
the old grainstates ensemble converted for r4

(34 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 20 years ago)
December 14, 2003
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Other


since the original grainstates ensemble which was
delivered with reaktor 3 has disappeared, here it is again, finally with all knobs visible ;).

its mainly for historical reasons, compatibility with snapshots etc.

if you just want to make graincloud-sequences,
you should use "grainstates classic" instead.


Bram Meindersma
6 years ago
Great, i just found this app, thanks!
Gel Brahman
9 years ago
Thank you so much! :)
Colin Consterdine
17 years ago
Snap 2 on this is absolutely CLASSIC. A must for any dubhead
21 years ago
Thank you Martin....Waiting for something new........maybe with analog filters or sine generators....
21 years ago
Thank you martin....Waiting for something new........maybe with analog filters
Phil Durrant
21 years ago
for me this is the easiest version of grainstates to understand. if you are new to reaktor, this is an important ensemble because it uses 8 "scenes" (kind of like snaps but not) to change the parameters of a graincloud sampler. martin is the "scene king" other notable users of scene sequencers are chris list and siegmar kreie.
martin brinkmann
21 years ago
i hope to find enough time to make something new soon...