Color Picker / Color Tool
HSLhoff Reaktor Ensemble
Color Picker / Color Tool / Color Chooser
Picking colors for prototyping and color value conversion made easier!
I use it mainly to change the colors of objects in multi displays or the color of rgb lamps as background filler without opening the old color picker dialogue of windows and without the need to convert the rgba values.
Load the HSLhoff instrument into your ensemble structure, insert a color receiver macro and connect it with the desired object and choose a color within your prefered color space. To save memory and to embed the color permanently, copy the values from the rgb-panel by double clicking on the knob values to constants or similar structures and replace the recievers with them... or store the palette and use the Color Palette Reader by Mark Wadewitz.
In case you want to use the hex color space you've to change the values per digit.
If you encounter problems, please use the comments section.
Version history:
1.6c (2017-03-02)
- Tried to incorporat Marks tips. Thanks a lot! Does everything work?
- Included a default table with a black and white hidden color to make sure the value range is right (is not overwritten by the clear method). Before editing or creating a palette make sure the specs are right.
1.6b (2017-02-26)
- Forgot to add the transparency background to the new palette
- Removed reference to palette txt
1.6 (2017-02-26)
- Modifications on Panel B for loading/editing/storing color palettes with 248 colors which can be used with the Color Palette Reader by Mark Wadewitz
- Somewhat fixes the flagging system for multiple receivers with the same id (thanks Mark!)
Hopefully everything works fine..
1.5e (2016-10-03)
- And the list grows and grows.. now I experienced a problem with multiple receiver instances using the same slot. The first receiver overwrites the update flag and the second one therefore doesn't update its output. As a first solution I added another input port and in case it's the second or more receiver with the same slot simply connect the slot nr also with the unlabeled port. This disables the "eco mode" and the receiver is read with the DClk every tick.
1.5d (2016-09-26)
- Cleans up the "To Sh Ev Table"-macro
1.5c (2016-09-21)
- Because Mark suggested it and because I always use the constants to set the receiver color anyways, I removed the internal knob in the receiver again.
- Bugfixes: Thanks Mark!
1.5b (2016-09-20)
- Stupidly saved the receiver macro with internal mode enabled. My original intention was to enable setting the slot number with a constant in the structure and with the receiver invisible.
1.5 (2016-09-19)
- Thanks to Mark! He gave me the tip to seperate the palette and the sends slots. When "Thru" is disabled you can load, edit and resave colors from one slot to another
- He also suggested to use a flag for reducing the Dclk triggered iteration amount
- Revised the save routine
- Merged the receivers in one general receiver which can be adressed by an asigned number from 1-10 on the Nr input
1.4c (2016-09-15)
- Encountered a bug: on initialization sometimes the wrong color was copied if the user did not change the palette color index. I simply misplaced a snap value module.
1.4b (2016-09-14)
- Reaktor 6 minor GUI-update
- Use of the new layers function
1.4 (2014-11-15)
- Simplified internal structure
- Copy / paste colors from one pallete slot to another
- minor GUI-Update
1.3 (2014-10-03)
- Fixed the color palette selection
- Selected color is highlighted now
- Got rid of enabled eventloops
1.2b (2014-09-27)
- Macro numbering with leading zeros
1.2 (2014-09-01)
- Color palette and color receivers
1.1 (2014-08-20)
- Color conversion between HSL, RGB and HEX values
1.0 (2014-04-10)
- Initial release