If/then/else von Herwig Kraß
If/then/else von Herwig Kraß
0.1 (Updated 20 years ago)
November 02, 2003
Reaktor 5 or lower
Herwig Kraß created an elegant if/then/else macro. I liked the idea so much that I wanted to try to incorporate Chris List's comments:
Chris List (2003-10-29):
There's a little problem that I see with this - easy to spot becaused it's been a problem for me in some of my macros and it's the kind of thing you don't think about until you have a bug... The output should only change when the "if" input changes - not when the "then" or the "else" changes. That's how any procedural programming language (which is what you're trying to emulate) would work. From your example; "if (x>=in1 and x