
This is an imitatation of an early pin matrix synthesizer.

(1.7K Votes)
2.1 (Updated 18 years ago)
October 25, 2004
Reaktor 5 or lower


Two snapshots banks are included, one by Sowari and one by myself. Some snaps start making noise without any manual interaction other are supposed to be controlled by the joystick, sequencer and/or Attack button!

You are obviously free to download and use this ensemble but you are not free to distribute it in any form (e.g. CD or web publishing etc) without my written permission.

SIAC 2 ---------------------
The GUI is updated and lots of snaps from Sowari. Also the output channel is modified to support 4 channels in parallell (L+R & rL + rR). This includes a change of the Output channel modulation behavior.

This ensemble does not use the Analog Legacy technology.


Bill Thompson
6 months ago
Ah - getting the 'event loop' error now for some reason (I have it turned off globally but it doesn't fix the error). Anyone else having this issue and know a fix? Such an amazing ensemble even after all these years!
Paul Robinson
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this.... I'm trying to find a patch to reproduce the synth drop on Roxy Music's virginia plain (about 30 seconds into the first verse) - struggling to find any info on how that sound was produced but think it came from this sort of synth - anyone know how to do it? thanks
3 years ago
It's free to use the sounds from any synth in the Reaktor user library in any way. What is not allowed is to distribute the Reaktor file (ensemble) in any form. The Synth-In-A-Case is made inspired by the EMS Synthi AKS. You will find lots of information searching the Internet.
Gian Carlo Grandi
3 years ago
...and third question: 3) is it possible to use sounds (like play a song with Synth in a Case) in commercial product? Do I need some kind of authorization or can I proceed independently? Do I have to pay anything? Thanks!!
Gian Carlo Grandi
3 years ago
Thanks very much ZooTooK for sharing this great product !!! Two question: 1) when the C key is played the shynt is deactivated, is there any way to avoid this? 2) I would like to learn more about the original product (Synt in a case mkII), i.e. image, manual, where it was produced etc... On internet I found little except a product attributed to Mexico. Many thanks again ZooTooK for the great job !!!
4 years ago
Great synth, thanks1
4 years ago
For the question below please use the Forum.
4 years ago
Just listened to Dark Side and started searching :) anyway, i'm a beginner to using NI so probably a dumb question, but anyway: I just imported Synth In a Case into Reaktor 6 and when I record I can see the midi info, but there is not sound on the playback. what am i missing? thank you
Patrick W
5 years ago
Ah, the sound of Oxygene. I played with the joystick until my eyes hurt :)
5 years ago
Wonderfull !!!!
Birthday Monster
6 years ago
One of the best in UL. You really nailed this.
PreSonus QA
6 years ago
15 years later, reading the 'Warning' now makes me smile. Thanks again for this great ensemble, still loving it.
Matt Hooper
6 years ago
I would love to check out Mitchell's lemur template for SIAC, the link is dead. :-(
Ryan Emmons
8 years ago
FIGURED IT OUT: I thought this was based on the VCS3, not the AKS! What I was missing is that the input volume knob doubles as a keyboard/sequencer pitch-increment knob when you set keyboard as the input. set it in between 3/4 to keep it in tune all across the keyboard. You can enable fine tune knob control under knob parameters to get a precise tuning. I tuned it to a KORG tuner :) (might be cheating, makes it too easy to tune!) Hope this helps someone who couldn't figure it out
Robin Parmar
8 years ago
As hard to play as the real thing. You are a godlike coder. Thanks for all your contributions which are first rate. Gonna spam this message now. :-)
Sheldon Pimentel
8 years ago
Great Synth!!!! But how do you TURN of the modulation when no keys are played? I turned of the sequencer but sound still pouring through. I tried different switches couldnt figure it out. Would be nice to play this like a normal synthesizer........
Ryan Emmons
8 years ago
This sounds incredible, a great take on such a wonderful classic synthesizer! It's loads of fun with a touchscreen computer. Is there any way to use a midi keyboard to play normal scales on the synth? I know the original synth could. Thank you!
Szentpétery Csaba
8 years ago
Good! l also have the xils-lab xils 4 plugin. Another vcs3 emulation.
9 years ago
An amazing recreation!
Daniel Wick
10 years ago
Amazing synth, thank you. Although, I should note that it appears that the level knobs for the pulse waves in OSC2 & 3 appear to be switched (2 controls 3, 3 controls 2). Just a little warning, as it confused me for a while. That tiny blemish aside, I'm enjoying this tremendously.
alex paschali
10 years ago
great stuff! thanx !
Jason Gupton
10 years ago
Very cool. Been fiddling with it for hours since DL. Great job!
Peter Guettinger
10 years ago
so cool, so spacey! Greetings to the timelords :)
simon pickering
10 years ago
This is amazing
guido verhelst
10 years ago
Very nice
Paolo Bragaglia
10 years ago
Wonderful! Respect!
Andreas Sandberg
11 years ago
Fabulous piece of work! Thanx!
Mitchell Cichocki
11 years ago
No problem. It's removed.
11 years ago
Michell, thanks for respecting my decision only to distribute the ensemble via the UL. The reason is not to encurage unlicensed users.
Mitchell Cichocki
11 years ago
I love this ensemble. I made a Lemur template for SIAC here: The ZIP there contains the lemur template and a copy of the SIAC ensemble with OSC stuff added. Then I saw the note on this page about not redistributing without ZooTooK's permission. (Sorry) I made the template for personal use and just thought I'd share because its fun to use. Let me know if it's a problem and I'll remove the template and ensemble from the Liine site.
Oli Ni
11 years ago
Stunning, and the sound is fat, very much analog like. Excellent work, thanks a lot!
year zero
11 years ago
sunday in the studio with SIAC and more:
Grant Atkinson
11 years ago
Wish I'd discovered this earlier. Amazing ensemble. Thank you. Greetz from Oz!
11 years ago
year zero
11 years ago
indeed. thanks again. whats your blog address.. also, i've found synthi "dopesheets". pretty cool stuff;...
11 years ago
Thanks for the kind words Year Zero! Love your abstract videos. I'll publish them on my blog.
year zero
11 years ago
simply amazing! cant thank you enough for your efforts. i'm creating patches now for an upcoming gig. heres a little screencast (real time visuals only) of your ensemble in ableton with strings: cheers
11 years ago
Emilio, I suspect the sequencer stop is due to some event reset when changing a switch state in the pin matrix. I don't know if it's possible to avoid. Replacing the switches to selector would probably solve it but it would probably increase the CPU load many times. Regarding the lack of analog feel to the delays I will review the whole ensemble making it more analog at some point.
emilio luppi
11 years ago
Hi ZooTook your ensemble is fantastic especially for experimental work! It has also a strong resistance to crashing irrespective of the weirdness of the parameters. I have two question. The sequencer stops when I change the pin connections in the matrix.. it's possible to avoid this? The only thing that I don't like so much is the delay.. it's so clean not so analog... I have added a feedback control and a low pass filter in the feedback network. It's more natural Ciaooo!
Lee Stirling
11 years ago
This is brilliant!!! Thank you so much.
11 years ago
The Sonic Couture Synthi AKS is a sample based instrument. I'm sure it sounds much more authentic at a much lower CPU hit but it gives you much less tweakability - and to me the turning those knobs and enter those pins is what the AKS is about. I've not tested the Sonic Couture Synthi AKS but I've got some other of their products and they're great!
Lesly Remy
11 years ago
Are you guys aware of the Kontakt version available from Sonic Couture? Much less CPU usage and the sounds is intense but would need to do a proper comparison to be sure.
Ryan Marsh
12 years ago
You put a lot of love into this ens. Now I can get that Dr. Who sound! Thanks
12 years ago
Great and mad!!!
13 years ago
Dropdowns on a Buchla? Heresy! ;-)
Trevor Gavilan
13 years ago
oh come on, use switches or lists for the Buchla!!!!!!!!!
CC lines of the acid
13 years ago
Yes it would be nice if it did NI.
13 years ago
I've worked on a Buchla imitation some years age but the problem is patch cable. It's just a too complex to make although Herw has proved it's possible. I'll complete it when NI provide pre-made patch cables. But I don't think it will ever happen.
CC lines of the acid
13 years ago
Zootook, I apologize that called you in a previous report zoolook, I like this track J. M. Jarre))))) you probably could make something out of Buchla?
James McNalley
13 years ago
Works very nicely on Reaktor 5.6. CPU use is below 10% on my Thunderbolt Macbook Pro. Excellent ensemble. Not only is the synthesis and graphic design very well executed, the patches are great too.
CC lines of the acid
13 years ago
I have no words. zoolook - you're a genius. I do not understand how it works :-)
Francois Demarle
13 years ago
Well ! I once had this beast, though I have not yet fully tested yours, and this Synthi-A is quite impressive ! Congratulations !!! ;-)
Paul Copeland
13 years ago
Hi Zootook. Back again. I got the syn running from the Reaktor demo. Unreal. Just this synth alone almost convinces me to purchase Reaktor 5 :) Best wishes and seeya. Paul.
Paul Copeland
13 years ago
Goodness. I am amazed and it takes a lot to amaze me :) I owned one of these way back around 1975 or so. I also had the pleasure or using a Synthi100 at the Melbourne Concervatorium. Hey Zootook, you next project could be to create a synthi 100 :) You are to be congratulated for such a lot of work. I am using the Reaktor Demo for Windows and I am not sure if I can actually play SIAC. Perhaps someone could clarify for me. Best wishes to you Zootook, you are a genius. Seriously. Paul.
Robert Stevenson
13 years ago
well I don't know how this is going to work out for me (moving fooled again from my nord modular to NI rig) but zork me this synth you have done looks and sounds superb - thank you very much
francois K
14 years ago
Just amazed at how nice this is... anyone can go on tweaking for hours with this. Thank you so much!
paul kendall
14 years ago
back to '73, lovely
jean Philippe PAEZ
14 years ago
Excellent excellent excellent !! I had an original AKS in a few years ago and I can say it's a great great clone....
Lothar Graetz
14 years ago
Xils 3 is quite good but for me SIAC is the better - if not the best - EMS clone out there. it sounds absolutely anarchic... vicious... simply wonderful. great great work ZooTook !!!
patrick dangles
14 years ago
Super look, super sound, i'm remember 70'years, thanks
14 years ago
tony saunders
14 years ago
best reaktor synth! Have already modded to add extra vco out's & extend the matrix. The real gem is the trapezoid. It's also inpired me to buy a real synthi clone (Analogue systems) as I can't afford the silly £6k price on ebay.
Adam Ritchie
14 years ago
Simply awesome!
Kenneth Balys
15 years ago
This is so much fun! Fantastic work!
Gennaro Giugliano
15 years ago
wonderful synth,thanks for your sharing
Andrew Huang
15 years ago
I'm not familiar with Synthi AKS but this thing looks great! Awesome Buchla style sounds.
Richard Bull
15 years ago
I love this so much - gorgeous work, and a lot of fun!
Jesse Juup
15 years ago
Awesome! I have been drooling to buy/build a Synthi for years and now I finally got reaktor and this. Very nice, thank you!
Bill Ambrose
15 years ago
massively impressive
patrick scott
15 years ago
I very rarely comment on ensembles, but this is the best one i've used so far. The GUI is fantastic, the sounds incredible, and it's reignited my search for a real synthi. This has been used all over an upcoming recording i'm working on and i feel i'll be using it for a long time to come, great job.
< Elektronix >
15 years ago
Awesome Synth! thankyou very much :)
Trevor Gavilan
15 years ago
By Far, this is the Best Synth Emulation within the Reaktor system EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anny plans on emulating another Beast from the past??????? anyway, Thank you so!!! much for giving this design to the community! Sincerely, Trevor Gavilan - check my music at
15 years ago
Aleks, the ease of use of the GUI is the genius design of Dr. Peter Zinovieff and David Cockerell!
Aleksandr Smirnov
15 years ago
Wow, this is really huge and essential top tool for producing experimental and unusual sounds. I really like GUI work as well - smart and easy to use. I haven't tried to make anything yet, but looking forward to study it more precisely. I'm looking forward to make some of own banks. Thanks for making this! 10.
Carlos Roberto Chavez Aramburu
16 years ago
Wolfgang Bittmann
16 years ago
Many thanks for this one, I owned an original Synthi A in the 70s until I traded it in für a MS20 , shame on me. You made my day!
16 years ago
Rick, there's some instructions in the ensemble. Follow the link to above for a proper manual for the synthi. Regarding sync you can sync the sequencer to midi.
rick kelly
16 years ago
Does it sync? Is there a manual? Thanks RK
Phil Brownlee
16 years ago
Closer to the real thing than I'd have thought possible in Reaktor. Thanks very much! Now, if only I had a MIDI controller with enough knobs...
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
Hi Z, I've been using your synth for over a year and love it. Just checked in to say hi and I just showed it to the guitarist from Betamax Bandits. He said his band can do a whole song with just one sound from this thing. Now, if someone can do a Buchla Box I'll be very happy... (hoping...!) So, what do we have @ NI Reaktor? Solina Strings, Minimoog, modular synths, AKS... what else does a pro muso need? I have nothing but respect and admiration for NI and all the geniuses involved with it, paid and unpaid. Keep up the good work.
16 years ago
pretty cool design, sound = ok, like to use da knobs.........thx
Sean Woodward
16 years ago
Ever since seeing Coil with a real one I've searched for something like this ! Fantastic job! I've used it on my CC licensed album EVOKATION OV HADIT -
Roland Duschek
16 years ago
Ive been lucky enough to have a play on a real one before,youve done a good job,two thumbs up :)
16 years ago
Roland Shure you can use SIAC in your coarse. Thanks for the kind words, Roland & Madden
Dave Madden
16 years ago
I never vote on here, but i have to give you credit for the greatest thing I've ever seen. This sounds so terrific and is exactly what I've been looking for.
roland kuit
16 years ago
zootook, this is a reaktor milestone!:) i remade an ems with the clavia g2 synth. but reaktor(you) beats it. i have a question. i teach electronic music and i would love to use your synth in a case in my coarse. do i have your permission? much regards, roland kuit(
marc billon
16 years ago
16 years ago
Thanks Jason!
Jason Filipchuk
16 years ago
too many in this list. if you ever read this, well done. have worked with the actual machine, top notch.
erick medina
16 years ago
It' about time!
Matthew Mitchell
16 years ago
lordy, this is fanastic. Thank you.
Robin Barklis
16 years ago
a labor of love? at any rate: amazing.
17 years ago
Brother - this is a modular synth good as any, but uses a pin matrix and not cables. There are no pre-set signal or control connections. But if you are used to classic synths like Moog etc, and browes through the snaps, I'm sure you can start tweak some new sounds out of it. Make sure to check out both snap banks.
Brother Rafen
17 years ago
*Sigh* I am almost afraid to download this thing because i always sucked at programming Modulars... I'm used to Oberheims, Moogs, Rolands, Yamahas, Sequential Circuits, ELKA, but never something of this stature. Before i DL can someone please tell me JUST HOW hard this thing is to use? TY
Kim Joris Boström
17 years ago
Fixed! It was the sequencer who started to play together with Cubase. Unfortunately, I could not find how to globally switch it off, so I removed the sequencer from the ensemble. Now I purely enjoy... thanks for this synth!!!
Kim Joris Boström
17 years ago
Great synth, but I can't get it to work with Cubase (both SL3 and Studio 4). I can play it as VST Instrument in Cubase with the MIDI keyboard, but whenever I record or play some MIDI already recorded, it produces strange random pitches and glitches. Anyone confirm this?
Fujiomi Kamiya
17 years ago
good! synth.
Clifton Cameron
17 years ago
Again . . . ZooTook . . . this is truly something spectacular. Thank You once again. Clifton Develle Cameron
russell witter
17 years ago
Wow! A real work of love. Great graphics, great sound and will save you 300 quid by not getting the official EMS Rehberg version. Download now!
Patrick Aurelio
17 years ago
My current favorite synth altogether! This is exactly what my studio has been missing. I've never used any of EMS's synths, but from what I've heard, read (including the full VCS3 manual) and seen, it captures the intent perfectly, and with useful extra features.
Stephen Gallagher
17 years ago
F**kin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 years ago
Christopher: Course you can use it in a project. Only thing you should not do is to re-distribute the ensemble file in any other forum than the user lib here at NI.
Christopher Soulos
17 years ago
Genius. I can't believe how good this is! And without an actual unit! Just finished reading a book on early synths especially the Moog and I own real minimoog in perfect condition and always wanted to know what was poss in the days before. Can I use it on a project?
17 years ago
Dariusz Krzywanski
17 years ago
Great emulation ! Nice looking ! Now I have "hardware" which was used by Pink Floyd in "Dark Side Of The Moon" :-)
Edward Hartley
17 years ago
Many thanks I read about the synth this was based on years ago. Getting my hands on this emulation was a joy
Stephen Irizarry
17 years ago
You are a sick dude! Thanks for this ensemble!
Nicholas Raftis
17 years ago
this is better then the vst that EMS is selling
David Jameson
17 years ago
What great fun ---- I had an AKS Synthi 30 years ago (sold it a long time ago, what a mistake) so SIAC is bringing back great memories. GREAT JOB
ian finegan
17 years ago
fabulous synth .just what i have been waitng for
Simon Mills
17 years ago
Absolutey amazing. I am lucky enough to own a real one and it's very very VERY close - how on earth you've done it is beyond me.. thankyou!
Peter Clark
17 years ago
Almost a dream come true! (One day I'll figure out how the gating works. Only failing so far is I can't figure out how to assign separate midi controls to X-Y
Nick Percival
18 years ago
I always wanted one of these synths since the early days...this thing is superb...thanks for sharing your work.
18 years ago
Chris Pratt
18 years ago
Awesome ensemble, I was lucky enough to get to play around with a real one at my old college, thanks for building this... definitely my favourite ensemble to date!
Matthew Osborne
18 years ago
This is my new favorite Reaktor Patch! It sounds amazing in combined with bannaan electrique.
David Waldman
18 years ago
As a former AKS owner, I feel reunited with my departed, minus the fredaches. YAY!
Robin Parmar
18 years ago
This is brilliant. Used it for the simplest thing -- wind sound needed for a theatre performance -- and it was perfect. Really does sound authentically old school. Though I only ever owned a Moog, not one of these oddities.
Fintan Doran
18 years ago
this is what owning Reaktor is all about - 30 years ago I drooled at one of these in a shopwindow - now I can play on at last !
ian stratford
18 years ago
Not the easiest synth to use for 'conventional' sounds, but who needs another one of those synths anyway ! By far the best synth i have used for pure, raw electronic sounds. It rips and pulses through the speakers like no other...
Mark Bonnington
18 years ago
There's some crazy sounds in this thing. In a good way.
Christian Bader
18 years ago
Top Ten
Jamie Maloney
18 years ago
So Vintage, so usefull! Hats Off! 10 starz
18 years ago
Robert, could you send me a PM from the forum?! I like to get in touch with you!
Robert Valentine
18 years ago
I have a Synthi A in my studio and have used it since 1972. If you need help in any way, photographs, samples, etc. I would be glad to assist. Thanks for your work on this project.
alex nimmo
18 years ago
An Amazing Instrument
Michael Murphy
18 years ago
I love the sound of this thing. It's living and breathing. Thanks for all your time on this.
Edward Coffey
18 years ago
Gorgeous ! I imagine that the old VCS3 sounds like that. Thanks
19 years ago
I finally decided to dust this off and I have to say, it's very difficult to learn at first, but once i got it, i was astonished by the natural grit and variety i could produce with it. Really a remarkable synth.
19 years ago
This is just truly amazing ! It looks & sounds incredible. It will take me some time to work this one out.
Matthias Hofherr
19 years ago
Fantastic Work, im Speachless. Please give us more !!!!!!!!!
David Jameson
19 years ago
I owned one of these a long time ago - still sorry I sold it (who knew) - so it's GREAT to be able to play with one again. Great implementation. Now if only you could color the knobs so they look like the original :-)
19 years ago
Nice to hear that the SIAC is appreciated! Bernie could you get in contact with me?! Please use the private post function in the Reaktor forum. I'm listed as ZooTooK there as well.
bernie bean
19 years ago
Well, I guess it time to sell my Synthi AKS! There is NO reason to keep it. The Synth-In-A-Case v1.5 it beyond all belief! For once in my life I am speachless. I have used other Synthi soft synths and they STINK OUT LOUD, not this one, it is SO SWEET. So I compared it to an actually hardware Synthi, Synth-In-A-Case v1.5 sounds more like a Synthi than the Synthi, and it's FREE! Life is good, THANKS
Hugo Portillo
19 years ago
WOW! I don't have enough words to praise this ensemble. I tried all the freeware and commercial PC emulations of the Synthi but from now on there is only one for me: Synth-In-A Case. Who needs more? :-) Brilliant, my friend ZooTook! This is destined to become a classic.
Andreas Wetterberg
19 years ago
Brilliant. I've been craving this synth for ages... Now, could you do a Buchla 200? heheh.
oscar finch
19 years ago
Superb - need I say more .
Jason Wolford
19 years ago
Thanks ZooTooK. I'm printing the Old School manual now. I keep meaning to copy and paste the text from the ensemble, I don't like most on screen documentation. Though it was very cool of you to build it into the ensemble for reference. I still prefer the pirnted manual or a searchable/zoomable PDF. Mine eyes, they not so good. I gotta tell you though, I downloaded this ensemble within a few days of getting Reakror V5, and I'm having more fun with this than ANY of the new ensembles, good as they may be. Thank you again!!
19 years ago
Jason/Sakabeat, recommended reading for those who want to learn to patching the Synthi is to download the Educational Handbook from Also make sure to read the intro text withing the Ensemble. The MAX synth doesn't seem to be an accurate Synthi imitation so the pdf might confuse you a bit if you are using it to understand the SIAC.
GG.G SakabeaT
19 years ago
a student made one in MAX!!!too bad it's Mac only,(pfff!!!;-})but for peeps who want a pdf there is one in the zip maybe could help peeps who need a manuals... i wish i could try this one too
Jason Wolford
19 years ago
I can't believe how much fun this is!! It runs like a champ and looks great on my Dual 2.5 Ghz G5 running OS 10.4.1 I launched it at work for my co-workers and watched all the jaws hit the floor in awe. I would love to see some new snapshots posted. Maybe a PDF tutorial on building a patch from scratch, for those of us who don't know our way around the patchbay. A PDF of the help documentation would be nice as well. This a beautiful Ensemble. Excellent work.
david brymer
19 years ago
Super noise maker
Adam Jay
19 years ago
this thing is amazing. a joy to use. i can spend hours patching and never drop the smile from my face. well done!
19 years ago
Daniel, signal inversion is actually a feature of the original synthi as described by Ian Boddy in an article. The microphone input inverts the signal. The outputs can be selected as input source from the drop down menus. Maybe not as accessable as your mod. but it's there.... I think one of my snapshots use this...
daniel miller
20 years ago
this is great! what ive been waiting for . blows all other synthi plugs out of the water. as a user of the original analog version this comes quite close sonically but its the interface in particular that is good. one mod i had on my old synthi which was very useful was a voltage inverter. the inverter was a pin conected to a wire-sorry im not very tech. it worked like this for example: say trapeziod was controlling output 1 volume , if inverter pin was plugged into output2 volume on trapezaoid row the signal was inverted on out2 creating great panninng effects. this system could be used in any cv row so the posibilities were amazing. thanks again!
Miroslav HERMAN
20 years ago
Superbe maccina! If it would be possible to design the authentics graduated scale knobs and big buttons of original Synthi-A, it would be ab-so-lu-te-ly-per-fect!!!!!!!
Peter Flemmig
20 years ago
A very good idea to create a genius Synth. Thank You! PFL
Dragan Jovanovic
20 years ago
Nothing more to say ! Thank YU for thiz thang ! D.J.
Clifton Cameron
20 years ago
I must say that this is my favorite Reaktor Ensemble. My love for this Analog beauty has been in existence since I was 12 years old. Here I am with the opportunity to witness the functionality to enhance the objects that often appear in my mind. Thank You for an amazing piece of work. Amazing, once again. Thank You
David Polich
20 years ago
Never mind, I figured it out. In VSTi mode, I can open the ensemble and then click on "menu" and then click on "ALL Panels to Front" and the GUI then appears. I'm not sure why this happens with a few ensembles and not all of them, but at any rate, I got it working. What a fantastic ensemble! It sounds like the Synthi A I remember. I rate it 11 out of 10, just great.
David Polich
20 years ago
I can't get the GUI to appear. The list of snapshots appears and some of them sound and some don't. In the middle of the ensemble window I see a small box labeled "picture". In the lower right hand corner I see a small box labeled "help text". I've e-mailed ZooTooK about it but it occurred to me someone else might have encountered this situation with some other ensembles and might know a fix. I'm using V-stack, Windows XP, Reaktor 4 (Komplete 2).
wolfgang spiegelburg
20 years ago
that's the one i had and i've sold it years it's on my laptop-thanks!!
Jean-pierre Brie
20 years ago
20 years ago
the bear claw want to say arrrrrg (great)
clive walpole
20 years ago
Clive Walpole. fabulous emulation of a classic.
20 years ago
Woooooooow, thanks!!!
Doss Shropshire
20 years ago
pretty fun, but a bit cpu heavy imo. fun for old style synth work certainly.
Gary McCormick
20 years ago
thanks! great sounds and potential for worlds of exploration!
mike hodges
20 years ago
This synth is great. Great job. It might be my favorite Reaktor synth.
Didier Debril
20 years ago
Yes effectively, Phil cannot try him it because he works on Mac. What I wanted to say concerning the tonal system, it is that I like I can work on the frequencies and not on note which are congealed, freezed. And it is what I like with your synthi it is as on the original we can modulate the frequencies, obtain atonal music. For the sound, the synthi AVENUES gets closer much more to the original, it is a question of color, grain, granular sound. It is difficult to explain (I have to have still sound examples, I can send it to you) but your there gets closer a lot. And especially, he allows to make magnificent sound textures. Musical best regards Ps : sorry for my bad english. Didier Debril
GG.G SakabeaT
20 years ago
just want to say thanx again,ZooTooK!!!i just spend few hours with this synth,tonight (again),and i'm sure of one thing,now:my neighbours definetely hates me now!!!
michael hollitscher
20 years ago
This is hours of family fun. Never touched the real thing, but this is a real happy accident machine. The snaps are great, and really lay out a good path for how to explore this .ens.
20 years ago
Thanks for the kind words, Didier! I think Phil can't try the Synthi Avs as it's PC only and he's on Mac. Not sure what you mean by "not working on the tonal system". It is possible to modulate the wave shape, which is not possible on the original. By the way, in what way is the Synthi Avs sounding more true to the original? I'm always open for improvements!
Didier Debril
20 years ago
I had for ten years, from 1981 till 1991, the synthi AKS, and I liked this machine. And then I changed for other synthés as SY 99 of Yamaha and who opens fascinating sound horizons. But I always regretted the EMS. Where from my enjoyment by discovering the competition of the EMS. Since I downloaded it, I worked hours even nights there to work sound textures. Bravo thus. We can work on the frequencies, except the tonal system. It's really great. For somebody who had never touched this machine, bravo. Things being what they are, I have just downloaded Synthi Avs VSTi of EMS Rehberg about which speaks Purcell Declan. At the level of the sound, it is effectively closer to the original. But very honestly, your machine is magnificent and allows to realize of very interessantes sound textures. Bravo still. An advice for Phil Durrant, that he downloads the demo version of EMS and that he notes patchs, there is 123. The noise every 20 seconds returns the unusable plugin. It is a tutorial excellent. Because to take advantage completely of the EMS, it is necessary to plant index cards in the matrix. It is a machine of experiment. Still Bravo. Didier Debril
20 years ago
Phil, I think Declan is refering to the Synthi Avs VSTi version by EMS Rehberg for €350. You can find it at I have tested it very breifely but not really compared it to the SIAC. I'm sure Synthi Avs is a very nice synth sounding close to the real thing. Mr Rehberg has extensive experience of the real Synthi.
john mcCaig
20 years ago
On the hook too!
Phil Durrant
20 years ago
"IMHO it\'s much better than the commercial one" :-) and a bit cheaper, i think they cost about £1800 that is about €2,580.
Phil Durrant
20 years ago
"IMHO it's much better than the commercial one" :-) and a bit cheaper, i think they cost about £1800 that is about €2,580.
Declan Purcell
20 years ago
I just love this, very Dr Who ;-). IMHO it's much better than the commercial one. already looking forward to whatever you come up with next.
Omar Sharan
20 years ago
off the hook
20 years ago
Cheers James, I will fix that at some point...
Manfred Schimchen
20 years ago
Fantastic Synth !! I never payed one , but now I know why the experimental guys were so keen on that "little Monster" I think Mid-Period Merzbow is the EMS and a lot of "Stomp Boxes"
Phil Durrant
20 years ago
"I just wish there were more patches" ?? :-) there are at least 60 patches, divided between banks 1 and 2.
James Clark
20 years ago
Very nice, a lot of work. A unique sound, maybe because of the trapezoid generator (btw trapezoid is mis-spelled in the mod matrix :)
Greg Sterling
20 years ago
Love this! I just wish there were more patches :P
Ned Bouhalassa
20 years ago
What can I say that hasn't been said before? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Kay Wächter
20 years ago
very well done. You put indeed lot´s of work into this great sounding engine.
Logan Susnick
20 years ago
This is just incredibly wonderful!
GG.G SakabeaT
20 years ago
or rearrange it into an A/B view and just forget about scrolling....
Zip Boterbloem
20 years ago
Phil Durrant (2004-10-26 09:46:01): about the vertical scrolling problem. are you guys on a Mac? here is what you do. minimise all the instruments by clicking the - sign by the view. now optomise the window (i think that it is the view settings in the toolbar) now you should have a very small window? next put the instruments back so you can view the synth and sequencer and make the window big enough to see all of this. now you should be able to scroll up and down to see the whole synth and keyboard. yes? - Yes. Thanks for the tip, Phil!
c bit
20 years ago
this is excellent.. i could play with this for hours!, i think ill be using it alot.. please make a v2 at some point :)
20 years ago
Benjamin, you can control the oscillators from the keyboard (most of my snapshots are set up that way). The keyboard is connected via the input channels.
Benjamin Suthers
20 years ago
lovely. absolutely lovely. it would be nice to be able to modulate oscillator pitch from keyboard follow though.
sean johnson
20 years ago
Absolutely fantastic. Truly a Reaktor classic. Thank you for your work of genius ZooTook.
Artur Nowak
20 years ago
Another Reaktor Classic. Electronic Instruments Vol. 3?
20 years ago
Rob, I'v had the SIAC in the pipe for 10-11 months, so I think I gave you a fair chance ;-)
Rob Blake
20 years ago
I've been working on a VCS3 for ages now... can't believe someone beat me to it... grrr... good work :)
Franz Raith
20 years ago
Kathie Talbot
20 years ago
the visual alone is so elegant and VERY industrial...beautiful!
Phil Durrant
20 years ago
anyway, i (of course) love this. the looping envelope/trapezoid alone makes this a must download. also the fact that you can shape the width of the sine oscillator as well as the other oscillators is brilliant. as a result you can create frequency modulation patches like no other synth in this library. the AKS Synthi was one of the most individual synths ever made and this recreates that (quirks and all) brilliantly.
Phil Durrant
20 years ago
about the vertical scrolling problem. are you guys on a Mac? here is what you do. minimise all the instruments by clicking the - sign by the view. now optomise the window (i think that it is the view settings in the toolbar) now you should have a very small window? next put the instruments back so you can view the synth and sequencer and make the window big enough to see all of this. now you should be able to scroll up and down to see the whole synth and keyboard. yes?
David Tamura
20 years ago
A Blast from the past...brilliant!
Zip Boterbloem
20 years ago
If it weren't for the vertical scrolling problem on my 1024*768 screen it would be a 10...
carlos vasquez
20 years ago
YOU SUNK MY BATTLE SHIP!!!!!!! too much fun. man i miss this thing!
Andres Jankowski
20 years ago
Sooooo Great!!!!! thank you very much!!!!!
20 years ago
Yes, Bagnoud, I'v seen it - I don't have a Mac :-( It looks accurate. There are several free PC VSTi and one commercial. The free ones are not close enought to the original to suite my taste, although very nice.
Storlon Infloria
20 years ago
Very nice thanks...By the way have a look a this freeware (For OS X)
GG.G SakabeaT
20 years ago
grandiose !!!
Red Wierenga
20 years ago
One small request: how about a button that triggers a crazy spring reverb bouncing around, emulating the effect of hitting the side of the case? Brilliant!
Red Wierenga
20 years ago
paul vogel
20 years ago
Beautiful. The best synth in a long time.
Claude Jordan
20 years ago
Great interface, the best analog synt for experimentation at end in virtual, great work claude Jordan
Don Dailey
20 years ago
One small problem I notice. Can't fit the whole sequencer on the screnn, even with scroll bar all the way down. Any way to fix this?
Don Dailey
20 years ago
This is quite an accomplishment! There are some sounds here I've not heard from any other Reaktor synth. Great job all around. Keep up the good work.
20 years ago
very impressive, great graphics, very interesting patches from sowari - tested on MAC OS X G4 733 (distortion at 44100, but good at 22050)
Cliff Douse
20 years ago
Analogue heaven! :-)
Kevin Hopper
20 years ago
Also, the reverb is incredibly realistic! Great for experimental musicians- Thomas Lehn would be proud!
Kevin Hopper
20 years ago
Unbelievable! An astonishing technical feat with great graphics.