Golden Mean

Gives the value of the Gold Number.

(6 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 13 years ago)
August 02, 2011
Reaktor 5 or lower


This is a simple Math macro for Reaktor 5.6.
It gives the value of the Gold Number. It's very usefull to add/multiply this value to an oscillator, or any kind of generators in Reaktor. This gives a more 'natural' feeling into your patch.
NOTE : anyone can put into this macro an 'in' port and a math method (add, multiply, substract, etc.) to use this value...
Have fun !


Stephane ESTEVE
13 years ago
It's exactly what DONALD PHILIPS is talking about : just modulating oscillators one to the other, with this ratio. It gives an 'inharmonic' sound that is just weird and interesting to listen. it is not a value, just a ratio. And I'm sorry if I seemed 'offensed'. I tried to explain myself on this module. In fact, I made it also as a Core Cell, just to experiment with this section of reaktor.
Chris R Gibson
13 years ago
I am all about Golden Mean and Fibonacci numbers in everything! So big thanks ;-)
13 years ago
chowning was probably using the golden ratio as FM (IE, modulating an oscillator with another oscillator at 1.61803399 the frequency of the first, or something like that. I'm bad at DSP).
13 years ago
hey man, again, no offense! i'm not saying that there is no need for this macro, i'm just saying that adding or multiplying it by an oscillator is probably not the best way to use it! it'll just make it louder, if that sounds 'better' that's fine too!
Stephane ESTEVE
13 years ago
So... Sorry for the main title, but I have to name it GOLDEN MEAN...
Stephane ESTEVE
13 years ago
By the way, on Wikipedia's John Chowning article : "One of Chowning's most famous pieces is called Stria (1977). It was commissioned by IRCAM for the Institute's first major concert series called Perspectives of the 20th Century. His composition was noted for its inharmonic sounds due to his famous FM algorithm and his use of the Golden Mean (1.618...) in music."
Stephane ESTEVE
13 years ago
Aw Com'on men, Don't be so harsh with it. I use it on some of my patches and give a good feel. For example : 5 oscillators (like Sine) with this value on each Pitch entry, and you make a synth reacting with the concept of Stria (you can listen it on the Ambiant Works from AFX, for instance). I thought (and I'm a bit naive, maybe) it would be useful here. Is anyone haven't seen graphics made with this value ? Try it in the same way...
13 years ago
Ah, the sorcerers stone - lead (plumbum) to gold. It's a hard way Stephane.
13 years ago
no offense but i'm not sure you want to add or multiply an oscillator to this - you're just going to create clipping.