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FM Polynator V1

Polyrhythmic FM Drum Machine

(14 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 6 years ago)
May 16, 2018
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


Polyrhythmical Quadphonical FM Modulor
File this one under "ensembles I'll never finish" but thought I'd share it. Its a version of my Triphonic FM Modulor ensemble:

This ensemble is different in that its made as a drum machine - sync-able to the tempo - and has 4 FM oscillators modulating each other instead of 3. Top left modulates top right, top right modulates bottom left, bottom left modulates bottom right, and bottom right modulates top left. Its like Human Centipede but for FM modulations.

Each oscillator has a Filter, an Envelope, LFO, and a Sequencer.
The sequencer is done by making each FM Oscillator have a different speed based on different subdivisions of a measure. So one synth could be going at 1/32 repeating, the other at 3/24, and so on.
The sequencer is an XY grid:
- X axis controls the type of subdivision (2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 16, 24, 32)
- Y axis controls how many of those subdivisions (1, 2, 3, 5)

So, when Y = 2 and X = 12, its two 12th notes repeating. Y = 3 and X = 32, its three 32nd notes repeating.

I made an annoying knob for the LFO which only shows the type of LFO (Sine, Tri, Sqr). It works, but its weird.

I've included a bunch of random presets , plus a "RANDO" button that randomizes everything.

Each oscillator is being panned with an envelope of one of the other oscillators, so its very stereo. Unchecking the "Stereo" button will make the drum machine sound in mono.

Its not great, but can make some fun sounds & beats!


Doron Sadja


Andy Bolleshon
5 years ago
Kind of buggy on my machine. When pressing Random it gets silent really fast. Have to resart the ens
6 years ago
Really effective with some sort of glitchy delay following it... Thanks!
_ bitquisite
6 years ago
I just love this, incredibly inspiring! Love the sounds that come out of this and I've never encountered an easier way to get usable polyrythms. Definitely my percussion loop go-to... sometimes you can get almost full arrangements out of this! If you ever get to 'finishing' this, a little mixer, some FX (verb, delay, distortion, lo-fi) and more modulation options (including scale-quantised pitch modulation:)) would be great, but I've managed to create a set up with RoloEXT and a selection of blocks that fulfils my needs quite well... many many thanks!!!
Michael Morris
6 years ago
Maybe not great but really excellent. Thank you!