Improper AMDF

AMDF Monophonic Pitch Detector Macro

(22 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 14 years ago)
July 08, 2009
Reaktor 5 or lower


Macro for extracting pitch and gate info from audio.

v1.1 : known bugs has been fixed.


Bertrand Antolin
14 years ago
oh.. :blush i'm really sorry for my misunderstanding, i don't speak german so i use google translate.... :(
14 years ago
Dieter wrote in 2009: shit on the ratings, we want to share our ideas - nothing else more.
Bertrand Antolin
15 years ago
Ok i get it from Google, apologize if it wasn't correct. Yes, this is for showing that pitch detection can be implemented in many ways in Reaktor, i'm tired of people worshiped max/msp ~fiddle object all the time and claims Reaktor can't do pitch detection.
Bertrand Antolin
15 years ago
Sorry, i don't understand..
Dieter Zobel
15 years ago
scheisst einfach drauf, ist das hier ne hitparade oder geht es eher darum, ideen zu teilen?
Bertrand Antolin
15 years ago
It seems someone has a habit to do that :D
15 years ago
I get from one person rated 1 at every new upload. SIC!
Bertrand Antolin
15 years ago
Thank you, i've never got rated 1 before :lol FYI, this is for pitch detection only, without MIDI features.