3x32steps Sequencer

3x32 steps sequencer rack built with the Toy Box Tangle Pack

(1 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 3 months ago)
November 25, 2024
Reaktor 6
Blocks Racks


A 3 track x 32 steps sequencer rack built with the Toy Box Tangle Pack, playable with a joint TouchOSC template. It "materializes" a physical sequencer in a tablet device for your musical setup workflow to jam and inspire your productions. The best way to use this rack is with a touch interface.

8 Sequencer modes: fwd, rev, fwd-rev, tri, patt1, patt2, rand, glitch
Snapshots: up to 4 to store and recall sequencer values
Transpose: +24 to -24 interval keyboard
Clock: 3 modes: Internal (Reaktor), External - Ableton Link, External - Clock Sync

- Requires the full Toy Box Tangle Pack and Free Pack https://www.toyboxaudio.com/
- Highly recommended to play it: TouchOSC modular control surface software https://hexler.net/touchosc
- A tablet device to play it: iOS(iPad) or Android

All the blocks are already fully OSC mapped ready to use with a TouchOSC template

Sequencer blocks:
3 Counter, 3 Position, 4x3 (12) Note, 6x3 (18) Gate, 4x3 (12) Level, 3x3 (9) Sum, 3 Multiply (Merge), 3 Clock, 3 Macro Knobs.

Utility blocks:
2 Gate, 2 Sum, 4 Multiply, 2 Invert, 1 Transpose, 1 Smoother, S&H, 1 MIDI out (3 ports), 1 OSC out (11 ports)

Complete instructions, setup and files:
GitHub: https://github.com/r1cdev/touchosc-reaktor-toybox-tp
Download the following files to use the template:
TouchOSC template: TBT-332-v1.0.tosc
Reaktor rack: TBT-332-v1_0.nksr

Youtube Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkv1q5DEcOg