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2D Note Generator

(279 Votes)
1.21 (Updated 1 year ago)
October 27, 2011
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer



Don't forget to watch these awesome tutorials by Brent Kallmer and ADSR Tutorials, thanks for that guys!

/ * Update 07-10-2023 */
- Download include all files. (ens, inst, use example).

/* Update 1.2 10-20-2015 */ Please do use of this new version.
- Added 20 new snapshots.
- Pitch Sliders renamed in view B of the instrument.

/* Update 1.1 10-31-2011 */
- Fixed an issue with random note processing.
- Fixed, LFO doesn't restarts from reaktor midi clock.
- Fixed INVERT Pitch (right click over the mouse area)

Hi There.

Just a small experiment trying to recreate one lemur template on reaktor, however this one is a more "minimalistic" version ( I wanted to do a more simple version) it was created specially to work with synths like absynth (soundscapes, drone, ambient, sounds)

There is an old video here if you're interested by Mr Richard Devine:

I've made some tutorials snaps (please do use of ensemble snapshots) hope that helps, also turn on Reaktor hints button, you'll find some info there too, however my english is not really good.

There is a MIDI LEARN page on B view of the instruments.

Addtional credits and thanks a lot to:
Igor Shilov (from twistedtools) for LFO core macro.
Lazyfish: Pitch Correction Macro.

For demo I've used Steampipe 2, it is a instrument created by Martijn Zwartjes

Cheers and thanks for downloading =)


Denis Mujakovic
4 months ago
superb work. thank you antonio.
9 months ago
Amazing tool! to Stephen idk - FL Studio is a fun Toy... (kidding, I love me some FL but I know you FL purists take a lot of heat - couldn't resist!)
Patrick van Raalten
1 year ago
Stunning sequencer! Thank you! Keep up the great work!
stephen idk
1 year ago
Edit: I figured it out! Bravo! Great great ensemble muah
stephen idk
1 year ago
Dang it won't export midi correctly or export correctly at all in flstudio which makes this a fun toy. But great concept
Antonio Blanca
1 year ago
Hi gianckausio, thanks for the kind words. Sure , Please can pm via forums so I can send i? Thanks
gianclaudio hashem moniri
1 year ago
Dear Antonio, I'm always thankful for your fantastic devices, I was just wondering if there's any chance to find The Lemurized Skrewell somewhere. I've deeply searched but no chance. Thank you, Gianclaudio
Antonio Blanca
1 year ago
@Ryan thanks for helping @florian, very appreciated.
Antonio Blanca
1 year ago
Thank you guys, so happy you still find it inspiring !
1 year ago
So happy to see you uploading to the user library, been a while ;) You are the main inspiration behind Goremall Instruments. Thanks for everything you do.
Florian Gerger
1 year ago
@Ryan Thank you very much! This worked. Struggled for ages with this :)
Ryan Dean
1 year ago
@Florian you change the transpose with incoming midi - use your computer keyboard if you don't have a midi controller.
Florian Gerger
1 year ago
I can't chance the Transpose value. Do I miss something? Perhaps some of you can give me a clue. THX in advance
Florian Gerger
1 year ago
Thanx for your great creative work, Antonio!
Andres Villarroya
1 year ago
Very good sequencer Antonio!
Sergio Rodríguez
1 year ago
One of my favorite sequencers , thanx Antonio !
Antonio Blanca
1 year ago
Hi guys, sorry to hear about the problem downloading it. I've re-uploaded the ensemble and instrument files. Thanks for your patience!
1 year ago
I heard it was really awesome too bad :-( its not available anymore
Andy Gaskin
1 year ago
This download doesn't appear available anymore, and merely contains a PDF. Is the actual ensemble available anywhere these days?
Robert Brown
1 year ago
I would love to check NOD-E out, but the download leads me to a purchase site that is under construction and there is no provision to even view or buy this sequencer.
3 years ago
Andreas Schmidt
4 years ago
beat spichtig
4 years ago
Thank you.
Mitchell Heading
4 years ago
Doesn't work
Artem Moroz
4 years ago
Thank YOU!!!
Hristo Gospodinov
4 years ago
Anyone knows if there's a more precise way to set the frequency of the LFOs ? Let's say you play around with it and your sequence loops each 8.263 seconds for example, and you want to make it looping for 8 seconds exactly? Is it possible? The graphic sliders are not providing precise control. I'm struggling to find a way to do that or to sync it to the DAW tempo, but no luck so far
belhassen ben khlifa
5 years ago
don't work
Jared McFarland
5 years ago
Download here:
5 years ago
Hey Guys, i downloaded this file and had no .ens file just a PDF which contained a link to a site ... but cant down load from there either.
Daniel Ali
6 years ago
never mind have done it :D
Daniel Ali
6 years ago
how on earth do you get this to play i am running it in ableton live 10 attempting to sequence hardware synth but have no idea? there is a play button in both of the tutorials as is running stand alone (presumably) but i want to operate it within ableton help anybody
6 years ago
A great seq ! Just wonderful but anybody know how to change snapshots in a daw like ableton please ? thx a lot
Tony Nekrews
6 years ago
Tanner, this is a midi sequencer it doesn't produce sound.
Tanner Lovelace
6 years ago
can someone please help me i downloaded nod-e fine but when I run it in Reaktor it doesn't play any audio. I press play in ableton and the animation, which the circles floating around, but it's not actually playing. I did the same with the standalone Reaktor and it doesn't work. thank you
Jacob Laird
6 years ago
I'm not sure what download issues everyone is talking about. I found Antonio's website, followed the download link from there, I made an account with twisted tools, logged in and downloaded the zip file no problem.
6 years ago
Can anyone upload this somewhere and provide a link so we can download it? Clearly the link provided here doesn't work anymore.
6 years ago
You have to sign up for an account at and then you'll be able to download the Nod-e plugin!
6 years ago
Confirmed that the download doesn't work. That website is also not functioning very well. For example, I tried to register for an account but never got an e-mail to complete registration but if I re-try with the same e-mail it gives me the error "e-mail has already been registered". Looks like the AWS account is dead
James Page
6 years ago
your customer service on peoples issues is appalling .....the man below asked this question a month ago....have you got back to him?....
Jonathan Teer
6 years ago
Hi, the download link on twisted tools is having a problem, see below: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. AccessDenied Request has expired 2018-09-03T18:50:12Z 2018-09-03T19:36:32Z 6E6995F8410F5A21 JWpd55WOTd1fdct1j7FzEnAVIakFf4CSkATOxb/dzP8neEAQAFIdyXRLNB3dLpC28ICCyU1lkwU=
6 years ago
Hi, I'm also trying to download it, but apparently the link doesn't work anymore. Could you re-upload the link?
Tymoteusz Zajac
6 years ago
hi where I could download it from, the link doesnot work for me......
6 years ago
This is a masterpiece you created here. Congratulations.
6 years ago
To Cerulean: Nod-e for both. Works well with win. 8.1
6 years ago
One Nod-e has instrument, the other does not?
7 years ago
Hi, there is no version fro pc? just mac? thx
Alan Miles
7 years ago
Excellent, thank you Antonio.
Neil Jordan
7 years ago
Hi Antonio. Love the sequencer. Was wondering if you had any tips on how to route the MIDI out externally? Specifically, I'm wanting to connect this with Kontakt using Pro Tools, but when I select Reaktor MIDI Out for Instrument or MIDI tracks, I don't get any signal. Would appreciate the help!
Bryan Neff
7 years ago
Nevermind. I see the download link. Thanks!
Bryan Neff
7 years ago
Hi, for some reason when I download nod-e only a pdf downloads. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
Antonio Blanca
7 years ago
Hi @Christian Taubert. Make sure you're using the file with .ens extension on it. You'll also to press Reaktor "Play" button so it start triggering the notes. Cheers.
Antonio Blanca
7 years ago
Hi @Nicola Michetti, thanks! Yes, you can use with blocks, please make sure to follow these steps: 1 - Load a Utility Note In Block. 2 - Change its CH parameter to "INTERN". 3 - Drag NOD-E .ism file to the Ensemble structure. 4 - Go to NOD-E instrument Properties / Connection tab / MIDI OUT section. Select "Util Note In" from "Internal" menu. This is basically the same process when you connect NOD-E to reaktor instruments. Hope that helps. Cheers. AB
Christian Taubert
7 years ago
so sorry, i hear nothing in the demo-mode. iam not sure if Reaktor is working for me so i have the free version. i think thats the problem. i prefer plug and play. but its looks nice.
nicola michetti
7 years ago
Hi Antonio, nice work! It works perfectly as an ensemble. But i can figure how to make it work as a block. There's no in put or output to connect cables to make a patch with other blocks. Can you please give me a hint? Anyway a super device to play with! Thank You!
michael hung
7 years ago
@Antonio .. great .. thank you .. this sequencer is the perfect drug!
Antonio Blanca
7 years ago
@Michael Hung. Thanks! Glad you like it. Thanks for the report about of bouncing offline. I will keep this in mind for future updates. Cheers.
Antonio Blanca
7 years ago
@Flore Morfin. Can you please elaborate a bit of your problem? May I ask if you're using the .ism or ens file? Thanks.
michael hung
7 years ago
Amazingly beautiful .. great creation, lot of fun .. one little issue: offline bounce in Logic Pro X does not work properly .. only fragments are recorded .. realtime bounce works flawless .. any ideas?
Flore Morfin
7 years ago
Impossible to make this work... i've asked to a friend to try it also, but no success. Has anyone a working copy of this patch please?
Thomas Sæløen
7 years ago
The new version can be downloaded from here:
Harry Hoggard
7 years ago
Do you have to buy it now?
Rune Zetterström
8 years ago
For some reason the knobs/parameters do not show up in Albleton Live 9.7 (both Reaktor 5 and 6) All other Reaktor ensembles works and populates parameter names automatically... A little frustrating as i love NOD-E
Alex Dr
8 years ago
Nice work, thanks! I had it for a year and could figure it out, I realised that it's like random notes sequencer device, but only today I played with it 3rd time since I got it and at last figured it out, not completely, maybe I should read a manual if it exists or it is self explanatory it might seem, hope I will be able to do intervals. For now routing it to 2 channels with Serum, it sounder too computer like. By following tutorial, I used only Ableton devices to make this and this one I did as well on Ableton, but this time using only 2 Max4Live devices called nwdlbots. Bear in mind I'm never had music background and never was a DJ, played few chord on a guitar, I'm still the same, just started experimenting with musiconly over a year or almost 2 ago. The Ableton devices and Max4Live, they were too complicated to tune and make music sound real, it took me a while, but your NOD-E, well starting to seem intuitive to me, hope I will be able to make some generative music with it, though to be honest, todays attempt was a failure as I mentioned before, I think the menus on the bottom are to be tweaked to make music sound more human, I'm I right? Thanks anyways, may be you will create something even more Randomness-Coolness! Like program Lexikon Sonate 4, oh man it plays on it-own beautifully, I'm sure if you got their algorithm, the NOD-E would became Super NODE-E. Good day
8 years ago
Downloaded with no problems, (W10 - Chrome). One of the most useful and mesmerising tools I have used. Thank you.
Antonio Blanca
8 years ago
@Maxwell, you need to connect NOD-E to your instrument using "Internal MIDI", check this cool tutorial made by Reaktor Tutorials guys, Hope that helps. Cheers.
Antonio Blanca
8 years ago
Hey reaktorists, thanks once again for the kind words, glad you like it! @Ivan, @Sarah, thanks for reporting this, link is working now. Please let me know otherwise. Cheers.
sarah talmadge
8 years ago
any one else having trouble downloading through this link?
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
This is one of my favourite reaktor animals. A gentle beast of complex simplicity. Thank you !!
ivan zapico
9 years ago
The link doesn't works
Maxwell Jay
9 years ago
Hi all, Hope you're well? I'm struggling getting any output from this. I've tried hooking a synth to it but no joy. Anyone out there have any advice? Thanks all and merry xmas!
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Spectacular! I have the Lemur version too and it's wonderful to have this one incorporated IN Reaktor...soooo useful!!
tonino gallo
9 years ago
excelente como siempre! muchisimas gracias!
Dieter Zobel
9 years ago
without words. much thanks.
Stephan Bobinger
9 years ago
Thank you for the Update Antonio
Kev McKeown
9 years ago
Thanks Antonio! I find myself playing with the Lemur version for hours (it's great with Animoog) and now another distraction from getting on with boring work - great stuff!
Antonio Blanca
9 years ago
Thanks Caroline, Josele! Glad to hear you like it :)
Josele Jurado
9 years ago
Great ensemble!
Josele Jurado
9 years ago
Great ensemble!
Caroline Lewis
10 years ago
Like the real world sound environment that surrounds me this is musically inspiring. Thanks
Antonio Blanca
10 years ago
@Neal, sounds like an old known bug with older reaktor versions, are you using 5.6.2 or higher? Cheers.
Neal C. Bowie II
10 years ago
While trying to open in Reaktor, ERROR: Error while reading file NOD-Ev1.1:Node1.1.ens:Not a valid %1% file ! What do I need to do? Tried downloading several times without change... email me at if you can. Thank you!
Ross Barradel
10 years ago
Sick Sick Sick.. Nicely done. :)
Mantra Ardhana
10 years ago
Johannes Neumann
10 years ago
Woa, this is amazing!
11 years ago
Love this generator - many thanks! 10
11 years ago
10 !!
Olaf Bubel
11 years ago
it`s amaizing Node-E the harmonic section is pretty cool, for adjust another harmonics, real top work from U i ever seen and tryed out here on Library, thx a lot for your excellent work and for share with us. Top 10 points of 10. Thx Antonio Blanca.
Justin Morgan
11 years ago
Brillllliant.... Thanks so much
Kurt Lucas
11 years ago
Bloody brilliant my friend! Beautiful ensemble, many ideas are spreading forth, music explodes through every pore and every brain cell. Mind blown! Thank you my friend. K
Brent Kallmer
11 years ago
In total agreement with the words of V.G.: "I am utterly surprised this doesn't have a 10 rating and thousands of downloads. Autechre will probably use this on their next album."
Antonio Blanca
12 years ago
Hey there, thanks a lot for the kind comments, great to know you like it! Cheers,
Victor Sologub
12 years ago
Very Good!
Jan Heinke
12 years ago
thank you!!! 10+
Graham Street
13 years ago
Andy Pink
13 years ago
Woha this is excellent, thanks
33 Tetragammon
13 years ago
You sir, are a GENIUS!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!! Just what i was looking for today. THANK YOU!!!!!!
V. G.
13 years ago
Feature Request: can you give each node an assignable midi channel?
Dennis Harms
13 years ago
Wow! Thank you very much! This ensemble is truly amazing!
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Thanks a lot for your kind comments! The latest version is here, it fixes some bugs:
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Hello, thanks a lot for the kind comments! Cheers AB
V. G.
13 years ago
Wanted to say how pleased I am with this again. After some time with it, my favorite thing to do is sequence one hit samples. I am utterly surprised this doesn't have a 10 rating and thousands of downloads. Autechre will probably use this on their next album.
Paul Nadin
13 years ago
Very good work...thanks.
Guillaume Nicolas
13 years ago
impressive... and a very beautiful interface.
13 years ago
excellent work ... i added a switch , in the 'init' module , between the start/stop , and the gate output ... this allows for automation of the start/stop , within a sequence , which i find handy ...
john shearer
13 years ago
And thanks for sharing!
john shearer
13 years ago
I don't normally comment on here, but this is one the best ensembles I have used on Reaktor. Hats off to Antonio.
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Hi Christopher, Thanks for lettting me know. Yes, you need the 5.6.1 reaktor build, both files were saved under that version. Cheers,
Christopher Soulos
13 years ago
Hello, I've gotten a msg that my Reaktor 5.5.0 (R10484) is not the right version you saved the .ism with. I haven't upgraded to Komplete 8 yet, so there you are...! The first vers worked fine.
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Gracias Jose! @Christopher, I've downloaded it and works here, I've had a similar issue trying to open some ensembles with machines using windows, I've added a .ism for that reason, Have you tried to load the instument (.ism)? it should to work. Let me know, thanks.
Christopher Soulos
13 years ago
I'm getting an error with the new ens, quote: "Not a valid %1% file!" Cheers
Jose Barrera Martinez
13 years ago
Gracias por este increible secuenciador!!
Jose Barrera Martinez
13 years ago
Increíble, este secuenciador es la leche!Gracias!
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Thanks a lot to everyone! There is a new version fixing several bugs, please re-download it. ! @Bodo, great app! thanks for the video :) Best
Christopher Soulos
13 years ago
Glyn Darby
13 years ago
Thanks for this,it is an intresting,clever and insperational ensemble.
Javier quesada vazquez
13 years ago
genialisimo ,como todo lo ke haces,bro. memeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. abrazakos.
Christian Tumalan
13 years ago
13 years ago
Thanx a lot for this magnific tool ! ;) simply amazin´ !
bodo peeters
13 years ago
Amazing ensemble! Made a little video with it controlled by FaceOSC
Markus Zorn
13 years ago
Amazing work!! Thanks
Laurence Ketchin
13 years ago
Wow! Outstanding, thanks a lot.
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Thanks Vicky :) Just I have had notice about of two small bugs, I will fix them soon. Have a nice weekend
V. G.
13 years ago
My goodness! I had to check my calender to make sure it wasn't Christmas. You really raised the User Library a notch.
Antonio Blanca
13 years ago
Hey folks, thanks a lot for the kind words, great to know you like it. @Michael, I will test it with Spark =)thanks for letting me know. All the best.
13 years ago
thanks Antonio
Michael Victor
13 years ago
Top notch ens. Sequencing Spark and loving it. thank you . And thank you Richard Devine for the FB Post.
Lorenzo Quadri
13 years ago
excellent!!thanks for sharing
benjamin kilchhofer
13 years ago
Stephane jacquet
13 years ago
Excellent Work !