The TT-Amp

Guitar amp simulator

(204 Votes)
2.0 (Updated 20 years ago)
June 24, 2004
Reaktor 5 or lower
Effect Other


After some tweaking in Reaktor, I made this guitar amp simulation because I was frustrated with the usual fare of digital amp simulations.

This is the improved version of the tt-amp. The noise gate has been improved, the tube stages have been slightly changed, compressor effects have been added, and there are several new snaps.

A few words on the design: the Tone Controls are located in front of the distortion generating modules, so they shape the character of the distortion. For post-distortion sound-shaping use the 5-band graphic EQ and the various filters in the Cab Sim section.

Also, read the readme file in the zip if you want to endure more of my rambling on the structure of this ensemble. Otherwise, almost all controls are tooltipped for help.

There are over 25 snaps to get you started. Watch how you stage the gain on the four "tube" stages, it's important for the sound.

Sorry that the GUI ain't prettier, but I'm not much of a GUI designer. Feel free to reskin this if you want :)




Bryan Lake
3 years ago
Wow! This sounds lovely! It's also great for tweaking the separate tube stages.
steven bartlett
11 years ago
Do you know what, this is the best of the best amp simulators in my opinion. Used in combination with a another cab simulator, I get awesome tones with a bit of tweaking, Hendrix like clean and dirty, with my telecaster it covers all bases. Outstanding. You really should be selling this, my friend !
Giorgio Regni
13 years ago
Finally, a Mesa MARK inspired sim! I don't know why NI guitarrig doesn't have one yet! Instant Dream theater or Metallica Black Album...
Christian Derdul
13 years ago
Sounds really good! Better than alot of amp sims. Really High Gain preset with a little tweaking and some reverb-Outstanding.
gergely suto
16 years ago
This is of great help on the project I am doing right now. The guitarist is a real hardware snob and he is really happy with this effect. Thank you very much for this!
Daniel Salomon
16 years ago
If only the User Voting scale went to 11... Big thanks for this one.
josh van haeff
17 years ago
100% wicked! studio quality, metallica style mesa-boogie amp tones are achievable -i won't be needing my 160watt peavey head, 7-band EQ & 15" bass cabinet anymore.
Alex Fiorentino
17 years ago
Dude I'm a guitarist and this thing rips. Great for metal and rockand its awesome for ripping solos as well. Its got lots of possiblities. Smooth creamy tones, crunchy tone and Balls out tone. I used for countless demos. Put it this way I don't think I'll be buying guitar rig for a little while longer. Thank You.
ramon gooden
18 years ago
pluggin Strait in and sounding goog is what it is all about! This is a goody.
christian guba
19 years ago
Daniel Rauhaus
19 years ago
Tammo, it's stuff like yours that made me buy Reaktor :-) Thank you very much.
19 years ago
This ensemble is wonderful. Thanks!
Chris Fraley
20 years ago
Awesome amp emulator--I get really good tone without noise from my Strat.
Peter Dines
20 years ago
A great sounding amp sim. It's ballsy and bright and creamy.
Marc Benigni
20 years ago
This is amazing! I'm very excited about guitar rig, but this is paid for. Thanks so much. Really sounds great! Throw in an instance of Spring Tank and you're good to go. :)
Mark Bonnington
20 years ago
I really like this one. Keep up the good work!
Roland Weinschütz
20 years ago
Hallo Tammo, ich bin total begeistert von Deinem tt-amp! Dagegen klingt Baan Electrique doch ein wenig dünn, und der war schon nicht schlecht. Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Ensemble!
David M Retter Jr
20 years ago turned onto this on kvr forum..i like the way it sounds, nice addition to my guitar effects...threw a few ks4 sounds through this and it sounded great.
Robert Croft
20 years ago
pretty impressive as Reaktor guitar amps go - a very nice addition. Thanks Tammo!
Donovan Stringer
20 years ago
That's a nice job. Not enough of these around. I hope Guitar Rig will inspire Reaktor ensemble makers to take a stab at more stuff like this. Thanks man!