
16 faders which loop and record the fader movements

(16 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 19 years ago)
October 02, 2005
Reaktor 5 or lower


This is my first upload, so be gentle ;-)

Basically, I wanted some way of recording automation without having to press record, and while retaining some sort of song sync.So click a fader, drag up and down, release and watch it go!

This version has 16 faders, which output control values through 16 IC sends, so you can wire it up in any ensemble with minimal fuss. It also has midi out.

It is super useful, if you ask me, and it will add a new level of madness to your favourite drum synth, live machine or mixer.

Known issue: I am too much of a newb to have a way of deleting the table data which remains after the mousebutton has been released. Any help would be much appreciated.


15 years ago
josh hinden
16 years ago
very cool! thanks...
19 years ago
very cool idea andreas. thanks!
Andreas Wetterberg
19 years ago
Thank you very much Jeroen - I'm glad you like it. If you have any ideas for an update, then please let me know.
Michael Polane
19 years ago
thanks....verry handy indeed