Heishere Remake 1.0

Remake of the classic noisemaker.

(33 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 14 years ago)
February 25, 2011
Reaktor 5 or lower


A remake of the classic noisemaker by Lazyfish.

This is the result of me diving deep inside of Heishere to see what made it tick.

New oscillator options:

Aliasing Core sine osc, based on the Core LFO.

Wavetable based sine osc built in Core.

Modulation LFO's added.

Optional Diffusion delay, its kind of subtle but some phasing sounds are possible on certain settings.


V. G.
13 years ago
A black door opens into my neighbors basement ...
Dennis Harms
13 years ago
Brilliant sounds!
Stephen Wey
13 years ago
Awesome - thanks
14 years ago
A black hole to the next universe ..
Chris R Gibson
14 years ago
A new rabbit hole opens!
year zero
14 years ago
this is amazing! thanks so much!!