Sequential Circuits Prophet-600 (Teensy CPU Replacement/Gligli Firmware Mod) MIDI CC Editor/Snapshot Manager

Sequential Prophet-600 MIDI CC Snapshot Editor/Manager

(13 Votes)
Audio Player
R Ben
1.5 (Updated 3 years ago)
May 21, 2015
Reaktor 5 or lower


Ver. 1.5 (of Feb. 03, 2022):
Still some more snaps.

Ver. 1.4
Added even more snapshots.
Changed the CC numbers of the 6 LFO destination switches at the bottom of the "LFO+VIBRATO" section as they conflicted with some of the "fine" resolution parameters.

Version 1.3 (of Dec 19, 2018):

Ens now allows MIDI notes, PitchBend and CC1 (ModWheel) to pass through. This simplifies the routing in your DAW. Only 2 tracks are needed, e.g., in Ableton. And I added some more presets.

Version 1.2:

Ens now responds to "Program Change" commands.

This is a Sequential-Circuits Prophet-600 Editor/Preset Manager proven to run in Reaktor 5.9.4 x64 plugin, on my DAW systems with MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) and previously Windows 7. I found this Ensemble working well in Ableton 10.1.42, Cubase Pro 11.0.41 and Reaper 4.78.

This Ensemble will only work with such Prophet-600 units that have the Teensy CPU/Firmware upgrade done. This wondrous upgrade is made by Gligli and his project site "" will reveal the complete information about this project.

Gligli's "May 2, 2015 firmware" or newer is needed to get the LFO-to-VCA function working.

I created this ensemble and give it away free of charge to show my appreciation for the hard work of Gligli and the Reaktor development team. The Reaktor User Library terms & conditions apply.

I once used a BCR2000 to control all parameters in realtime with LED feedback on the Behringer box.


frank ruiz
4 years ago
ist t possible t run it on Logic?
Steph Massy
4 years ago
HI ! Is there a way to load, or "learn" the presets already stored in the prophet ? Thank you so much ! monsieur.massy[at]
joe hansan
5 years ago
Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog! Canon Printer Error Code 6A81
elisa martin
5 years ago
hello, thnq for your new version as i loved it a lot Yahoo Mail Error Code 475
R Ben
6 years ago
Version 1.3 is here, check the description for a list of changes.
R Ben
6 years ago
Ron, is your Reaktor version up to date?
R Ben
6 years ago
To Ron Leonardi: Now I'm also on a Mac. Here, the R5 Ens opens without a glitch.
6 years ago
Thanks so much for this!
Sadek Bazaraa
7 years ago
Hi R Ben – I can't seem to find your gmail address on your YouTube channel or in this forum anywhere. I had the same question / issue as BT and was wondering if you could email me as well. Thanks for putting the time and effort into this controller!
R Ben
7 years ago
Hi Ron. It's LANDOSONIC, not Landsonic. Find me via my Gmail address.
R Ben
7 years ago
Hello BT: Though I don't have R6 and Live 10 (only R5 and Ableton 9) I will try to help (and bear in mind I have a Windows machine, no Mac): Your description tells me you use "Reaktor 6 FX" (the Audio effect plugin). Please use the "Reaktor 6" instead (the Instrument plugin) on a MIDI track. You may contact me via E-Mail and I shall forward an Ableton set to you with the particular track template I used successfully.
Brian Transeau
7 years ago
How do you send midi out from the ens? I've got it loading in reaktor 6/Live 10 great but it turns a midi track into an audio track so I can't set the output to a midi port. Help appreciated!
Ron Leonardi
7 years ago
since I can't open the ensemble I can't email landsonic for help. Anyone have the email address?
Ron Leonardi
7 years ago
I am unable to open this ensemble in reaktor 5. I am using a mac. when I open it, it says invalid file? any suggestions?
lorenzo contarini
8 years ago
bravo !
Mark Medison
8 years ago
Nice !
R Ben
8 years ago
Version 1.1 uploaded: now features a staggering number of 237 presets! The Ensemble in itself hasn't been changed except for a few updates in the info texts.