Alien Probability Kit

Vile Beat Machine

(4 Votes)
1 (Updated 1 month ago)
January 28, 2025
Reaktor 6


The ensemble is hosted here.

Alien Probability Kit
feat. VILE Chaos

It is mildy amusing that so many humans still believe aliens don't exist. Well i can confirm they do!
If any of you are unsure and want to fact check this, just ask... and next time i shed my radioactive scaley blue skin, i shall post it to you for a thorough examination.
Now that long standing mystery is solved, its time for the serious business of alien beatmaking brainmelt style.

Alien Probability Kit has dual sequencers:
Sequencer 1 is a very simple clock driven with seperate limited Divs that can be assigned to the all drums.
It has a continous or pulse mode, pulse mode drops a beat from some of the drums to create the effect.

Or... Sequencer 2 - the Vile Chaos Beat Attractor (activate by hitting 'MAKE IT VILE!')
This is a 4 way implementation of the Vile Map, also known as the Vileness Iterated Map:

This creates a chaotic map based on the following equation:
v(n+2) = 1 - a * v(n+3)^6 + b * v(n-vile)

The Vile Number Beat Generator is autoseeded by a clock and spews out different beats. One of which will eat your brain, whilst the other three will simply watch, laugh and wait patiently for the yummy leftovers.

The speed of the seeding and brain eating is controllable, as is the direction and chewing - 5 way.

The beats are generated from nueronic Trilloids. The divisions of the Trilloids and speed of the Trilloids have controls,
aswell as a far more superior intellect than the average Terran.

This pummelling automated drum gen has 7 piece kit with a 57 step sequencer. If you had 16 extra arms, 5 legs, 200 extra brains and a few tentacles grafted onto your original body, there is a small probability you would be able to mimic some of the Vile Chaos beats, but only if you studied for a 1000 years...

Various vile steps have snare rolls, kik rolls and cymbal smashes, and a break down at step 51-57.
Direction is 5 way.
+ alien mode
+ extra fast hats
+ cybergrind mode
+ seed sequencer.
There may be a slight delay on startup as the excessively vile equations can sometimes take up to 10 seconds to calculate...
depending on the machines mood..... and if it likes you or not.

Fortunatley for you terrans all of the above can be ignored as the entire equation is controllable from the A and B controls 3 buttons and a random.

After selecting which sequencer the beat can optionally pass through a burst gen which adds in extra beats.
The number and spacing of extra beats is controllable.
The kik and snare have 6 trigger modes

1. gate - from the clock
2. burst - from the burst gen
3. G/B prob - takes a 50% probability of the first 2 triggers
4. Logic - OR XOR
the kik also has 2 triplets modes that are formed between the sample and synth layer.

From there the beat passes through a probabilty tube that can remove some of the beats, and then through a complexity chasm that will add in beats.

The clock has Robo control which will create stops, and has a PROB tri-saw modifier that modifies the BPM. (INT only)

Mod A+B have 4 sources Turing, 9 step, Percent and clocked. The later 2 are connected to the clock so the faster the beat , the faster the modulation, and a slow beat will have slow modulation. Whichever source is on the strength can be controlled globally by 2 macros at the top or individually on each block with a slider under the AB mods.

The rest is straight forward, a P/S multi mode filter, a nasty compressor, saturation and overdrive and a kit ambience. also includes Gen mode, block mutation and 4 X/Y's eq,pitch and volume dynamiks + Global and Indy randoms, multiouts and 10 global macros. Thats all folks!

Cheers to fellow aliens Brett for the filter, J. Tremblay for a modded one knob compressor, Maestro Hetrick for the Burst Gen,
Rachmeil for Geiger fly, and Paule for PATA dynamiks.


1 month ago
I guess not then... ur green osc is featured in the next gen though
Brett Lavallee
1 month ago
1 month ago
those aren't 'probes'; they are glow-sticks...
Brett Lavallee
1 month ago
Aliens do it better!