Additive Wavemaker MWXT edition
Wavetable based SineBank Osc with morphing feature
Additive Wavemaker v1.0
Waldorf Microwave XT edition
by Ricccardo Ferri
I have extracted this macro from Alkesynth v2, where i'm still working on and it's still far to be completed.
In the meantime you can enjoy this Oscillator engine.
Fell free to use it for your project, but please let me know, i'm curious to see the results :)
I've taken all 300 waveform values directly from Waldorf Microwave XT using midi dump and importing exact values on a table.
I have also recreated wavetables identical from the synth.
This is not a full emulation because microwave uses also a math method to reate waveforms called UPAW, and unfortunately those parameters cannot be accessed from any midi editor :(
Also in the original synth waveforms are calculated and then sampled as standard waveforms, while here they are still into the sine bank module, doing in this way waveforms have better resolution, but uses more cpu and for example you cannot add a standard fm modulation to them.
Wavetables 0-31 has been taken directly from Microwave XT
Wavetable 32-36 has been made by myself
Wavetables 37-63 are empty, go to panel B to create new wavetables.
Use panel A for smaller view without the wavetable editor.
feedbacks, bug reports and suggestions are welcome!
If you are interested in getting MWXT values as txt format contact me by email, i have both partials and waves values.
Alchemy @ Beatport