techno ensemble

just an ensemble to play around with

(11 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 9 years ago)
January 17, 2016
Reaktor 6
Blocks Ensembles


a nice ensemble I had fun with for days and wanted to share it,
it contains, a kick with sequencer, a hat with sequencer, a synth with stepsequencer and noise and several lfos and gimmicks.
if you dive deeper you have enough possibilities to create a berlin style techno track
and shape the sound in a lot ways
maybe I will update,
with all the newer or modded blocks from each instrument
and yeah im a newbe to this, maybe some ways to approach are not the best


sebastian feldhof
9 years ago
basically you can play with the fills to create beat tension, the lpg parameters to envelope the synth sequence together with the delay reverb combos enough for build ups, tune everything as you like