Bionik Pulsar Pod 3
Alien Pod Racer
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Grab a Bionik Pod or 2 and get racing!
The infamously difficult Le Marantoulok track is jet black with burnt rubber, and Bionik Bobak is in pole position in The Pulsar Pod. He is revving it big style and ready to rip past the chequered flag so he can drown himself in expensive champagne...
From pit stop chugs, speed tests, engine tunings, sitting inside Jumbo Jet engines, hyperbolic overtaking phase analysis, hyber-boost turbo modal compositions, pile ups and fueling sessions all simulated to within 0.0001 nanometer of wave accuracy.
Line Up: Sponsered by NOPOG Energy Drinks +
Bionok Bob's Pulsar 8 Turbo Engine(s)
Version 3 has an output made up of 9 layers of sound
2 single outs from the complex osc
2 stereo outs from the Pulsar (1 is the distortion channel)
The Reverb channel
2 noise injectors
+ the stereo Bionik Pulsar Osc
+ the filter can generate a feedback layer
Modulation for some blocks are from the Low Freq Noise
and others the 3d chaos or tri.
The Pod can get quite excited when going round tight bends causing tyre screeches and occasional engine explosions.
Thanks a ton to Michael Hetrick for the incredible EuroReakt Collection + Laurent for the conv macro + rachMiel's Geiger and N.I. for the other components.