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Triplet drum sequencer

Triplet drum sequencer

(6 Votes)
Audio Player
1.2.0 (Updated 1 year ago)
February 21, 2023
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


Replaced samples and added velocity scale for each "limb". The new demo is raw.

Triplet drum sequencer for any triplet feel music in 4/4. Define a 4 bar phrase that is repeated for 12 or 16 bars to make a section. You can define 3 sections and a 6 section form. The purpose of this is for me to play along with. But it could be used in production i guess. Because you don't have to use the internal samples. You can output MIDI under GM drum standard. I provide what I call jazz based patterns and will add more as I collect them up through use. I'm not a drummer so they are what they are.


turker tezcan
1 year ago
great job
1 year ago
Will, ty!8
Alexandre Melim
1 year ago
Thank you
2 years ago
Nice one Will