Toms Midi Mangler 1.1

A tool to vary incoming Midi randomly based on probabilities

(13 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 9 years ago)
April 17, 2014
Reaktor 6


"Toms Midi Mangler" is a Reaktor Ensemble that allows you to:

a.) Set a Probability for incoming Notes being randomly played (or not).
b.) Set a Probability for both Velocity and Pitch of the "surviving" Notes to be randomly offset.
c.) Set a maximum Random Offset Amount for both Velocity and Pitch for those Notes.
d.) Select if Velocity- and Pitch Offset should only go Up, Down or both Directions.
e.) Set an Upper and Lower Note Limit (with fold-back into the allowed range)
f.) Optionally keep the resulting Notes inside a certain Scale.
(the last part uses a Macro from bubu called bubumapper - thanks for that mate!).

Originally this was inspired by the Ableton Live Midi Tools that I missed in Bitwig Studio and other DAWs, but I now like it even more than those...

Run a simply Midi Clip through it for endless variations or just add a tad of randomness for slight deviations...
I also sometimes use it with the midi-only output of for instance the Drum VST Jamstix to add more variation and then limit the output range to fit the available range of a certain Kontakt Sample Library with noises, clicks or other stuff to get interesting rhythmic patterns outside the "Drums" realm...
In Bitwig Studio, you can place it anywhere in the device chain in front of your instrument.
In other DAWs you have to check how to set up the Midi routing correctly - often it is necessary to create additional tracks and route the Midi from one to the next.

- Rebuilt most of the structure as core cells.
- Better internal logic.
- Can't reproduce the reported hanging notes - please provide more information about used DAW, OS link a midi file you use etc. if you still have problems.

1.0 finally :-)
- I reworked the whole ensemble in Reaktor 6.0
- It should no longer produce excessive hanging notes although the node tracking is still on the simple side. (tested in Bitwig Studio 1.2 Beta 7)
- I used modified Core cells for the random part.
- The panic buttons should now work, killing all notes.
- The internal layout is a bit less cluttered.

ENJOY!!!! :-)




Thomas Helzle
9 years ago
Hey Andreas, how is this version working for you? Still hanging notes? If yes, would you please let me know more about where and how you use it so I can try to fix it? Cheers! Tom
andreas haun
9 years ago
yes, i am "dumB"
andreas haun
9 years ago
maybe i am dump but what is the difference of pitch and note (the midi in block have the same outputs "pitch" and "note") ?
Thomas Helzle
9 years ago
I rebuilt most of the structure in core now and can't create hanging notes anymore here. If you encounter them still, please provide more information!!! I really want to get this as good as possible.
Thomas Helzle
9 years ago
Oh, that is sad to hear. I had it run for hours yesterday without hanging notes, but maybe I was lucky... I didn't send massive amounts of notes through it though, so maybe that is part of it? Or the used DAW? My note-tracking is quite simple with only the last note for each pitch tracked, so I guess one can get hanging notes if that is getting overloaded... One day I will master the black art of multidimensional Reaktor arrays/tables and create a real note-tracking facility... Cheers, Tom
andreas haun
9 years ago
... leider noch hanging notes ;-)
Thomas Helzle
9 years ago
Completely overhauled and reworked, running now in Reaktor 6, hopefully the hanging notes are mostly gone...
Kimmo Kivelä
10 years ago
I was wondering... how to implement there a midi note router, to send single notes (p ang gate) to different channels....
Kimmo Kivelä
10 years ago
Very useful to have this between seq and synth in Reaktor itself.
Thomas Helzle
10 years ago
Hey guys, sorry for not answering sooner - I thought I would get notifications but it seems I don't. Great it proves helpful! :-) @ Matt: As for the hanging notes: I thought I had that ironed out, but it seems not. I no longer have Ableton Live - does this happen under certain conditions (sending tons of notes at the same time for instance) or always? Does it happen in other DAWs too? @ Greg: Using Midi Tools is a pain in most hosts, needing one track for each more often than not, which is one reason I love Bitwig: You can put devices in the chain in any order you like, for instance first an EQ VST, then a bass to midi VST that is both letting through audio while analysing it to generate Midi and then put something like NI PrismFX to mangle the audio with the generated Midi after it... If you're into Midi mangling, check it out. Cheers over and out, Tom
Chris R Gibson
10 years ago
Should be very useful, thanks ;-)
year zero
10 years ago
danka!going to give it a go with incoming cv/note midi data from my analog sequencer...
Matt Simmons
10 years ago
Getting lots of hanging notes in Ableton 9.
Greg Killmaster
10 years ago
got it to work! Thanks Tom! this is fantastic and useful. I was able to figure out how to set it up in Studio One V2.
Greg Killmaster
10 years ago
I feel bad asking, but how do I use this in a DAW. Or for that matter, how do I hook it up to another synth in Reaktor? Looks very interesting!
10 years ago
Do you know MIDIdiom for PC? It run on XP wonderful but never under Win 7. Now there is another Mangler from Tom.
10 years ago
A gret one - thanks.