Eminent-V 310 Strings Ensemble MkII

Emulation of the strings ensemble section of the Eminent 310 Unique/Theatre Organ

(432 Votes)
Audio Player
2.2 (Updated 2 years ago)
January 10, 2008
Reaktor 6


Happy New Year 2023!

Browsing an old hard drive (again) I have found a raw mix of Oxygene 6, from way back 2007/2008. I don't even remember what DAW I used. But here it is, as the third demo track. It has just 5 instrument parts, all done with the ensemble, except for the Minipops, which I believe it was a sample loop. Unfortunately, no ARP 2600 seagulls, Synthi/VCS3 seashore effects or RMI Harmonic Synth lead :)


To celebrate Christmas 2016 and the 40th anniversary of the original and groundbreaking Oxygene, after 8 years I finally finished a new and improved version of my classic ensemble.


NEWS December 5, 2018: While going through an old hard drive, I have found the version of the ensemble I originally posted. File date is January 9, 2008, nine days before my daughter was born! :) Since there has been requests from Reaktor 5 users, I have included it into the download package. Please note that this version has a bug in the oscillators where some cables are missing.

Also, check Vladimir Manuylov's improvisation using the ensemble: https://youtu.be/_ce7EaLO2KE
Check his other projects too. He makes very good music.

Bug fix November 27, 2017: Pedal register low note priority working properly now. Courtesy of NI's Monark :) Thanks, Brendan, for reporting (and reminding me about) this long overdue bug.



During these years many string synthesizers have come and gone: String Dreams, Cromina, Strings, Nightflight, VSM, etc. and I have them all. Few are still in my library: Loomer’s Strings, Nightflight (sadly not 64bit), Arturia’s Solina-V, and Jiggery-Pokery’s Combo 310.

Yet, I’m still fond of mine, as it is a labor of love, it looks and sounds good! And this new version is even better as I have learned a lot during these years.

I’m leaving the original description below. Here are the changes:

- New and improved oscillators. I based them on the ones that came with Reaktor 6.
- New more modern interface colors.
- The ensemble now responds to the pitch wheel with a maximum range -/+24 semitones. NOTE: As this is an emulation of a divide-down circuitry where all registers and manuals share only one oscillator per note, the pitch bend affect all registers and manuals at the same time (Pedal, Lower and Upper)
- Master tuning knob added just in case. When trying to play along early Tangerine Dream records I became aware of its necessity! :-)
- Better filters from NI’s Core library.
- Dry/Wet mix knob added to the Chorus Unit.
- Chorus unit can have 2, 3 (default) and 4 delay lines.
- Better effects: I have modified the echo/delay unit to be true stereo and with less distortion. Still based on Michats Space Echo.
- Added a modified emulation inspired on the EHX Electric Mistress courtesy of ZooTook.
- Now you have the option of using three models of phase shifters: a) NI’s emulation of the EHX Small Stone b) Modified ZooTook’s versions inspired on the MXR Phase 100 and Phase 90. Select then using the three dots in the upper right side of the effect panel.
- Added a manual switch on the phase shifters. When it is engaged you can control the phase sweep manually with the Speed/Rate knob. Attach it to the modulation wheel for instant gratification!

I left the old audio demo in the page and added a new not too good one :-)

Again, my great thanks to Native Instruments, ZooTook, Mark Smart, Radek Tymecki, Jürgen Haible (sadly, he passed away in 2011), Michael Wöstefeld, Hertz SM, g200kg, HunterKiller from the KVR forums, and all of you for your comments.

NOTE: The downloadable package contains in addition to the new version 2.1 of the ensemble, the original 1.1 version, which I fixed as it contained a bug (forgot to connect one cable) that made the oscillators alias at high frequencies.

The below is the original description left for historical purposes:

After I finished my Solina emulation I was pretty much satisfied with this string ensemble emulation thing. But on May 2007 I read this article: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may07/articles/eminent310.htm

Then an idea started to build in my mind: create an emulation of this mighty machine, the Eminent 310 organ. At first my goal was to recreate the whole organ, but after months and months of experiments, research, and trial and error I set a more modest goal: to emulate just the strings ensemble section of it.

Now, after 8 months of work here it is. It has some improvements over my Solina-V: better oscillators and an improved chorus unit.

Basically this instrument emulates the upper and lower manuals of the strings ensemble section. Also, it adds a pedal section for monophonic bass lines. This is based on the Solina SE not on the 310. Each section has a keyboard split, independent MIDI channel and transpose up to +-3 octaves. Another difference is that I created envelope controls for each string registers to further tweak the sound. If you want a truly 310 behavior leave the envelope sliders at their default values.
The effects section has the standard macros from the library with a different face (Graphic 10 EQ, Micro Space, and Kleinstein Phaser), except the delay which is a cut down version of Michael Wöstefeld’s Michats Space Echo ME-201.

Use the A/B views to switch to the back panel controls to further tweak the sound.
WARNING: With all the effects and manuals on you with get a high CPU usage (+60% on a Pentium D 3.0 GHz)
I made a lame demo going thru most of the presets, everything played live, except Oxygene 6 which is sequenced; therefore, please forgive my lousy playing :-)

If you ever tried to get that “Jarre sound” with this you can get very close.

I would like to thank the following:

- Mark Smart, for his wonderful ARP Omni 2 emulation from which I based the oscillators and chorus units of the Solina-V and Eminent-V 310 => http://www.marksmart.net/
- Radek Tymecki, who kindly provided me with samples of his Eminent 310 and feedback to tweak the oscillators and chorus unit of my instrument => http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=RadekTymecki
- Jürgen Haible, for his JH’s String Ensemble/Triple Chorus Solina chorus unit emulator. Wonderful piece of hardware => http://www.jhaible.heim.at/triple_chorus/triple_chorus.html
- Hertz SM, for his Flat Knobs => http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=userlibrary&type=0&ulbr=1&plview=detail&patchid=3837
- g200kg, for knobman, great utility to create animated knobs and sliders ==> www.g200kg.com/archives/software_knobman_e.html


Maik Kaune
3 months ago
Holy moly!!! Here in 2024. Glad I found this magical thing and creation by accident. THANK YOU, Hugo!!! !!!
Oscar Hernandez
1 year ago
I wish this could have the whole Eminent functionality, but it would be too much to say, it works awesome as it is, so thanks a lot.
Oscar Hernandez
1 year ago
This is by far the best string emulation of the Eminent out there, I simply love it. Even I restructured and added audio input to the diagram so I can link it to other instrumnents, I even isolated every effect in the chain to use them individually, they are really good, especially the small stone phaser
Scott Weiser
1 year ago
Sounds so good its incredible. Great job! Wow
1 year ago
Nice, I like it.
Hamish Mackintosh
2 years ago
Huge sounding...brilliant. Thanks
2 years ago
Thank you again - now for version 2.2.
2 years ago
@Hugo Portillo you need to go in the Preset browser (snapshots), then, on every bank, right-click any preset and choose "Show Meta info". Then, select all snapshots, right-click again and, in the sub-menu "NI Meta info", choose the right assignment (Instrument, Effect or both). Do this on every bank, and then save your ensemble. That's it! Now, Maschine and Komplete Kontrol will recognize your ensemble and it will be available on their browsers, as a sub category of Reaktor. :-)
Hugo Portillo
2 years ago
By the way, there were some questions about how to make this work with NI hardware (Maschine, etc). Sadly, I don't know as I don't have NI hardware to test.
Hugo Portillo
2 years ago
Thank you Pierre. The use of the effects is simple enough: you can save the Effects Macro as a separate module, create a new ensemble and load the macro. Then route the L/R inputs to it. The chorus is almost the same but you would need to work a little bit for the interface. It is contained in the Eminent Chorus macro.
Pierre Atoch
2 years ago
Amazing job, one of my fav Reaktor ensemble ! I tried to make a FX version of your Eminent but I'm not an expert. Is there a simple way to use it as a FX module ? Txs
B Fitz
3 years ago
Help! Can anyone get this to work on a Maschine plus??? Is this possible?
Craig Livingstone
3 years ago
This is an immense Reaktor ensemble. It sounds exactly like I want ...think - 'Camel - Lunar Sea' or 'Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene'. This is still the best Solina emulation out there!. The author deserves a medal (or a reasonable financial reward)
bruno burger
4 years ago
Fantastic ! this or Waldorf Streichfett ?
regis bourlier
4 years ago
Bonjour je désirerait savoir comment fonctionne le logiciel éminent avec un complète contrôle A61
Oscar Hernandez
4 years ago
Lafayette Escadrille, That's not it, he passes the Eminent output signal through an Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser, nothing else. Not even 2 phasers thing.
Olivier Renoir
4 years ago
Where do you install the four "Reaktor ensemble file" ? thx
Lafayette Escadrille
5 years ago
Quite cliche, but awesome recreation. If anyone ever wants to attempt to modify, try using 2 phasers, This is how Jarre did it although the circuitry has been slightly modified on the phasers to utilize that setup.
Daniel Hogan
5 years ago
JMJ. Fab'. Thank you very much.
Patrick W
6 years ago
Brilliant. Just brilliant. Thank you.
6 years ago
You made me buy Reaktor ! This emulation is over the top ! Very inspiring sound, and so nostalgic ! Thanks Hugo, your job inspired me as well. Your name will be on my Soundcloud ! https://soundcloud.com/monkeyclaps/disciple
bryan mcguire
6 years ago
admit it, :50 is what 19,000 people are playing over and over and over for hours.
Stanislav Voytsekhovskiy
6 years ago
francisco gonzaelz
6 years ago
this is epic and maybe im falling a bit in short of a description, absolutely amazing!
Phil Price
6 years ago
I was a teenage boy when Oxygene came out. It was an album that changed me forever. Listening to the sound clips brings goosebumps. Awesome ensemble that I really enjoy playing with.
chris M
6 years ago
Thank you so much for the hard work you did on this that the rest of us cannot do. It sounds stunning, and identical to Jarres Oxygene solina.
Greg (Empty Vessel) Cole
6 years ago
Ralph, from the description: "Since there has been requests from Reaktor 5 users, I have included it into the download package.". Great work Hugo, sounds absolutely spot on! Bravo.
Ralph Pambor
6 years ago
Nice work!! But a question: Where can i get the older version who works with reaktor 5!?
chris M
6 years ago
the demo is outstanding. Sounds exactly like Jarres solina on Oxygene. Many thanks for your hard work. I'll try my best to put this to good use Hugo =)
Marcelo Limarzo
6 years ago
Excellent work!!! Thanks!!!
Gary Cameron
6 years ago
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you.
Lafayette Escadrille
6 years ago
You may want to try 2 Chorus. That is one of the secrets to the Jarre style sound in real life.
Gotthard Ortner
6 years ago
Thank you very much. It sounds extremely good. I love your strings.
mauerhofer frederic
6 years ago
Gary Cameron
6 years ago
Thank you. I absolutely love the sound.
Eagleizer Eagle
6 years ago
Wow.. Just Wow! Thanks a lot!
6 years ago
Is there any way to sync the phaser to the host clock? TIA
6 years ago
You know, I haven't even got Reaktor and I wanted to come and say how wonderful the sounds are on this. My friend has Reaktor and blew me away with some sweet Jarre music and I asked him how he did it. The answer was, of course, this ensemble for Reaktor. This alone is making me want to lash out the cash for Reaktor. Absolutely phenomenal work.
6 years ago
Absolutely lovely and so thoroughly authentic. Extremely grateful for your work, thank you with much much appreciation for this.
bruno Marques
6 years ago
Hello, This is Great!! Is a 64-bit version available for use inside ableton? regards
Oliver Franck
7 years ago
Hi Hugo, do you maybe have an older work in progress version for Reaktor 5 users? Anyways downloaded all your synths. Thank you!
Zak Rahman
7 years ago
Yeah...that's a pretty strong demo. After like 3 notes, I'm downloading it.
Hugo Portillo
7 years ago
Thanks for reporting bugs, improvements and for your reviews. Sadly, I don't have versions of this ensemble for previous versions of Reaktor anymore. Sorry.
Brendan Perry
7 years ago
Wonderful emulation! My only bug bear is that the pedal key notes are sticking on the new update but seem to be working fine on the original version.
7 years ago
He's not wrong: Jean Michel Jarre!
Dirk Fellhauer
7 years ago
Thank you so much! This is simply GREAT! Can anybody tell me where I could find the Version for Reaktor 5? Thank you!
Manu Houssaini
7 years ago
Love your work. Thanks heaps.
Asterios Fakits
7 years ago
Thank you! I love Oxygen sounds!!
Simon Götz
7 years ago
Awesome Emulation. Immediately inspired me for a track. https://soundcloud.com/user-201765195-137204471/equinocture/s-e14A4 Thanks a lot for making this available!
7 years ago
This one is the best for sure!!!!!
Javier Garrido
8 years ago
Hi. Is it possible that you put a sample midi file for download like a file sound sample? Very nice sound. Thanks.
Javier Garrido
8 years ago
hi It's possible to download for Reaktor v6.0? Thanks
Benjamin Senn
8 years ago
Sounds great and looks good too
Jon Grönvall
8 years ago
Such an emotional sound, thank you for this gift.
8 years ago
My FAVOURITE User Reaktor ensemble (and it actually tops many many commercial ones too) gets updated. Hugo, you're my hero!!!! (^___^)/
Todd Tyler
8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Danilo Mazzone
8 years ago
nice one!
Ron Cort
8 years ago
Great ens. Thank you for your time and energy!
Starik Gen
8 years ago
Epic emulation!
8 years ago
Great work!
8 years ago
JMJ plays Reaktor?
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
Christoph Thompson
8 years ago
This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing.
Eduardo Brito
8 years ago
Excelente sintetizador, parabéns por fazer-lo. Gostaria de saber se voce tem a partitura o Oxygene part 1.
Vladimir Trinity
8 years ago
Amazing!! This instrument sounds just incredible! I was totally happy to playing with it! My night improvisations =) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ce7EaLO2KE
Jac Descolas
8 years ago
Thank you so much
Sergey Taranchenko
9 years ago
Best Eminent-310 strings ensemble emulation, perfect Jarre presets. Thank you very much!
Gary Cameron
9 years ago
Brilliant. Pure Jarre. Thanks for your work.
Francisco González Bustamante
9 years ago
This thing NAILS that wonderful Oxygene and Equinoxe sound, thank you so much !!!
Sam Mover
9 years ago
yves altana
9 years ago
why I'm asked to enter a serial number when I drop the Eminent-V 310 Strings Ensemble on my Reaktor player? Is this just a demo? Kind regards Yves
Toto Cutugno
9 years ago
Great ! Amazing ! I was looking for this many years ! Thank you so much, God bless you !
Pierre Simon
9 years ago
Simply by listening to your (what did you say? "lousy played"??) GREAT demos, it gave me the creeps!! Absolute amazing! I'm a Reaktor newbie, currently trying to "rebuild" my old beloved Crumar Trilogy. By doing some research for this job, I found your ensembles here. I love them! Chapeau Mr. Portillo!
Mikko Patama
10 years ago
Amazing emulation. And really good phase shifter just for this sound :)
Jan Gabler
10 years ago
Yeah, I love it :-)
10 years ago
Miloslav Veselý
10 years ago
Great, great soud !!! Thank you so much !!!
Mark Schumacher
10 years ago
Wow - the sounds on this! Thanks!
10 years ago
thank you so much) its great) the work you ve done is awesome
Sebastien Prouvost
10 years ago
Many many thanks for this great synth ! Great graphics quality too ...
michael serrat
10 years ago
Really , really great !!!!
Michael Lauer
10 years ago
I have bought Reaktor for this very ensemble! Amazing work, thanks a lot!
Phil Marsh
11 years ago
This is one of my favourite ensembles. That Jarre sound is virtually spot on. I can just play it for hours; its truly beautiful. Thank you from another satisfied downloader!
Torsten Pattberg
11 years ago
Hey, I got that AIR sound now. Thank you :)
Oli Ni
11 years ago
Awesome sound and great UI too, congrats !
Lars Bo Hermansen
11 years ago
This is a fantastic emulation of the eminent strings. Thanks a lot. It is very usefull. Stringers like this can be used in modern contexts too. In trance for instance. But these vintage strings have a certain capturing sound. Lars Bo Hermansen
Scott Wozniak
11 years ago
Superb work. This has found a permanent home on my hard drive. Awesome interface as well. A gem of a find.
Huen Alfee
11 years ago
Great!thanks a lot
Edwin Paat
11 years ago
When I load the Eminent-V 310 Strings Ensemble v1.0 in Reaktor it says: Use Reaktor5 in the Demo mode. What now? Kind Regards Edwin
Jörg Moeken
12 years ago
best I have ever heard!!
Olivier Portal
12 years ago
Fantastic !!!
12 years ago
Robert Searle
12 years ago
I think this is the first time I've ever left a comment on here. I haven't had the chance of using the Eminent yet but from what I've seen on youtube it looks truly amazing. I never thought in a million years I'd ever get close to that Eminent sound and now thanks to you I will. I only stumbled across it when I was trying to find a video about trying to get Reaktor to work through my pattern channels still haven't worked it though lol! Anyhow brilliant work you really have my admiration I think Native should definitely employ your talents. All the best for the future and in everything you do. God bless you, Robby!!!
Etienne Dorsay
13 years ago
Superb ... I've been a fan of JM Jarre since the late 70's (even if I felt that the magic rapidly faded after the first 3 albums and the China Concerts). This is pure bliss and A real gift from heaven to have such inspiring sounds at my finger-tips today ... Must try out your Solina emulation too !
Ronny Pries
13 years ago
Wicked - dope job!!!
Daniel Hogan
13 years ago
Great!!! :)
Rip Rowan
13 years ago
Really wanted to love this one - JMJ is my HERO - but all effect pedals crash Reaktor / PT (Reaktor 5 / ProTools9 Host). FWIW your Solina strings work great.
Chee Jun
13 years ago
Another great one, thanks for this and the Solina.
Andreas Kleinwächter
14 years ago
I like this one, thanks for making it
Neil Baxter
14 years ago
I spent hours just noodling away with this - it's brilliant. Thank you
Robin Fairey
14 years ago
I've loved this sound ever since hearing Jarre when I was 5, and your emulation is spot on. Playing this on my keyboard made me very very happy..!
Giuseppe Dio
15 years ago
This sounds great! It's a fantastic emulation of the original Eminent. Wonderful vintage sound... Thanks!
Volker Effinger
15 years ago
This Sounds so fantastic, it makes me want to have the whole Organ ! Thanks a lot !!
Andrew Huang
15 years ago
Love the FX on this one...
Christopher Scognamiglio
15 years ago
And again Hugo, this may even be better than your Solina ensemble, but I had to give them both 10/10 for sounds and looks.
Doc Little
15 years ago
awesome ensemble, great pads. Thx, I love this one
Doc Little
15 years ago
awesome soundz & great ensemble. I love this one
Peter Mochnaty
15 years ago
The sounds on this are wonderful, and the interface looks gorgeous. I love the A/B front/rear panel flip. Thanks, Peter
Stewart Tansley
15 years ago
Update: my problem was just a local environment one. Make sure your controller channel is set correctly. :) Superb Ensemble, Hugo -- thanks!!
Stewart Tansley
15 years ago
I can't this to produce any sound at all. I can get Hugo's excellent Solina to run with a little tweaking, but am I missing some big on/off button on the Eminent somewhere? I'm seeing MIDI just fine. CPU is 13% when idle. Sample reset to 44.1kHz. Intel iMac, 10.5.6. Reaktor full product, v5.1.5.002.
Philip Stuart
16 years ago
just awesome. as a complete reaktor n00b i thought it would be all hi-tech sound mangling. but to find a classic keyboard as impressively sonically rendered as this. wow.
Terone Bullock
16 years ago
Stephen Gallagher
16 years ago
Brilliant job! Thank you so much!!!!!!
Johan Brodd
16 years ago
Two words: Amazing strings! When I heard the mp3 I thought this guy cannot be seriously ripping Jean Michael Jarre's music and posting it on Native Instruments. That is why I think this plugin deserves a topspot in my reaktor library! Good going!
Jedinhopy Xelon
16 years ago
Know anybody out there possibly Build A Reaktor 5 Ensemble Between (Koyaanisqatsi-v1.9) (Eminent-V 310 Strings Ensemble v1.0). For More Wide Range of Sounds. Please.
Tomás Lobos
16 years ago
It sounds amazing! Really! So close to JMJ (sorry for my english - I'm spanish) One thing... I can't load it in FLStudio .. why?
16 years ago
This sounds fantastic of course, but it's even more impressive because of the ingenious split keyboard setup.
Jenkins Jenkins
16 years ago
Hugo! You have quickly become my favorite reaktor builder. All 3 of your posted ensembles are beautiful, and so versatile and sonically awesome. And the best part is, they get better and better with each new one you post. Big props, and keep up the good work!
Michael Barker
16 years ago
Goodness Gracious me. Wow. Cheers. Ta. gosh. Words fail me, excellent work... Gorgeous...
Robert Gage-Smith
17 years ago
This is superb, it's giving me loads of ideas. Top stuff!
Georg Fries
17 years ago
This sounds just so wonderful. A many many thanks!
Larry Lundgren
17 years ago
Wow! Killer. I'm loving it! Unreal if you ask me :)
Paul Reilly
17 years ago
Yes, yes, yes! :) I was a big fan of the Solina (sorry for not posting comment btw) and this is even better! Thanks to you Hugh and all involved. :)
Sandy Small
17 years ago
Magnificent piece of work. This sounds astonishingly like my Sequential Prelude's string section. Terrific interface too.
Delmas Yann
17 years ago
Nice ! THank you
Gary McCormick
17 years ago
wow! gorgeous sound! thanks for your work.
Kimmo Kivelä
17 years ago
Very nice! With this I can get even those garage organ sounds. Very real.
Antony Fewster
17 years ago
Great job - thanks!
17 years ago
Well done this is an excellent piece of work THANKYOU
Delmas Yann
17 years ago
Thank you very much : i hope the sound is as gorgeous as the interface
Peter Whiting
17 years ago
Hi Hugo, Your mp3 demo sounds really great. These old string machine sounds get me everytime. I particularly like the section that begins at 3:30. The effects really add some thing to the string machine sound. Fantastic.
Phil Durrant
17 years ago
very nice Patrick. i would love you to do a series of FX Pedals
17 years ago
Sounds amazing... :o
Donovan Stringer
17 years ago
This sounds out of sight! My only wish is that the delay time knob could be tweaked without the uglies.
Jonathan Style
17 years ago
I thought the Solina string was good, Thanks for out doing yourself! BTW I am horribly jealous of the artwork on this thanks for the inspiration. In other words, excellent stuff!
Raymond Szwec
17 years ago
superb! There are still more stringers out there - the Freeman, Logan.... ;-)