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Ravenous V3

Subtractive Synth For Retro Horror Music

(18 Votes)
Audio Player
3.1 (Updated 1 week ago)
December 17, 2023
Reaktor 6


This ensemble has enough features and presets for it to be fully competed release, however, I wanted to add a few new Komplete Kontrol pages. I also needed to tweak a few global parameters for better stability so t should be overall quieter when switching presets.

V3 Updates:
- Added 70 Presets (First presets in each category).
- Revised panel layout, you can now switch between 3 different panel views (shown above the Ravenous logo).
- Reduced CPU load internally.
- Changed preset artwork and added labels to each picture. This helps to know the category of whichever preset you have loaded, or tag your own presets accordingly.
-Added new Tombs. Structure now has 38 tombs to choose from.
-Revised interface for tombs.

Thanks you for the support and enjoy!


1 day ago
Not one has that ever happened to me using this in the 3+ years since I've made. I can't fix it if I never come across the problem guys.
Stephen Wey
1 day ago
Getting lots of patches where the sound just cuts out due to spikes when changing patches
Vladimir Trinity
1 year ago
Hm, looks interesting.
turker tezcan
1 year ago
1 year ago
Thanks again everyone for the feedback and issues!
1 year ago
I know exactly what it does you’re talking about, but that’s never happened to me with this synth in years, which makes me think it’s a hardware thing for different setups. I’ve been trying all morning to create an infinite audio loop and can’t so whatever it is isn’t happening on my end. But if it does happen again just let me know if you remember to screenshot it.
1 year ago
@Goremall Windows. I couldn't reproduce it, but I believe it happened when changing presets with reverb in them. It's very typical Reaktor thing, really, when synth trying to send "inf" to output, so internal clipper goes crazy and nothing works until you reload instrument or use On/Off button near CPU Load/ Sample Rate
1 year ago
If anyone has any issues feel free to screenshot me a pic on FB messenger. Definitely want to fix any issues because this is a lot of people’s favorite tool. Cheers
1 year ago
That’s odd, I’ve never had that happen with this synth before. Thanks for letting me know though. I’ll try to see what’s going on but hard for me to fix it if it’s not happening on my end. Are you all Mac or Windows?
1 year ago
@Goremall I know what this guy is talking about. I get this situation with this synth once too. I cant track it precisely but it looks like there are infinite unclipped feedback somewhere in your synth. Or maybe a division by a increasingly small number close to zero. Reaktor can react like this at this type of situation.
1 year ago
Thanks everyone for your kind words! Per the last comment, the red means that your clipping the audio output. Generally in Reaktor this will not cause the sound to go out, so this could be an audio interface issue. However, there is a white triangle next the spot you see turning red, turn that down about halfway and this will prevent that from happening.
1 year ago
Hi! I LOVE your work! Thank you! I'm a newb with reaktor (and synths in general) and I think this is a newb question. There seem to be several presets that make the output meter in the top right corner of Reakor max out and turn red. After that happens, I can no longer hear sound from the synth until I change to another synth. What can I do to avoid this? Again, thank you for all your uploads, all of your stuff is so amazing.
1 year ago
Great synth! Insta witchhouse vibes, really like it.
Stephen Wey
1 year ago
I've made NKS previews for the snapshots - if you are using this in Komplete Kontrol just unzip (with hidden files visible) place the .previews folder inside same folder as Ravenous
Petty Vendetta
1 year ago
Always enjoy your work Jon. Thanks!
Stephen Wey
1 year ago
OK well I have just bought Ghost Box and will but the others - thanks
1 year ago
Hey Stephen thanks! The version of Blood Drums is the same as the one I had in here, so if you already downloaded it here no need to buy.
Stephen Wey
1 year ago
Awesome thanks, had a look at your commercial site and will certainly be buying some, is the Blood Drums on your site different from the one in the UL? Are they all optimised for NKS too (that is important for me)?