DJ Morpzilla
Prehistoric GEN
A huge day... a really big welcome on board for the one and only DJ MORPHZILLA.
He joins the growing squad of prehistoric scaley builders.
Not the scariest of Dino's , and he is a bit confused as to be a Dragon or a Dino... so be nice while he is deciding.
He has many wicked dance moves and can be switched off easily, to slow him down, drop the lfo rate.
Being a hatchling his lyric writing talents are not quite fully developed, but i'm thinking his 'ROAR in TOKYO' track is not too bad for a first effort. Enjoy!
He was strutting down the streets of Tokyo
Feeling like a superstar, ready to put on a show
Suddenly, he made everyone stop
Morphzilla was ready to pop
The city trembles under his mighty roar
He's gonna show them what he is here for
Roar, roar in Tokyo
Morphzilla gonna steal the show
He will bring the fire, the passion, the heat
Watch him dance to this deadly beat
He is gonna take over this town
With his moves, both wings up and down
He will show them who's the real king DJ
Its Morphzilla , baby, can't you see?
He will unleash his inner warrior, his Dragon's cry
They won't know what hit them as he fly's high
He will take on any dancefloor, no fear in his heart
Morphzilla's in the house, ready to tear them apart
He will leave them stunned, with jaws on the floor
Morphzilla , the legend, is coming back for more
Roar, roar in Tokyo, that's the way it goes
It's Morphzilla the Dragon, everybody knows!
+ Dual Sample + Held LFO note GENS
+ Dual staged morph filters
+ Zillaverb
+ Diode Delay
+ Normal and Rapid random
+ GEN mode
+ Free GOLDEN NUGGETS* (conditions apply)
Quick hints:
- You can use gen mode and rapid random together at speeds of choice.
In this mode the ensemble autosnaps and auto randoms at the same time for some super crazy sampling.
- Cranking the LFO up transforms it into a rather brutal noize machine!
Cheers Brett for the Diode Block + Hetrick for the Out Block