Time Travel Roo

Bionik FM YA Machine

(10 Votes)
1 (Updated 9 years ago)
October 06, 2015
Reaktor 6


It was the year 2030 and Roo had been amongst the first trials of bringing back previously extinct large species. Gene Scientist's had probably quite wisely avoided the temptation of resurrecting the Big Wooly Mammoth staright away, incase something went wrong... so an old Aboriginal favorite was chosen instead. It was an outstanding success, shortly afterwards Roo was quickly passed on to another Lab specializing in Nanotronic Brain updgrades...

After the next experiment he had succesfully received the Nanobug transfer without a hitch... so now the scientists had a newly resurrected giant red marsupial with hyper-intelligence in the lab. Fools, what were they thinking, that a Roo with bionic abilities would just sit there being prodded by electrodes all day...

Of course not Roo had way better things to do.. first things first , he whizzed up an invisibility cloak from the surrounding nano particles and hopped on out to the big world undetected. Where to start, so many things to do, he thought his best plan was to make a trek in Peru and so he could make a master plan.

Goal one.. , to bring back his old buddies The Desert Bandicoot's, their data was one of the first batch of several billion data modules he downloaded in his Nanobug Brain upgrade. What was the quickest way - obviously Time Travel, he coud just travel back and grab some ..easy! His hyper-intellegence meant he already knew of a hidden design detailing the algorythms required for Time Travel, and strangely enough they were close by in a lost cave...

Next morning, off track a bit in the heart of the Aztec jungle he spotted the entrance, wildly overgrown he struggled to reach it. At first he was disapointed... it was just a cave, but then he looked at the walls more closely and there were the designs etched on the cave walls, they were strangely futuristic.. there was code, and circuitry diagrams detailed with all sorts of heiroglyphs...Roo had found the lost blueprint to Time Travel.

As his eyes adjusted better to the dark it became clearer, and so it was, he set about building his fantastic Time machine that would take Roo and a perhaps a Bandicoot or two on many great adventures into the past, future and beyond....

FEATURES: Lost Inca CircuitBoard Replication
+ Dual Chain 5 FM Bento Time Travel Engine
+ Dimensional auto-panner
+ Auto-note/keyboard input
+ Double Krusher and SVF Filter
+ Verb, Delay and Driver
+ Random, A.I and Gen Mode
+ 2 banks of 50 presets
+ heavy puncher 60% cpu hit
+ A/B Mod Enabled
(A is ready hooked up to the LFO - B slot is free)

This ones constructed mainly with NI parts, but theres also a few User macro's...Thanks all!


andreas haun
9 years ago
i must say, i love every crazy ens from you +1!
Worwell _
9 years ago
I'm not sure what just happened there, but it was a lot of fun. Great sounds.