Euclidean "Snapshots-to-Keys" Mod

Euclidean Sequencer to play on MIDI Keyboard

(14 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 9 years ago)
November 26, 2015
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


Mod of the "euclidean seq demo" by benjamin kilchhofer. This single Euclidean Sequencer lets you switch between snapshots by playing the keys on your MIDI keyboard/controller. I wanted a setup, which allows me to "play" and switch between my favourite polyrhythms in a fast and intuitive way just by pressing the keys on my keyboard.

Along with the Ensemble, I've also attached an Ableton Live Session with the Euclidean Sequencer routed to an Ableton Live track containing a simple Hi-Hat sample. Make sure to select the "Save Snaps" Instrument (See Screenshot) in the Ensemble's drop-down menu to access and view the Snapshots-to-Keys Preset Bank (You'll see 13 Snapshots with names ranging from C-2 to C-3). On your MIDI keyboard, play C-2 to trigger Snapshot 1, C#-2 to trigger Snapshot 2 and so on…

This is the Ensemble I demoed at the NI Sessions for Reaktor on the 27th of October 2015. Link to Video:

Link to "Create Digital Music" feature:

Version 1.1:
- Fixed an event order problem in the Sequencer View/Display, which is present in ALL other versions of this Sequencer in the User Library.
- Previously under certain circumstances, the settings of the Steps, Fill and Shift parameters would display the wrong number of filled squares.
- The output of the Sequencer was never affected by this (only the view) but it was confusing to hear and see two different things so now it's been fixed.
- Thanks to Dietrich Pank and Daniel Ramm from the Reaktor Team for their help in analysing and fixing this issue.


Robert Herold
7 years ago
OK... no "smaller than" sign, I'm so sorry. to IDs smaller than 256. Enter EDIT mode - Click on Instrument name "Save snaps" - Go to Connect tab on the left and there down to the end - Select ID Actions and use the Compress IDs function - Save. Now you can use the parameter mapping as usual.
Robert Herold
7 years ago
... to IDs
Robert Herold
7 years ago
Big thanx to Nadine, I found that after looking for exactly what it is. But a little detail made me mad ;-) I use a Push2 and tried to map the parameters via the Ableton mapping function, but... it doesn't work. As a Reaktor load'n'use user I tried to figure out what the problem is. What I found after some hours: The fader/knob IDs are somewhere at 270-280. It seems Ableton can only connect to IDs
ryan gange
7 years ago
I may be missing a trick here as not really delved into blocks much - is it possible to simply connect one of these to, say, a kick drum block (i.e Niji drums) I've tried making the connection in the panel (as detailed in the NI sequencer to internal synth tut) but not getting an output. any help would be great - wonderful idea for a live set in mind :)
8 years ago
I don't have REAKTOR and have never used it. Do I need purchase POLOPLEX to use this? Or is everything I need in this download?
Gerd Mechning
8 years ago
How can i shorten the keyrange? For example: only from c-2 to e-2. Thank's for help and greetigs to Nadine.
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
Can anyone check this for me please. Not sure about some buggy behaviour. I went back to this version after starting with Santiago's version. Santiago's version has a recognised bug where any parameter-changes trigger MIDI notes (including changing parameters in the backend). In R6.0.1, this ensemble here - snapshots to keys mod - when I move the pitch control it seems to occasionally trigger random changes in other elements such as steps, fill and maybe speed? I started to compare wire by wire between the two and realised this one was also toying with my sanity. Mac OS 10.9.5, Reaktor 6.0.1 I have been at these for 3 days straight, sorry I can't seem to fix or find a way to get this working. Wits end. :-)
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Jim, it looks like Santiago already did it :)
9 years ago
Thanks Nadine. Are you planning to incorporate Santiago's new accents and arp functionalty into your version? I would like to add this functionality to Euclidean Polyplexor, but I don't know if I have the skills to do it. Will take a look at it though, maybe it will be easier than I imagine.
santiago vilanova
9 years ago
I just added the accents and arpeggiator on the branch by Benjamin Kilchofer and Normalised:
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
@John, sure get in touch. I can't publish my NI email address here so get please in touch via the ticket system and ask the Supporter to forward your mail to Nadine (Lead Product Specialist - Komplete). Here is the form:
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
@Jim, i've been meaning to remove the kb button as it doesn't fit in the snapshots-to-keys concept. Will upload a new version today.
John Cohen
9 years ago
hi nadine. sorry to jump in on this. but i have some ideas regarding this u might like to hear. is there a possible email address i can contact u on? thanks john
9 years ago
Nadine, what does the kb button do?
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Hey Santiago, wow thanks so much for starting all this! I'm downloading your ensembles now. Yes, the possibility to add accents and generally humanize the sequencer has been sorely missed so far in my version...I'll definitely be posting in your forum thread very soon. Thanks again!
santiago vilanova
9 years ago
Hey Nadine! I made the first implementation of this euclidean generator and made a post on the reaktor forums. After that, the ensemble got it's own life and several people have been modding it and uplaoding different versions on the UL, adding GUIs and extendeing it further, which is cool! Just for your interest, i was working on new additions on the algorithm for adding accents (which also follow the euclidean rule) and also for creating cool melodies. You can find the accents version here: and the "euclidean melodies" add-on here: which is also the original post where all this euclidean thing started. cheers, and thanks for the nice extensions you're doing to this!
Greg Killmaster
9 years ago
Thank you Nadine! got it. Thanks Phil, that is a good idea for future inquiries :) I will definitely find good use for this!
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Phil, that's a good idea to use a Forum thread for this. In short, if you look inside the Key-to-Snap-Switch module, the Note Pitch is set to 47, which is C-2. If you want to have your first Snapshot start on C-3 just change the value to 59 and so on...For the NI sessions demo, I used multiple Sequencers going to different sound sources so I set up each one to have different Note Pitch values. That way, I could line up all my different Sequencer Snapshots of each instrument next to each other on the Keyboard.
Phil Durrant
9 years ago
Greg, I suggest you ask on the Reaktor Forum where we can upload screenshots to help you. Basically you need to make sure the Save Snaps Instrument is in focus. Notes from C2 upwards will change the Snapshots.
Greg Killmaster
9 years ago
This is fantastic! thank you! For a total novice here, how in the ensemble do you assign snapshots for the note value?
Phil Durrant
9 years ago
Thanks Nadine, after seeing the Berlin Native Sessions, I have been looking forward to downloading this :)
yannick Le Déan
9 years ago
Really good idea, and congrats for the video ! cool explanation and love sounds
david elson
9 years ago
andreas haun
9 years ago
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
It will be featured on the "Create Digital Music" Website later today. You can see the entire NI Sessions here: My segment starts at 1 hour 15 min.
andreas haun
9 years ago
where is the vid, please ?