Drone box
Quick audio demo of the snapshots on this page.
Great video demo (no talking) here:
- Two wavetable oscillators. Each with 84 selectable waves, and Octave, Semitone and Fine Tune control.
- Below the Wave Select knobs, you have Krell buttons 1 and 2. These effectively switch out the drone circuit for a random sound generating circuit controlling the oscillator.
- Bit crusher affecting both oscillators.
- Two LP filters (one for each oscillator) with Cutoff and Resonance control. Filter slope for each filter can be set to 12 or 24 db/octave in the bottom menu in view B.
- Two distortion units (one for each filter). Can be set to pre- or post- filter in the bottom menu in view B.
- Mix control for balancing the Oscillator 1 and 2 circuit. The mix control is positioned after the filters.
- Three LFO's. One for each filter and one for the output amp. Each LFO comes with Amplitude, Frequency, Waveform Select and Pulse Width control. Every LFO can be synced to tempo by clicking the LFO indicator LED (a circle appears around the LED and the sync rate is shown next to the Frequency knob. The sync rate can be set for each LFO individually.
- Chorus effect with on/off button and Delay, Depth and Rate control.
- Randomizer button. Randomizes all controls of CRUDE, with exception of the output Volume control.
- Output Volume control.
- 8 -1/+1 random number generated CV outputs.
- Lunar Delay CV controllable stereo Delay unit.
- Air Reverb CV controllable reverb unit.
Info and descriptions of every control are available with 'Show Info Hints'. The Lunar Delay and Air Reverb functionality are demonstrated in the included snapshots.
- Partly inspired by Oki Computer, and the Moffenzeef Modular 'Stargazer'. If you like synth boxes like this, visit
- Many credits and thank yous to the great Bolabo a.k.a. David X, for rebuilding the oscillators. You should totally check out his amazing work on
- Thank you to Kohtaro Fujishima for his great random number generators, i used for CRUDE's CV outputs.
- All credit and thank yous to Boscomac and Jonathan Tremblay for building and reworking the Air Reverb.
Update log:
02/2024: Added Stereo Width control (CV modulatable) to the Lunar Delay and edited all snapshots accordingly. Small change, great stereo effect when modulated.
Version 2.5 NKS: Native Kontrol Standard version done by the great Kymeia. How cool is that? Now you have CRUDE fully adapted to your Native Instruments controller.
Many thanks to Kymeia.
Version 2.5: Added 8 random CV outputs for control of two new and included effects units: Lunar Delay (a stereo delay) and Air Reverb (a lush reverb built by Boscomac and reworked by Jonathan Tremblay. GUI design by me.)
Version 2.4: Added dual Krell random sound generating circuit.
Version 2.3: Added tempo sync to the LFO's. Click the LED indicator for each LFO to activate tempo sync.