Diatonic chord synth.
This was originally created to make pad sounds that play one finger diatonic chords based on the selected key. But its actually more versatile than that. You have 4 wave table synths. Each one plays one note of the chord. Each synth has a wave table with a morph function. Each has an envelope that can be Amp and/or control the morph. The envelope can be ADSR, ADR, or AD. Each wave table has a level function and an auto-pan. And can be turned off entirely. The "7th" wave table can be the 7th of the chord or it can be in unison with the root or it can be an octave below. It also can be noise. The noise function just randomly reads from a position in the wave table cell. So the selected wave table and the morph function can widely alter the "noise". Then there is a master Amp envelope and the EQ that comes with reaktor. And finally a master volume. There is a folder that contains 51 wave tables you can drop in.
You can also create melodic sounds because you can turn of the "3rd"(and other) wave table.
The "B" view is where you can define the chords(I included a little read me). It also tells the modes of the selected key.
The little demo is made with this. Including the 808 thingy. The other drum sounds are also a reaktor ensemble.