
freaky percussive soundmachine

(31 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 16 years ago)
August 17, 2008
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer


my intention was a copy of the microtronic drumsynth from sonic charge.
this ensemble is indeed very similar, a little sequencer for weird, beasty sounds or just for designing new pecussive sounds or drums.
the ensemble consits of 6 equal sequenced channels, every channel consisting of a filtered noise section and an oscillator section with some moduliation options, a distortion and a master eq.
in the list on the right side of the ensemble you can select the view of every singel channel.
just hit the spacebar, tweek the knobs and have fun... ;)


Jeff Brown
14 years ago
(So that future searchers for MicroTonic can find the ensemble, I'm including the correct spelling in this comment.)
Jeff Brown
14 years ago
This is fantastic.
Richard Bull
15 years ago
Wow....surprisingly AWESOME!. Very very cool. wow.
16 years ago
absoluter hammer
Don Dailey
16 years ago
oh yes, I see. I was thinking they were global. I see they change when different channels are selected. ;-)
Johan Brodd
16 years ago
Looks archaic and sounds so, but as much archaik it is a must download for me.
Joachim Schneider
16 years ago
@ Tom: many thanks... of course it's okay, i'm lookin' forward for the mod. let me know, when you have finished work. and yes, the ui could be a pimped a bit, but i like simple interfaces and i hate working on them... ;) @ Don: what do you mean? there's an "Out" knob for the output-amp and under it a horizontal fader for pan - for each channel!!
Don Dailey
16 years ago
It would be nice to have vol and pan for each channel. I like it though.
Tom Cunliffe
16 years ago
Love it! Its been a while since I used Reaktor on its own, but within minutes of downloading this cheeky little bitch I was modding away like a nutter! Its so simple, yet distinctive... UI could do with a bit of tweaking, but that's a minor issue. I might upload my mod when its fit for public consumption, if that's ok... Dub_Quax!!!
GG.G SakabeaT
16 years ago
cool microtronic is a must have cant wait to try it out!!! thx!