and there.
Included a clean version- just vss2 no synths etc, no snapshots and no controller assignments.
Please report any problems
donations to
Experiment and enjoy
mike 2017


Patrick van Raalten
2 months ago
What a thing of beauty this machine is! I can built complex generative soundscapes with this alone! Thank you so much! But before I do that I'm going to study the snapshots!
D Vyd
3 years ago
I've returned to play with VSS2 recently and am impressed once again. It is truly a wonder tool. Just exploring the snaps is fun.
michael lancaster
4 years ago
Sorry for delay (no notifications from here).Sadly selfy changed the way they work and wanted a monthly fees i had to cancel it. if you send £2.00 to PayPal via i can email a copy out to you
Paul Compton
4 years ago
Would love to buy the manual...
Colin Webber
4 years ago
I can no longer access the manual ...
5 years ago
Beautiful, thank U x
5 years ago
Absolute genius. The manual is 100% worth it, thank you for making this
michael lancaster
5 years ago
Link to manual
dani doni
5 years ago
how can you use this to trigger a sample. I would like it to trigger a kick for example so i can sequence some drums. Really unfortunate there is no manual.
michael lancaster
5 years ago
Scroll down the comments and you'll see link to tutorials
jasi dhami
5 years ago
is someone can make a little detailed video about this would be great : )
5 years ago
Wow, who is the wizard that programmed this app/patch! I'm considering moving from Max to Reaktor and this app has about convince me already. LOL Nice!
Giorgio Inzaghi
6 years ago
8 years ago
Thank you
neil rosson
8 years ago
great thanks loving the sync.
Brett Lavallee
8 years ago
Thank you.
michael lancaster
8 years ago
@Drew,thanks for the link I'll have a look into that.@Everyobody, Glad your enjoying the sequencer and thanks for the kind words
Drew Anderson
8 years ago
So good. Hope you set up a Patreon. :) I know you've setup the sellfy for the manual but this perhaps a better solution for people to give back? Just a thought... That aside. Brilliant as usual...
Klas Linder
8 years ago
This one is a beast! Nuff said! Good work! Qlas Beats (Sweden)
michael lancaster
8 years ago
A new tutorial about new functions is uploaded at
8 years ago
Michael, I extend your snapshot sequencer with bank device image in the forum
michael lancaster
8 years ago
Just discovered a change in R6.1(R31).When trying to access the Rh mouse button menu to get view B,It now gives a macro menu.A quick fix is to select Inst - Vss2.7.4. View, make sure its set for view a and b, then change the Right border to 15 or larger.this will give you a blank bit on the right side,clicking here will give the correct menu(thanks paule)I will do this in the next update(metropolis style resets and performance controls)
Bartek Nowacki
8 years ago
Thanks! I've just discovered step-patterns can be actually sequenced with CVa1/CVb1/... :) I got the the retrigger idea after watching the Intellijel Metropolis demo on YB. Thanks again, I will try putting your recipe into action.
michael lancaster
8 years ago
Great to hear your delving into the functions.I think this will do what your after : Set length to 1,then assign a cv seq to start .Set the cv's clock to the same as main seq(remember to resart/resync reaktors clock after manual clock changes). Then set the step number you want on the cv sea's knobs and the step length setting will give you repeats of that step (1-32).You can sequence the main seq by using the snapseq. Hope this is what you are looking for.
Bartek Nowacki
8 years ago
Great stuff; a truly amazing sequencer! One question though: how can I retrigger a step of the main Sequencer (other than via P1/P2 modifier or Sequencer drawing table)? Apart from Ratchet, I would love to add "retrigger 1-32) modifier at a step 1-16 of the main Sequencer (view A). Also, is it possible to sequence P0 (main Sequencer) sequences via CV1a/CV1b.. ? Many thanks Michael!
gordon ilae
8 years ago
One Beautiful Beast of a Sequencer! Thanks a grip Michael!
Eduard Rojas
8 years ago
8 years ago
Drew Anderson
9 years ago
This is unreal. THANK YOU.
ishmael hart
9 years ago
David Coffin
9 years ago
Ah, so HERE is where all the Vss info is:) No ver 6 here yet, but the old 5x stuff, and the youTube links: Fantastic! Thanks so much for all this great info and wonderful devices, well explained, such a rarity in the UL.
Martin Géč
9 years ago
Looks awesome, the blocks integration is fabulous. Thanks!
Martin Wood-Mitrovski
9 years ago
Amazing work. Thanks :)
neil rosson
9 years ago
Wow you don't do things by halves do you? Amazing upgrade. Thank you.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
VSS2 + BLOCKS?? ARE.YOU.KIDDING.ME?? This is another yet another one of the best things to happen to R6. Huge bunch of congratulations!!
Todd Silva
9 years ago
Awesome - thanks again Michael!
Glyn Darby
9 years ago
Thanks Michael, just what I needed. Cheers Glyn.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Yes,it is a rewrite as to take ssv4.5 further was getting harder. the things you've learnt in ss will be directly transferable as it follows the same "logic" of operation and a touch easier on the eye!
Todd Silva
9 years ago
Thank you Michael! This will tide me over til I decide what to do on an R6 upgrade. I've really been enjoying SSv4.5. It looks like Vss2 is picking up where SSv4.5 left off, is that right?
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Hi Todd I've uploaded v2.6.3r have fun
Todd Silva
9 years ago
Hi Michael, I have Reaktor 5.9.2, not 6 yet. I get an error when trying to open Vss2. Is 2.6.3 still available for download anywhere? Looks like that is the newest that still runs on the prior version of Reaktor.
Robert Schrei
9 years ago
This has breathed new life into my analog synths ! Thank you for your excellent work. The instructional videos are also very informative. Best Sequencer I have ever come across. I have been using Reaktor since V1 and this the most useful yet. A Block version would be remarkable. Can't even begin to keep up with all of the inspired work everyone is contributing right now. A deep thank you to everyone.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
I found what what was wrong, the note in block needs to be set to ch intern and thats it working(thanks Sowari). I will still make block compatable outputs for connecting blocks directly.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
The problems downloading the manual have now been fixed.Thanks neil your the first.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
I've just done a test.I had "assumed" that a note in block would do it,but it doesn't due to the way it treats note on and note offs. I have started a block version of vss monolite( a cut down version) A very basic but functioning block is available in this thread.I'm working on making the full vss. block compatable. For a quick fix use the P+G outs,the gate will work patched direct, the pitch needs to be multiplied by 1/120, which will convert midi pitch to block pitch.
neil rosson
9 years ago
Is there a way to get this to control blocks?
Glyn Darby
9 years ago
Thanks Mike,my favourite sequencer ever! Cheers Glyn.
Jason Leiter
9 years ago
This is so great. Would you be interested in making a 16 track drum sequencer with some of the same stuff? That would make my year.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Further investigation has shown up some oddities when midi thru is on,I would advise that the Instrument Vss2.6.1 has nothing routed to it in the midi in internal menu.I will fix this in the next upload/update.
michael lancaster
9 years ago
ooh the forum has "corrected " my exact naming it should read i.e. Vss2.6.1 self. I had used the greater than symbol as in the menu,but thats not allowed seaminly.??!
michael lancaster
9 years ago
I've had a look into your problem,and the inst Vss2.6.1 is only connected to Ens-master-midi,It sounds like you've also got it connected to itself i.e.Vss2.6.1 this will give you the results you were experiencing,You should disconnect it from its self. Note this is for the midi internal settings for inst Vss2.6.1. If your still having problems let me know. ps the manuals getting there,keep getting sidetracked.
Rasmus Hoeberg
9 years ago
Nevermind i found out what the problem was! I might as well write my answer here so anyone as noobish as me can benefit if they run into the same problem. Pr. default the ensemble was setup to send midi internally back to seq1 which meant that while change the pitch of the step it also seemed to send a general pitch change message to itself. The problem was solved by changing the internal midi channel of seq1. Hope it makes sense.
Rasmus Hoeberg
9 years ago
This sequencer truly seems inspiring. I have one weird problem though. When i change the pitch on seq1 it seems to keep on transposing everything, which means the sequence keeps getting higher and higher or lower and lower pitched. Its a very cool feature but i would like to be able to switch it off. I would appreciate some help with it. It's probably just some silly button i haven't found yet.
Eric Curkendall
9 years ago
I've been using the version just before this one for the last few months or so and it's my favorite Reaktor sequencer by far, just fantastic for getting great melodies going and more. Thanks so much for your excellent work!
michael lancaster
9 years ago
The link below is spam.nothing to do with me or VSS2 as far as i can gather. also notice same post/link on other users pages.
Sam Mover
9 years ago
GG.G SakabeaT
9 years ago
hello Michael and thx you for this awesome sequencer.... i have a request:i used to use the v3 and i liked it's "simplicity" compared to this one.. could you upload it again please?
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Thank you for the positive remarks.I've just updated to R6 and initial tests don't show any new problems,There are some initial start oddities(when you first load up) but changing snapshot will sort them out.I continue to track em and fix em.I have made a good start to a full and comprehensive manual(got sidetracked by updates).not sure how long it will take as theres a lot to explain!
Petty Vendetta
9 years ago
I'm so glad we connected Michael. This is truly a stunning addition to the library. I know I'm not the only one who's excited to see where this goes.
Neville Edwards
9 years ago
This is insanely good!
Cris Ekstrand
9 years ago
I am speechless! Being one of the oldschool users grown up with analog gears and sequencers. This is really what I call masterpiece! It has all and more to wish for. Thank you for making this one!
Oliver Kennard
9 years ago
Wow, this is an absolute game changer of an ensemble, there are a lot of very capable sequencers in the User Library here, but this one is on a whole other level, the glide feature alone on the cv modulations I have been searching for for ages. This thing is just fantastic when hooked up internally to a synth like Monark or just routing cc's all over the place externally. I don't think you could ever exhaust all the possibilities on offer here, truly grateful for Michael sharing this masterpiece with us all for free!
Lynn Johnson
9 years ago
Just discovered this and am very impressed. It is exactly the type of instrument I have been looking for. As others have noted, a manual would be helpful and I would gladly pay something.
Drew Beattie
9 years ago
Nice stuff man your a inspiration!
Worwell _
9 years ago
Very impressive. Thank you Michael.
9 years ago
76 x 5 = 380 stars
Mike Woloszyn
9 years ago
Super Geil!!!!
Paul Weber
9 years ago
There are not enough stars to rate this thing, to the point I'm willing to donate something in order to fund a full & comprehensive manual. Awesome.
Jonathan Canupp
9 years ago
What a treat. Love the new snapshot features - looking forward to really digging in to the other additions. This thing is so full of life - and some truly awe-inspiring programming ... Lovely. Many thanks!
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Tutorials to follow-show changes and new functions. Enjoy and Experiment mike
Nico Staelens
9 years ago
Thanks a lot for this Mr. Lancaster.
9 years ago
neil rosson
10 years ago
still amazing and getting somehow more amazing every release.
Space Lases
10 years ago
thank you.
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Space Lases
10 years ago
hello,how to contact you?
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Ask away..which ones were you wondering about.I am thinking about making a tutorial about changing the mod destinations to will involve some "under the hood" editing though! if you've a few things to ask maybe using private messaging on/via the reaktor forum would be a better bet,than filling here up with "chat".feel free
Fedor Mihailovich
10 years ago
Big thanx as usual, Sir Mike, for your nice new update :) In fact, I managed to catch main additions & changes without viewing your explicit youtube tutorials, but, sure, those videos also helped to understand some "hidden tricks" :) I just want to ask you for a little help/shortlist concerning the usage of all your numerous modulation routings/sends: I understand most of them for sure, but still there are some of them which don't look so obvious :)
michael lancaster
10 years ago
@glyn - yes i missed the ratchet feature that i had in my previous seq(SS) just the ease of use rather than use the sub seqs to do the job(which is what they originally evolved from). @ALLAN WALKER-(sorry couldn't resist), I know what you mean, the screen is now jam packed with info.I like to see whats going on,with out using the mouse(trying to get away from that)thats why there are monitors for the hidden cv channels.I have thought about a graphics over haul-creating more space for the controls, Its horses for courses,some folk like the minimalist view. me i want to see at a glance and intend to start mapping things to more controllers,less mousing . -Anyway glad you are enjoying Vss and happy experiments mike
Glyn Darby
10 years ago
Brilliant Michael,you have really nailed it this time,the ratchet is great (I gave up with my effort).Many thanks Glyn.
allan walker
10 years ago
allan walker
10 years ago
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Hi Michael I'm afraid I don't use ableton live,so i can't test out your problem,I believe that ableton transmits internal midi on omni channel only,i saw some threads about it and possible work rounds some where on the reactor forum,although a live forum is perhaps a better bet. The VSS 2 does output on different midi channels.In logic i have set up a routing that assigns each chan out to a different inst.(full details available on req),you can also use bidule and rout the different midi ch to different plug ins. Even Reaktor itself makes internal midi chans omni.It's really restricting.
Michael Millerman
10 years ago
How do I route the various midi channels (say, p1 repeats to channel 3) to various distinct synths in ableton? Setting the channel in VSS to 3 doesn't seem to do anything, as I can only send everything at once through "midi from - reaktor" ableton routing, and it makes no difference what the midi channels are set to in VSS. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks and thanks for the great work.
Kristoffer Sundberg
10 years ago
Thank you so much for this! I've been using it to sequence my hardware modular and it is increadibly powerfull! I'm glad that you made the tutorials. They are very valuable.
michael lancaster
10 years ago
new tutorial @
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Thanks to Boom A Puma for the step patterns idea. A tutorial video to follow soon.Another layer of complexity has just been added!!?
Miguel Mendoza Hernandez
10 years ago
Sounds so fine !!
Brett Lavallee
10 years ago
It's so beautiful... ((Gazes in awe))
Daria Ptitsyna Dasha Rush
10 years ago
Looks nice , just downloaded few hours ago...already using it partially in my set...Thanks !
Ng Mui
10 years ago
I find the tut hard to follow, mainly because the sequencer is almost running all the time, and the sound is very loud compared to your voice, maybe for another tutorial some time ;)
Christian Huygen
10 years ago
The countless possibilities here make me dizzy. And your video tutorials are fantastic. Thanks!
Kimmo Kivelä
10 years ago
Ng Mui
10 years ago
Thanks, works!
michael lancaster
10 years ago
re upped and tested d/l should be ok now
Ng Mui
10 years ago
Link is not working, you might wanna check Michael ;), tried everywhere.
neil rosson
10 years ago
Really great updates, adds allot to what's already there. I seem unable to get the key & scale to modulate through the CV's?
Forrest Old
10 years ago
The evolution of "repeats" into sub-sequencers handling different channels is great.
michael lancaster
10 years ago
new tutorial
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Will do a tutorial for new stuff soon
Michael Stocker
10 years ago
Just getting started... First impression: Fantastic! Thanks.
)oooo( Music
10 years ago
looking for someone to improve an existing reaktor instrument for my private use. ???
Derrick Spears
10 years ago
Thank you for your great work!!!
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Thank you for the kind comments..I am trying to make the sequencer I always wanted,I'm getting there,still a few oddities to fix. new tutorial on CV channels
Fedor Mihailovich
10 years ago
Simply excellent sequencer! Hats off, Sir Mike! I just spend 3 last days puzzling out various features and hidden treasures of your gem (I mean just scratching the surface, sure ;)) & it makes wonders when combined with different ensembles & instruments inside Reaktor (I didn't even try it outside it so far!). And also thanks a lot for your video tutirials - without them I would be still at sea :))
Forrest Old
10 years ago
I have surveyed/used many vst sequencers and Ipad sequencers. This is the most fully featured and flexible I have found for multi-channel, multi-sequence operations. Congratulations on a great piece of music technology. Videos are very helpful as well.
michael lancaster
10 years ago
new bits tutorial
michael lancaster
10 years ago
lfo tutorial
Kimmo Kivelä
10 years ago
This needs A L I T T L E C O N C E N T R A T I O N .
Werner Brandt
10 years ago
Cool! TNX
Hugo Braham
10 years ago
This is very cool. Thank you!
Jacques Guillaumier
10 years ago
Love it. As a small tribute, I recreated Pink Floyd's "On The Run" with Vss 2:
michael lancaster
10 years ago
new tutorial at my youtube channel
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Hi neil glad you are enjoying the sequencer and that you managed to extract something useful from tutorials(i ramble and the latency in the head phones was distracting to say the least.) I'm just testing out Ver 2.3 and will upload when i've tamed it some more.I'll then have a go at some more tutorials for the new functions.
neil rosson
10 years ago
thanks for the tutorials i don't think i would ever of figured out the pitch repeats. This has to be one of my favourite ever ensembles, its so much fun to use & the possibilities are endless.
michael lancaster
10 years ago link to pitch repeats tutorial ignore preavious link
michael lancaster
10 years ago for pitch repeats in detail
michael lancaster
10 years ago
First attempt at a tutorial,just covering basic overview.Will do more on each section separately. comments on usefulness or not welcomed
michael lancaster
10 years ago
First attempt at a tutorial,just covering basic overview.Will do more on each section separately. comments on usefulness or not welcomed
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Tutorials to come it's got a bit complexed now?! :)
michael lancaster
10 years ago
I've sussed how to make tutorial videos,so when I've got the latest version back in one piece I'll be doing those which should help. as to the program change, the blue dot next to snap switches that on and off,it will also switch off the internal as well.perhaps a switch for int. and Ext. is needed ? any other questions please ask or any mod ideas.
Lars Pohlmann
10 years ago
Very powerful! Not too intuitive, but given the flexibility, you did a good job. Some kind of manual would be nice. One problem I had: When I change a preset, it sends a midi program change which (sometimes) changes the program of the synth which is receiving the midi from Vss2.
michael lancaster
10 years ago
Glad you like it and I get lost too trying to sus whether it's doing what it's meant to do.I'm thinking of doing some tutorial videos,but i'll have to get some screen capturing software and learn it.In the mean time tool tips should help. ps update coming soon with pitch and grove patterns for repeats,just needs refined
neil rosson
10 years ago
I get a bit lost in this but its really great.
Greg Killmaster
11 years ago
this is really quite interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing it evolve. Its usable for me as is. thank you!