techtalk starter kit


(4 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 9 years ago)
April 27, 2015
Reaktor 5 or lower


Proposal starter kit collection as mentioned in the TechTalk presentation.


Stefan Gränitz
9 years ago
Hi Colin, that might be funny from the a priori perspective, but thinking again Macros turn out to be much more. They encapsulate multiple, possibly interfering threads of execution with variing numbers of return values each -- in a single enity. Textual languages typically don't offer comparable concepts. Well everything can be emulated with a Turing-complete programming language, but this is not the point.
Colin Brown
9 years ago
"- macro concept allows reuse of program logic superior to C functions or C++ classes" LOL you have got to be joking!
9 years ago
"exported as C code" cool...
Stefan Gränitz
9 years ago
We used that in an internal presentation to other devs. Find my low-budget slides here but I guess especially with the slides only it's no news for you. We'll probably have some recorded session like this in the future.
9 years ago
sehr schön :) danke link to TechTalk presentation?
9 years ago
Ng Mui
9 years ago
Yeah would love to see this too :D
9 years ago
Is there a link to this presentation somewhere?