Entropic Flourine

Chemical Chaos Patch

(6 Votes)
1 (Updated 9 years ago)
October 07, 2015
Reaktor 6


Super experimental chaos patch... unpredictability guaranteed.

- Four 'FLOURINE' sweet spot Oscillators
- 'ENTROPIC' chaos LFO hooked up to MOD B.
- 'PULSIFIER II' for some grit and Rounds Reverb.

All credit to these guys!

* its a synth not a gen
** this ens. is a prototype - i have some ideas to complete it, like being able to pan the oscillators etc, so stay tuned for the next version ....... enjoy!)


makoz ~
8 months ago
cal, you remember who made fluorine? im looking for a vco called something like Sinusoidal or Sinusoid, it was a phaseshaping kinda thing like the VPS oscillator posted here on the user library. im sure the one im looking for is from the creator of Fluorine because it had the same aesthetics. it doesnt exist anymore here on the library, like Fluorine which only exists in patches such your one.
9 years ago
yeah, for sure that would be better, its a cool idea. No promises, but i'll give it a go.... and feel free to leave any other requests soonish, cause i'll be onto finish this ens. at the weekend.
Greg Killmaster
9 years ago
would there be a way to have the global dials (mod, sync etc...) in the Entropic block act relatively to the individual Flourine block controls? Like an offset instead of absolute value?
Greg Killmaster
9 years ago
fantastic and workable! thank you!