24 Voice Chaintwister Tone-Gen

(16 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 9 years ago)
September 27, 2015
Reaktor 6


Centipede was having a rough day, he had only narrowly escaped being burnt to a cinder in a blazing bush wildfire. Safe for a moment in an abandonned underground mouse burrow, he tried to collect his thoughts.

He struggled for a moment to come to terms with all the devastaion above... as he braved a look outside of the burrow, he saw charcoals and ash veiling all. To his right he glanced with horror as he saw his best friend David the Sheild Bug nothing but a smouldering carcass... he returned to his burrow never to be seen again.

- 24 Voice, 8-way Chaintwister Tone-Gen (inc Boutique)
- Stereo Feedback Comb Poly Filter
- Dual Input Selector
- A/B MODS Enhanced
- A.I. Mode + GEN-MODE
- Mutate + Liquidize
- FlameZap Verb
- Dual Crusher
- 12 Notch Vaporizor
- Random + 70 Snaps
- Guillotine Screamer
- super-cooL CPU 20%

(v1.1 updates - added LFO to random all, upgraded screamer, crusher is now dual, fixed scope, limiter and better snaps with improved levels)

(to play from a keyboard select boutique - and enable keytracking)

Centipede Scenario is a TG8 mod with loads of R5/6 user and NI parts...cheers all!


Szentpétery Csaba
7 years ago
ls this granular synth?
ian ainslie
7 years ago
Not sure what it's supposed to be doing, but very much like what it's doing... :)
Robin Gill
9 years ago
"Lively" is putting it mildly. This is awesome!
9 years ago
thanks Christian... its a lively one for sure.. maybe theres a ghost in the machine!
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
Insane, dangerous, twisted, magnificent. I've never seen an ensemble CHANGE TO ANOTHER SNAPSHOT ALL BY ITSELF which is frightening to behold. Awesome.
9 years ago
..another stupid error: the scope is displaying the signal pre-chain...its should be post.. so its probably not displaying what you hear!
9 years ago
thanks Christian! note to self: there is one error to be fixed - connect the 'random all' to the LFO block. note to others: the presets are working at ensemble level only, so the Centipede instrument has no presets if used outside of this ensemble in a custom block chain.
Christian Linder
9 years ago
it's really weird. but I really like it.