Classic Modular macros
macros missing on some versions of the Reaktor 4 cd
Zipfile made with WinRar this time to deal with a problem mentioned in the forum (see lower).
In response to a thread in the user forum, I uploaded some directories and macros from the Classic Modular collection, that seem to be missing on some R4 cd's:
in the "sequencer" folder:
1x Notes 4x Mod 8x Trigger
in the "MIDI" folder:
Selective Gates MIDI Keyboard
Selective Gates QWERTY-Lower Keys
Selective Gates QWERTY Upper Keys
in the "Filter" folder:
Multimode Resonance Limiter
the entire "Audio Modifier", "Event Processing" and "LFO Envelope" folders.
For some odd reason the Sequencer and LFO, Env macros don't show up nor extract if you use Win XP's built in extract tool; this time the zip was made with WinRar and if you use WinRar or WinZip to extract it, you should be able to see all files. Sorry about that.