Waldorf Rocket Preset Editor
Made to save Waldorf Rocket sounds
0.1 (Updated 9 years ago)
April 15, 2015
Reaktor 5 or lower
This is the first version of my Rocket editor.
In moment realy basic and simple. But i plan to make it more nice with photo realistic skin and so.
I think aswell to add a XY field and some modulation stuff. For save and edit everything works.
There are some switches that dont send and recive midi, so this paramaters are not posible to save: Filter type, boost and phones level.
When the lamps of OSC and VCF are Red the Arp mode is on, and the knobs Range and Arp Speed are working.
When Pulse and Triangel are red, saw is running
When Up andUp/Down are red random is running
When 50% and 100% are red there is no Keytracking on filter
New in version 0.1.1
---VST automation named
---Soft Takeover is now on