
morphing minimal drum machine

(827 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 19 years ago)
June 21, 2003
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer


a 3 voice virtual analog drummachine (bd sd hh)
with 2 16-step patterns, morphing and pattern alternation, and a space (on screen) saving
user interface.


Paul Hurtubise
12 years ago
cool. like the sounds. like the controls and the flexibility of the sounds. has a groove to it too. thanks!
Daniel Müller
12 years ago
so good..thanks.
year zero
14 years ago
thanks for your work!!
14 years ago
just getting the hang of it.
Karel Skakal
14 years ago
Great, I give you 10+! thanks
Richard Bull
15 years ago
really lovely. elegant goodness! Thank you!
Juan Ramos
15 years ago
Muy bueno, me gusta..
Alexander Kiselev
15 years ago
Thanx alot).. Great work!
Reuven Amiel
15 years ago
scott daly
16 years ago
this is fucking badass
sohrab motabar
16 years ago
Thank you so much, It's Greet
Teddi Withers
16 years ago
Good for what it is I guess
Daniel Salomon
16 years ago
Interesting approach to sequencing with synthesized drum sounds. Seems like Martin Brinkmann has SEVERAL good .ENS files to be thanked for having contributed.
Robin Barklis
16 years ago
the shuffle is especially nice
Christopher Soulos
17 years ago
This is a gorgeous piece of work. Love the swing function.
Drew Anderson
17 years ago
I just revisted this again and I found much joy. Just a fun usual ens. Nice work...
Sébastien Gicquel
17 years ago
Thanx a lot !
Sébastien Gicquel
17 years ago
Excellent ... I'm a new user of Reaktor and i have a lot of fun with this easy and powerful ens ... thanx
18 years ago
I love the hihat section. Thank you!
Ashley Marians
18 years ago
deceptively simple and so it is useable and powerful. i like editing ability for the drum sounds
Adam Freemer
18 years ago
Simple, clean and easy, nice one!
Del Burrough
18 years ago
Easy to get a good performance out of and a very useful tool. Excellent work
Reuven Amiel
19 years ago
Great !! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Toshiji Katoh
19 years ago
so cool thanks
James McIntosh
19 years ago
i do love your stuff. thank you.
Robert Croft
20 years ago
I don't know how I missed this one! Glad I found it though - thanks Martin. You RULE.
Omar Sharan
20 years ago
another great instrument fron martin
kurt otto
20 years ago
As we say here in Texas... Martin Brinkmann, you are "THE SHIT". In case anyone has any doubts, that means "the absolute best".
Richard Abagon
20 years ago
great rythm box. you are brilliant. \/\/()\/=[\]
Richard Abagon
20 years ago
great rythm box. you are brilliant. //()/=[]
Antonio Blanca
20 years ago
genial intrument minimalistik thanks martin
Phil Durrant
21 years ago
congrats martin for over 3000 downloads. a wonderful .ens by a reaktor genius.
Heath Rezabek
21 years ago
another great use of 2d morphing of sound and character; excellent work! -aqaraza
sasaki junji
21 years ago
Peter Baumgartner
21 years ago
sorry... Hi Martin, this is of course the most innovative drum machine I have ever seen. And I wanted to add that the first ovalseq-Ensemble (the one that was really oval) was one of the most astonishing things I have ever seen on my screen...I am still thankful for that moment, because it showed a completely unique way for interface-design (I think Interfaces are extremely important), as this drum-machine does, too.
Peter Baumgartner
21 years ago
Paul Jarrett
21 years ago
Another one of my top 10 favorite ensembles here. This is SO excellent. So simple and so effective. I have one client in particular with which we are featuring this ensemble quite a bit on an upcoming release.
21 years ago
21 years ago
Robert Schaap
21 years ago
My god man - I'm just flabbergasted by this... wow
Shaw Cunningham
21 years ago
Mr. Brinkmann, or anyone else designing .ens here, shouldn't take those anonymous ratings to heart... One honest, signed comment is better than 1000 anonymous votes. I wish NI would change this forum to keep a log of who votes how... If nothing else, those who cared could ask the people who voted negatively why they did so -- and thus cluing the designer in on some possible improvements. Anyway, I for one, thoroughly enjoy your work... It is fun to play and even, fo rme, fun to study the architecture... don't be discouraged by a couple of morons...
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 2001 downloads.I´m very pleased with this space saving drum pet.
Michael Storgaard
21 years ago
Fantastic!..And thanx for all the great ensembles you have build and shared -- they are very inspiring.
koki takai
21 years ago
guy papius
21 years ago
Chris R Gibson
21 years ago
I have a special "signature collection" folder just for select designers such as yourself. The hours of pleasure derived from your works ( and that of Didier Leboz, rachMeil, Lazyfish, Kev Hopper and the many others too numerous to mention here) is only exceeded by your generous non-profit contribution to this library. Enjoyed your web site also. Thank you and keep up the good work!
martin brinkmann
21 years ago
thanx for all the kind words! probably just someone who tried to be funny... anyway, i totally agree that a negative rating should be combined with some feedback. and any 'constructive critizism' is of course welcome.
Paul Linney
21 years ago
Gavin Lawson
21 years ago
Mr M been overly impressed with your ensembles and feel you deserve a pat on the back for all the work you have put in for the users...keep building
Thomas Watson
21 years ago
Jeremy Dickens
21 years ago
This is the coolest drumsequencing paradigm I've ever seen! Again, great work, Martin. I'm getting lots of ideas, as your ensembles usually do....
Chris List
21 years ago
Another totally ingenious concept from the mind of MNB. Very cool! If it's any consolation, I have gotten a "1" vote on all of my ensembles as well, I think everyone has. I don't understand it, but you know, people are funny, maybe they just want to see you work for your high rating or something. The ones are insignificant after a few honest votes - it's hard to bring a good man down. I just wish that if someone really felt it deserved a poor rating that they'd at least give some negative feedback.
Cliff Douse
21 years ago
Nice idea! If anybody did rate all of your instruments 'poor', they shouldn't be using Reaktor!
Jeff Horton
21 years ago
Out of every person that posts here, I look forward to anything you post, and without fail end up loving it! Thanks for everything!
Sven Röhrig
21 years ago
Darko Volaric
21 years ago
what an interesting little beast this is. top marks!
Henry Gibson
21 years ago
It is probably pure jealousy on behalf of other builders. Regardless, you make fantastic ensembles and we are all blessed that you share them with us. This one here is just another example of your great works. Thank you.
Dirk Van der Borght
21 years ago
I agree with Komp & Daniella. And mmmd1 is once again a fine example of your great work.
Daniella Ferdinand
21 years ago
Same as Phill Durrant. Last week I rated your madatmoz 10, now it`s 5.5. Anyway, thank you for sharing your great work.
Andrej Imamovic
21 years ago
I love your ensembles and I use them a lot and I just want to say thanks.
Phil Durrant
21 years ago
hi martin, maybe it is my fault ;-) everytime i give an ens a favourable comment and then a 10 vote an unknown person gives it a 1. this time i will not vote. as i write this you have 2 votes with a rating of 9.5. however i feel i have to make a comment. i love this, it is a beautiful way to make rhythms. the drum sounds are also great. for me this an example of an ens that not only shows off the software but is a great instrument to make music with. this will also make you think in a different way, so you will come up with rhythms that you would not have thought of.
martin brinkmann
21 years ago
there is a 'really' or 'only the ones which had already a ratin' missing in my previous comment.
martin brinkmann
21 years ago
to the person who rated all my instruments (of course not all - that would have been too much work) 'poor': you are a hero!