Modulus v1

Modulus is a extensive modular framework with 34 modulators.

(3 Votes)
v1 (Updated 9 years ago)
September 14, 2015
Reaktor 6


Modulus is an extensive modular framework designed to provide a single module source for all your modulation needs inside your modular patch. The framework contains:

-4 envelopes
-4 LFOs
-4 Sequencers (with probability gates)
-2 Peak Detectors (with beat quantiization and rudimentary, tunable pitch detection)
-2 XY Pad (with phrase recording functions)
-3 Modulator modifiers (warp
and combine any of the 31 other modulators. You can also microtune this output to follow a special scale or tuning)
-5 System-related modulators; including: Gate, Pitch, Velocity, Clock Start/Stop and a Clock Gate that follows the external or internal clock signal.

The Pitch modulator can be augmented with the microtune function to use different scales and tunings. By default it is set to Chromatic.

Modulation sources are available on the A Panel, B is reserved for all modulations being sent. On Panel B, modulations can be further manipulated with the span and base knob. The output can be smoothed, inverted or even sampled-and held.

All applicable modulators are time-sync capable.

Modulus is relatively painless to configure into your patch. Connectivity relies on Reaktor's internal connection system to make wireless connection possible inside your patch. Within the the Modulus instrument you'll find a macro called 'Mod comp'. This contains 3 stacked macros to maximize the amount of room for modulators. Inside the 'ModulationsA' macro Simply duplicate the macro in the top left corner and rename it to whatever you choose. Inside the newly copied macro their are 2 IC connections that need to be configured before use. First, the one labeled 'IC send to' should be connect through the IC connect options to the knob or whatever you wish to control. Second, 'IC send from' needs a IC connection FROM the knob Modulus is connected to. This is done to ensure all data is saved within each snapshot. Once this is done you should be ready to roll!

To add compatability to Reaktor 6's Blocks a physical output from the instrument has been provided for all 34 modulators. All of these outputs are uni-polar, values between 0 - 1. Currently, manipulation of the modulators to make them bipolar is necessary. The drawback of using Modulus in this capacity is that you lose the ability to fine-tune each modulation inside panel B.

I suppose in the future I would like to make modulus into individual Blocks for each kind of modulators. I was close to finishing this project when Reaktor 6 was released. Too close for me to revise my design to make it fully compatible. I'm not the biggest huge fan of GUI design in Reaktor. I find it tedious, but at some point, I will probably brave through it and make this into block form.

To demo this framework Ive included Granulizer effect I'm working on. It's part of a bigger project that is completely Modulus-driven. This is here just to give you an idea of what modulus is capable of. Thank you and enjoy!