Generate signals from T3D OSC signals
1.0 (Updated 9 years ago)
July 16, 2015
Reaktor 5 or lower
Macro for using the Madrona Labs Soundplane (or other devices supporting T3D) to drive a polyphonic Reaktor synth.
The Soundplane sends each touch as a OSC event /t3d/tchN so that notes can be bent and modified separately.
This macro listens to the data coming in on /t3d/tch1- tch8 and combines it into6 event signals which can be used to control any 8-note-polyphonic Reaktor construction.
X = horizontal 0-1
Y = vertical position 0-1
Za = pressure 0-1(audio rate)
Ze = pressure 0-1(event rate)
P = pitch 0-127 (continous, including pitchbend)
G = gate
see example of how to use here https://youtu.be/HVzFNmg73Ys
(note: this used an earlier version, but still works the same, just no UI element in this macro now)