Styling - Primary Level
Portamento, True Glissando, & Effective Glissando Macro
This macro allows instrument performance styling; Enables either portamento, true glissando, or effective glissando in a "monophonic" instrument. It however utilizes polyphonic gate and note pitch information. The macro will remember the last pressed note to allow transitions from an old note to a newly pressed note.
Note: Gate signals are converted to a value of 1, so you will need to eventually reconvert it to the standard gate value for other macro sections to nicely handle amplitude/volume.
The portamento section differs from other and better implemented methods of portamento in that it could slide to the next note without ever actually hearing its new value (depending on envelope settings). True glissando uses one voice so sustain/release portions may become interrupted depending on envelope settings (which may be intended). Effective glissando allows each release portion to be heard in accordance to the available voices in the instrument/ensemble.
This macro was intentionally and exclusively designed on the primary level. In the macro you will notice an error correction section due to the handling of the linear envelope available from the primary module options. Because of this you may notice undesired gating properties with the effective glissando selection.
Portions of this macro could be modified with core elements; Scaled glissandos, "white key only" glissandos, or "black key only" glissandos could also be implemented (amongst other variations).
To view this macro in action please view the "ploke" ensemble. Please feel free to discuss this macro with me in the user forum. Special thanks to kid_sputnik in the user forum on his assistance with the voice allocation situation.