Snapshot Morph
morphs betweeen snapshots of instruments/ensembles
Put it into an ensemble of your choice and let it mash up your snapshots.
It can be used as kind of sequencing block when snapshots are well chosen.
It is all based on a pulse wave driven counter cycling between 0 and 1
when counter=1 -> morph pos is at position B - snapshot A is changed
when counter=0 morph pos is at position A - snapshot B is changed
Every time the counter reaches 0 or 1 a recall is sent.
When a random mode is chosen the recalls trigger the random modes.
Maybe there are some parameters you would like to set to snap isolate
The easiest way to modify existing ensembles without changing their Gui -> Insert the instrument -> Double click on it -> Delect all the content and cut or copy ( instrument and macro -> Go back to the main ensemble layer -> Paste -> erase the empty instrument (see screenshot)
added set next snapshot function
added random modes
added random morph position
added pause mode -> just morph position is moving but snapshots stay the same
added slow function for even slower movements
added random mode
added bank selector
added start/stop button
added instrument file which works as a wrapper for the macro to maintain the gui of the original ensemble
Any ideas how i could improve this are very welcome