Some Filters / FilterTool
Some scientific filters and a visualization of the Gain / Phase behaviour
2.0 (Updated 14 years ago)
August 14, 2010
Reaktor 5 or lower
Basic scientific filters with included transferfunction calculation (removable)
version 2: complete rebuild
filtertypes: Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev Type I
2,4,6,8,12 pole (doubled to 4,8,12,16,24 in bandpass/ bandstop form). calcs all parameters except for the Besselform (included zerotable up to order 12).
performs "true" transformations from lowpass to highpass/bandpass/bandstop now
transferfunction-visualization: gain, phase, dewrapped phase, phasedelay and groupdelay. linked to the ezfft-analyzer
original vs. filtered scope